Treat X legs

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Straight Legs in 30 Days! Fix O or X-Shaped Legs (Knee Internal Rotation)
Video: Get Straight Legs in 30 Days! Fix O or X-Shaped Legs (Knee Internal Rotation)


X-legs, or genoa valga, is a condition in which there is a gap between your feet when you are standing with your knees together. If you are a teen or adult with X-legs, exercise and lifestyle changes can help support and strengthen your knees, although they will not cure the condition. In severe cases, or if you are concerned about an underlying condition, see your doctor. He may be able to recommend a surgical correction. If your child has knees that do not correct themselves as they grow up, or if there are complaints such as pain or difficulty walking, take your child to the doctor for an examination and treatment.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Treat X legs without surgery

  1. Try light exercises strengthen your knees. When you have X-legs, it is important to stay fit and train your leg muscles, but at the same time put as little strain as possible on them. Your doctor or physical therapist can recommend light exercises that are gentle on your joints, such as cycling, swimming, or walking. In addition, you can talk to them about exercises that specifically target the knees but don't have an increased risk of injury or arthritis, such as:
    • Write letters with your toes
    • Kicking backwards while standing (kick-backs)
    • Wall squats
    • Leg lifts
    • Step-ups

    Precautions: Always warm up your muscles for at least 5-10 minutes before exercising. This helps condition your body and prevent injuries during exercise. Try to warm yourself up with light cardio, such as walking or cycling on a stationary bike.

  2. See a physical therapist experienced in treating X-legs. If you have X-legs as a teen or adult, you are at greater risk of developing knee pain, arthritis and sports injuries. Ask your doctor to recommend a physical therapist who can provide safe and appropriate stretching and stretching exercises to help strengthen your knees and prevent complications.
    • Unfortunately, stretching exercises on their own cannot correct X legs. However, they can help prevent injuries and keep your condition from getting worse.
    • The type of exercise you should do depends on factors such as the severity of your symptoms, your age, body type and overall health.
  3. Strengthen your knees with yoga. There are a variety of yoga poses and exercises you can try to build strength, flexibility, and stability in your knees. Yoga is especially helpful in the treatment of knee problems in conjunction with physical therapy. Find a qualified yoga therapist experienced in treating knee problems, or ask your doctor or physical therapist to recommend someone. They can teach you how to do the postures and exercises correctly so that you don't further damage your knees.
    • Some good poses to strengthen your knees are the Warrior and the Triangle.
    • Iyengar yoga can be particularly helpful in the treatment of knee complaints, such as osteoarthritis and knee pain. Search online for an Iyengar yoga instructor near you.
  4. Do a knee-friendly Pilates workout. You can also use Pilates to strengthen your knees, relieve tension and improve the mobility of your knee joints. Find a Pilates instructor who can guide you through some good knee exercises, or ask your doctor or physical therapist to recommend someone.
    • You can also find guided Pilates routines online specifically designed to treat knee problems, like this one:
  5. Try the Feldenkrais Method to improve joint stability and alignment. The Feldenkrais Method involves working with a certified instructor to correct the way you stand, move, and use your body. Feldenkrais techniques can be helpful for improving your gait and the alignment and stability of your knees. Search online for a Feldenkrais therapist in your area, or ask your doctor or physical therapist to recommend one.
    • Before getting treated by a Feldenkrais therapist, make sure they are certified.
    • You can find a list of international Feldenkrais guilds and associations at the following link:
  6. Wear well-fitting running shoes to support your knees. Good running shoes can do a lot to relieve your knees and ankles, and you can benefit from them even if you are not an athlete. Go to a store that sells athletic shoes and explain to the seller that you are looking for shoes that can help with your knee problems. The seller can help you choose a pair that is right for your specific needs.
    • You will likely be recommended running shoes designed to correct overpronation (where a foot rolls inward when you run or walk).
  7. Consultation about having leg braces or insoles for extra support and walking correction. Your doctor or physical therapist can recommend special shoes or braces that can help correct the alignment of your feet and knees. These devices can also take some of the pressure off your knees so that your knees don't deteriorate. Ask your doctor or physiotherapist which aids are best for you.
    • Many people with X legs have one leg that is longer than the other. Orthopedic shoes can help correct the difference, making it easier to walk and run without straining your knees and feet.
    • In addition, such shoes can help prevent your feet from rolling inward as you walk. This is a common gait problem in people with X-legs.
    • You may also benefit from a leg brace that supports the outer part of your knee joint.
  8. Eat to support your bones and joints. In addition to exercising safely and in the right way, you can protect and support your knees with nutrition that strengthens your bones and the surrounding tissues. Talk to your doctor or a dietitian about what foods are best for your knee health. Some options they can suggest are:
    • Various colorful fruits and vegetables, especially antioxidant-rich choices such as berries and dark leafy greens.
    • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, seeds and nuts, and vegetable oils.
    • Lean proteins, such as fish, poultry fillets and beans.
    • Anti-inflammatory herbs, such as turmeric and ginger.
    • Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products, eggs, fortified cereals and canned fish with bones.
  9. Try to lose weight if your X legs are related to obesity. Extra body weight to bear can put stress on your knees, worsening your condition. If you are concerned about your weight and how it may affect your legs, talk to your doctor, a physical therapist, or a licensed dietitian. They can recommend weight loss strategies that are safe and healthy for you.
    • Your doctor will likely recommend a combination of diet and exercise to help you manage your weight safely.

