Know if your friend is lying to you

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
10 Signs Someone is Lying to You
Video: 10 Signs Someone is Lying to You


Reading someone's body language is complicated because this form of communication is not universal. You should pay attention to the cues related to a person's personality, social factors, what they say and how, and the setting. You may not have access to all of this information, but it helps to use as much of it as you can. By knowing the context, you can interpret someone's body language and try to see if their body is saying something that their words are not saying.

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Method 1 of 3: Watch for lies

  1. Put all myths about body language aside. There is no universal sign for lying, otherwise no one could lie successfully! A person's body language is the result of their current situation, energy level, personality, trust and intimacy with you.
    • There are many behaviors associated with lying that people then try to avoid while lying to avoid being caught. For example, looking down is often considered a sign of lying, and so many liars avoid looking down when they lie.
    • Some people develop a certain sign, habit, or reactions to certain emotions or situations they find themselves in. If you know this, you could discover a lie. For example, if your son usually smiles when he lies, you can use that body language as an indicator.
    • If you know someone's ticks and habits, then it is likely that the person knows them too. Most people compensate to avoid body language, which could be an indication that someone is lying. For example, if you and your son know that he usually smiles when he lies, your son may start to avoid smiling during a lie to deceive you.
  2. Know the few patterns that do exist. While there are no universal signs of lies, there are general body language trends that reveal lies. People who lie are generally more tense: their pupils dilate and they often move more restlessly with their bodies. People who lie often also try to look indifferent.
    • But someone can be restless or look indifferent and still not lie
    • Body language patterns vary greatly from person to person
    • Pup dilation can happen for a number of reasons other than lying
  3. Accept your own strengths and weaknesses. Body language is a "non-verbal channel," or a way to receive messages from other people without words or speech. There are three main channels: kinetics (facial expressions, eye contact and body language), haptonomy (touch), and proxemica (personal space).
    • In general, you will become most adept at kinetics first, then proxemics, and then touch.
    • People are usually better at understanding pleasant kinetics than unpleasant ones. So that means that you are better at noticing happiness and excitement than fear, disgust or lying
    • If you don't know exactly what proxemica entails, take the following test. The next time you're waiting in line for something with strangers, do it the way you usually would first. Now take a whole step closer to the person in front of you. Does the shorter distance feel more uncomfortable? Does the other person adjust their position according to your own movement? The non-verbal communication about personal space is called proxemica.
  4. Learn cultural differences. Non-verbal messages differ per culture. For example, in Finnish culture, eye contact is a signal of kindness. But in Japanese culture, eye contact is interpreted as an expression of anger. Don't forget the cultural context of yourself, your boyfriend or girlfriend, and the situation you are in.

Method 2 of 3: Listen to see if someone is lying

  1. Listen to less. When people lie, they often give short answers to questions and elaborate less on their story. They can also pause and take more time to respond. When they do respond to comments and questions from others, they will provide much less rich details.
    • Ask the other person to tell a story that should be long. For example, ask what someone's plans are for the holidays. Avoid questions to which the other person can answer "yes" or "no".
  2. Pay attention to the details. If you listen carefully to the way the person tells their story, you can sometimes find that it is a lie. Liars use more sensory words, such as "I saw," "it smelled like" or "I heard." They are also likely to use other-targeted pronouns and phrases such as "she forgot" or "something happened to the car" instead of "I forgot".
    • Liars are less likely to correct themselves while telling a story than someone who is telling the truth.
    • Keep an eye out for far-fetched stories that don't seem possible.
    • People who lie generally make less use of gestures.
  3. Pay attention to his / her voice. Is the person speaking in a higher tone than usual? Is the person speaking faster than usual? Quieter or louder? The discomfort of lying usually makes voices sound higher, but some people can compensate or take a different route. If your partner has an unusual ring to their voice, this could be a sign that they are lying.

Method 3 of 3: Watch for behavioral changes

  1. Pay attention to when they are home. You may not know where your partner is for a long time. Unexplained times when the other person is present can be a sign that he or she is lying, or that your partner is lying where he / she has been.
    • Talk to your partner about what he / she does when you are not there. Be respectful of the other person's personal space, as well as the relationship you have.
    • You can check stories by asking questions about them to friends, family or colleagues.
  2. Check your finances. Dishonesty in relationships can arise from financial disputes or problems, and it is important that you check your bank account, extra money and wallet. This step is more relevant for married couples, but applies to anyone with shared finances.
    • Pay attention to any costs that are unknown to you.
    • Don't dig into someone else's personal financial history without their permission. You can view your own or shared finances.
  3. Watch what they do. When your husband / wife / friend is nearby, they may act differently than before. This could be anything from checking their phone more often to giving them a kiss before bed. Behavioral changes can include almost anything, including lying. Investigate the cause of a change in behavior, in case your loved one is lying.
    • A common change is the answer given to questions: people who lie don't like to be questioned. "Why do not you trust me?" or "Who wants to know?"
    • The change in behavior is perhaps most noticeable in social media, text messages or at work. You may not immediately notice.
  4. Examine your own relationship. Is your loved one's trust a permanent problem? Has your partner lied to you before? At a certain point it is no longer a matter of whether your partner is lying to you: in principle, it is then about the feeling that your partner could lie to you at all. If you suspect that your partner is lying to you, look at the overall picture of your relationship with this person. Systematic lying, or a series of lies, can be a sign that something in the relationship is not working.
    • If your partner is lying, you will have to decide if you want to move on and forgive the other person.
    • In order for forgiveness to be possible, the perpetrator must show responsibility and repentance and repair the relationship by changing their behavior. You have to recognize the efforts of the other and reinforce a positive perspective.


  • Learn to trust your partner again.
  • Your love partner can meet some or all of these criteria and still not lie.
  • The best way to tell if your friend is lying to you is to ask them about the truth and get an honest answer.To do this, you can show that you value the truth over punishment.
  • If you're not asking for the truth, the best way to find out if your friend is lying is to know him or her very well. If you know all the subtleties of your partner, you will notice when their behavioral patterns or way of speaking is different than usual.
  • Let your partner know how you feel and communicate without judgment.
  • Avoid sarcasm about important or serious topics, and use positive and affirmative statements to move forward with the relationship.
  • Even if you know your friend is lying to you, you still don't know about what. A classic example is when you think your girlfriend is lying about cheating, when in reality she's being secretive about learning a new language or taking dance lessons.