Get World of Warcraft for free

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Play World Of Warcraft FOR FREE!! FOREVER!! | WoW Goldmaking
Video: How To Play World Of Warcraft FOR FREE!! FOREVER!! | WoW Goldmaking


World of Warcraft (WoW) is one of the most popular online games in the world, and you can now play the game for free with no restrictions. Your account is limited, but you can play the game as long as you want. If you are an experienced player, you can use your gold to buy game time from Blizzard, allowing you to keep playing WoW without having to spend real money.

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Method 1 of 2: Create a free starter account

  1. Understand what a free account can do. Free accounts can be upgraded to level 20 (out of the possible 120 levels) and you can keep playing until you reach that (without accumulating additional XP). Free accounts are also limited to 10 gold. Free accounts also have limitations on built-in communication and you cannot join a Guild.
    • If you have a membership that has expired, your account will change to a Starter account with all of the above restrictions, except that your character will have the opportunity to join a Guild just like your other characters. You will not be able to access your characters higher than level 20, but you can create new characters.
    • Starter accounts are a great way to play as long as you're not sure if World of Warcraft is right for you.
  2. Visit the page to create an account in World of Warcraft. You can access this page via if you live in the US. Otherwise you should visit and search the page for your country to create an account in WoW.
    • If you already have a account, you can log in and download World of Warcraft right away.
  3. Fill in the form to create an account. Make sure you use a valid email address so that you can confirm your account. You don't need a credit card to sign up for the free version. Click on the "Play Free" button after completing the form.
  4. Click on "Download the game" to download World of Warcraft. If you accidentally close your browser or need to download the file again, get it from
  5. Run the installer. The World of Warcraft installation file is very small and the download should be completed in a few moments. Once done, you need to open the file to install
    • is the launcher for World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games.
  6. Confirm your account while the launcher is installing. You should receive a confirmation email to the address you entered when creating your account. Follow the link in the email to verify your account.
  7. Log in to with the account you just created. World of Warcraft will ask you to start the installation. Click on "Start installation" to begin the download.
  8. Wait for World of Warcraft to download and install. World of Warcraft is a big game (70 GB), so downloading will take a while even with a fast connection.
    • You also need to make sure you have enough disk space to install this game. Click here for tips on how to free up disk space.
  9. Start playing. Once World of Warcraft has been downloaded, you can launch the game in and start playing. You have to choose a server and create a character before the adventure starts.
    • New players should avoid RP (Role Play) and PVP (Player Vs. Player) servers until they get used to the game.
    • Click here for tips on how to get started and get the most out of this game.

Method 2 of 2: Renew paid memberships with gold from the game

  1. Understand the procedure. WoW tokens were introduced in an update to World of Warcraft on April 6, 2015. These are items that players can exchange for a 30-day membership to World of Warcraft. Tokens can be bought with real money and then sold in-game for gold in an "auction house". This allows you to actually buy the membership with gold you earned in the game.
    • Since starter accounts do not have access to the auction house and WoW tokens are very expensive, this is not a suitable method for free starter accounts. You must have a paid membership to access the auction house and have earned enough gold to renew your membership.
  2. Collect enough gold. When the Wow tokens were launched, they were made available at the auction house for around 200k-300k gold (depending on the server). The price is now determined by the players themselves and fluctuates based on supply and demand. Still, WoW tokens remain relatively expensive, so you will need a regular supply of gold to purchase it on a monthly basis.
    • If you collect gold effectively, you can earn about 1000-2000 gold per hour. This means that you should be able to purchase a WoW Token after a few weeks.
  3. Open the auction house. You can use your gold to buy WoW tokens in the auction house. You can access the auction house through most major cities in World of Warcraft, and many cities have more than one location for this.
    • Auction house offers are linked for the entire faction, so you will find the same offers in each auction house.
  4. Select the "Game Time" category. This will display a list of all active WoW token offers.
  5. Place your bid or buy the Token. The Token will be delivered to your Inbox. Click on the Token in your inbox message to add it to your inventory.
  6. Right click on the Token in your inventory. Click on the "30 days game time" button to confirm that you want to add the time to your account. 30 days of game time will be added to your current membership. Your new renewal date will be displayed in the window. Finally, click on "Accept" to confirm again.
    • You will receive a confirmation email to the email address of your account, letting you know that the transaction has been completed.