Method 2 of 3: Get medical help

  1. If your X legs are new or severe, see your doctor for an examination. If you've recently developed buckling knees as a teenager or adult, it's important to see a doctor to find out what's going on. Your doctor can examine you and determine if there is an underlying medical cause, such as arthritis in your knees, vitamin deficiency, or a knee injury. You should also see your doctor if your X-legs get worse, cause pain or make it difficult to walk, or if the abnormality is extreme (e.g. if there is a space of more than 7-8 cm between your ankles if your knees are together).
    • Your doctor may order blood tests or X-rays to try to identify any underlying conditions or complications related to your X-legs.
    • Depending on the cause and severity of your X-legs, you may be referred to an orthopedic specialist (a doctor who specializes in bone and joint problems).
  2. Take medications or supplements if your doctor recommends them. If your X-legs are the result of an underlying medical problem, such as a vitamin D deficiency or rickets, your doctor may recommend taking supplements or medications to treat your condition. Let your doctor know if you are already taking any medications or supplements, or if you have other health problems, so the doctor knows what to prescribe safely.
    • If your X-legs are caused by rickets, the doctor may prescribe vitamin D and calcium supplements for you.
    • If your X-legs are related to osteoarthritis, your doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory medications or joint-supporting nutritional supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin.
  3. Consider surgery to correct severe X legs. If you have severe X-legs that hurt or make it difficult to walk, corrective surgery may be a good option for you. Osteotomy is the most common type of surgery to correct X legs in older teens and adults. In this procedure, part of one of the bones around the knee is cut away and the bone is adjusted to permanently correct the joint's alignment. Ask your doctor to refer you to an orthopedic surgeon if they recommend an osteotomy.
    • If your X legs are caused by or related to severe arthritis, your doctor may recommend knee replacement surgery.
    • Corrective operative treatments for X legs are usually very successful.

    Tip: Corrective knee surgery such as osteotomy and knee prostheses usually involves implanting foreign materials (such as plates, screws and artificial joints) in the knee. Let your doctor know if you are allergic to metals or other materials so he or she can select the right one.

Method 3 of 3: Treating X legs in children

  1. Adopt a wait-and-see attitude with children under the age of seven. It is very common for young children to develop X legs as the muscles in their legs develop. The condition usually first appears in children between the ages of two and five, and usually clears up by the time the child is seven. While it is a good idea to have your child examined by the doctor, should they develop X legs at this age, it is likely that no treatment is needed.
    • If your child develops X-legs before they are two, talk to the pediatrician or family doctor.

    Good to know: While not all young children develop X-legs, they are considered a normal part of a child's growth and development when it occurs between the ages of 2 and 5.

  2. Ask a doctor to examine your child if the condition has not improved by the time the child turns seven. If your child's knees haven't recovered on their own by age 7, make an appointment with your family doctor or pediatrician to find out if there is an underlying problem. Probably there will be a physical examination, and possibly a recommendation for other diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or blood tests.
    • You should also make an appointment with a doctor if your child develops X-legs after age 7 or if the X-legs are causing problems such as pain, difficulty walking, or undermining self-esteem.
  3. Treat any underlying conditions that could be causing the problem. Common causes of X-legs in children include vitamin deficiency (such as rickets) and knee injuries. If your child's doctor is able to pinpoint and treat an underlying cause for your child's persistent X-legs, they may also be able to treat the problem and make sure that the problem resolves itself.
    • Depending on what is causing the X legs, your doctor may recommend medications or supplements for your child.
  4. Choose a physical therapist to help your child with strength and walking problems. If your child's X legs are causing pain or affecting the way they walk, then physical therapy can be helpful. Ask your pediatrician to recommend a physical therapist who is experienced in working with children with X-legs.
    • Physical therapy is especially important if your child needs surgical correction of the knees. The therapist may recommend exercises to restore strength and range of motion after surgery.
  5. Purchase special braces or shoes for your child if your doctor recommends them. If your child's X legs don't self-correct by the time they turn seven, orthotics can be very helpful. Your child's pediatrician or physical therapist may recommend a special shoe or shoe insert to correct your child's walking. They may also prescribe a night brace - a leg brace that your child wears at night to help straighten and realign the knee.
    • Ask your child's doctor, physical therapist, or orthopedic specialist to show you how to properly put on your child's shoes or braces.
  6. Look to guided growth surgery if other approaches don't work. While surgery is usually not necessary to treat X legs in children, your doctor may recommend it if your child's X legs are severe or do not respond to other treatments. The most common surgical treatment for children is called "guided growth surgery". Ask your doctor if this procedure is right for your child.
    • Guided growth surgery is usually performed around the time of puberty (between the ages of 11 and 13 for most children).
    • In this procedure, a metal device is implanted on the inside of the knee joint to correct the knee's alignment as it grows.
    • After knee surgery, your child may need to use a crutch or walker for several weeks. Usually all regular activities can be resumed after six months.