Win by 2048

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Winning 2048
Video: Winning 2048


2048 is an addictive game available for computers, phones and tablets. It's not hard to figure out how it works, but it's hard to win. You can play the game online or download it for iOS or Android.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Basic instructions and tips

  1. Learn the rules. You probably already know how 2048 works, but we will explain it to you just to be sure. This is how the official game works, but there are a lot of parodies, imitations and even predecessors, and these games work just a bit differently.
    • Swipe the screen up, down, left, or right to move all number boxes to that side. Each block moves in that direction until it hits the wall or another block (on the computer version, use the arrow keys).
    • Every time you move something, a new block with 2 or 4 will appear randomly.
  2. Try to get to 2048. If two cubes touch each other through a certain movement, they merge to a value equal to the sum of the two squares. For example, 2 blocks of 2 will merge into a block of 4. The goal is to make a block with the value 2048.
  3. Pause and look ahead. What often happens is that you are so absorbed in the game that you start playing as quickly as possible. If you want to have a better chance of reaching 2048, it's better to take it slow and only make a move when you're ready. Look ahead and try to imagine what the field will look like after your next step, or at least what will happen with a few key blocks.
  4. Focus your attention on a corner. A common strategy is to build a high number in a corner. It doesn't matter which angle you choose, but once you've made your choice, stick to it.
    • This tactic works best when the corner is part of a row that keeps filling. This way you can move blocks from left to right without bumping away the block with the high value.
  5. Take your chances and make sure that different blocks merge. If you see a long row of equal blocks, it is usually a good idea to combine them to give yourself a little more room on the field.
  6. Try to alternate up and right swipes. A good basic approach is to swipe up and to the right until there are no more cubes moving. If that happens, swipe left, then continue swiping up and right again. This is no guarantee - in fact, you probably won't get there by doing this alone. But you can get a fairly high score with it, so it can be an easy way to beat your own high score.

Part 2 of 2: The strategy to win, step by step

  1. Swipe left and right several times (optional). Start a new game then quickly swipe left and right. Continue this until you have a number of rows of 2's, 4's and 8's. This is not necessary to win, but you will put yourself in a good position and you will create blocks with high values ​​faster.
  2. Place a block with a higher value in a corner. Combine the previous blocks into a block of 16 or 32 and place this block in a corner. The purpose of this method is to keep the block in place for as long as possible, while the value keeps increasing.
    • This strategy was applied to the 2048 world record, reaching the last block in 1 minute and 34 seconds.
  3. Keep the row with the tall block filled. For example, if the block with the high value is in the top right corner, fill the entire top row with blocks. If you now alternate the directions in the direction of the corner (in this case upwards and to the right) you can get this right. When the row is filled you can move left and right as much as you want, without moving the block with the high value out of the corner.
    • Keep an eye on the row and fill in gaps if possible, without moving the corner block.
  4. Focus on joining smaller cubes. During most of the game it is more important to make blocks with 8, 16 or 32 than blocks with high values. These blocks with average values ​​will gather around the corner block. This way you can create a chain reaction of different combinations, which takes you much further than focusing on building a high value within one block.
  5. Move small, stuck cubes. Often things don't go quite the way you want, for example a 2 or 4 gets stuck between a 256 and a 64, or similar awkward positions. Then take a break and think carefully about each next step, focus on freeing that little block. There are several tactics to do that:
    • Choose a block next to the stuck block and think about how to combine them. If it is a large block you will have to plan several moves to get this done. Once you have a block next to it with the same value, you can merge the two blocks by moving the block you wanted to merge.
    • Another way is to make a hole in the row with the small, stuck block, then move it left and right until it is placed over a block that it can be combined with. This method does not work very well on a full field.
  6. If there is no other option, move your corner piece and then place it back. In almost every game you will come to a point where you will have to move your corner piece. Look ahead to determine which direction is most beneficial. Swipe in that direction, then swipe right back to get the tall block back into place in the corner.
    • In some copies of the game you can make a move where nothing moves, a block will still appear anywhere. In that case, in theory you never have to move your corner block. However, it may still be necessary if your field becomes very full.
  7. Keep trying until you win. It still takes some luck to win, so don't expect to win the first time. If you have to move your corner square and a new square appears in the corner, the chance of winning is suddenly much lower. You could still win if you can get rid of five or six empty cubes, or if your highest cubes are 64 or 128. If you are already further in the game, it usually makes no sense to look for a solution.


  • If you've already won with 2048 and you're looking for a new challenge, try to reach 2048 with the lowest possible score. Since you get points with every move, it is quite a challenge to reach 2048 in as few moves as possible.