Know if someone likes you

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Signs Someone Likes You
Video: 10 Signs Someone Likes You


To find out if someone likes you, start by observing their body language. Then see if the other is trying to make eye contact.Check for an increase in physical contact or insecurities, especially when it comes to a boyfriend or girlfriend. Pay attention to physical cues when it comes to a shy person. Think of sitting close to you or accidentally bumping into you. Don't ignore the obvious signals from someone who is fairly direct.

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Method 1 of 4: Pay attention to body language

  1. Understand body language. 93% of all communication is non-verbal. This is broken down into their voice, face, body, and ultimately their words. Men and women have some forms of body language that are similar, but also have specific subconscious signals that they send when they like you.
  2. Recognize a woman's signals. Women are able to transmit more than fifty signals through body language. Although not all signs can be recognized, there are a number of recognizable idiosyncrasies. Some examples of larger indicators to look out for during a date or conversation are:
    • She pulls up her sleeves and bares her wrist. This is a good signal, and most women are not even aware that they are doing this. In doing so, they expose one of their most tender and sensitive body parts.
    • She tries to shorten the distance between you. She can do this in several ways. For example, she can slide her drink or the menu in your direction.
    • She will look for a way to touch you. Some women will do this in a pretty smooth way. For example, she says "look here" and then shows you an app on her phone. As you get closer, your bodies may come into contact with each other.
  3. Recognize a man's signals. Men have less of an arsenal when it comes to body language. An example of a signal to watch for is when the man pushes his shoulders back and focuses his breath on his chest. Another strange example is when a man puts his fingers through the belt loops of his pants like a cowboy.
  4. Watch for eye contact. Eye contact is the universal indicator of body language with which a lot can be communicated. Both men and women will use eye contact when they like someone. Try not to maintain eye contact for too long or you may ruin the mystical element that surrounds it. The most annoying thing that can happen is when you both look at each other and then quickly look away.

Method 2 of 4: Discover feelings of falling in love with friends

  1. Be aware that friends can become "more than friends." This is quite common. People often think they are just friends at first, when one of the two begins to develop intense feelings for the other. EXPERT TIP

    See if you perceive clear signals. Here are some examples of signs that a friend has fallen for you:

    • Touching your shoulders or asking for a hug.
    • Offering a sweater or jacket in a gallant way.
    • Making jokes about the people / person you are dating.
    • When you are invited by him or her more often.
    • When you are kissed on the cheek or when the other person asks to be kissed on his or her cheek.
    • When he or she regularly asks who you like.
  2. See if you perceive insecurities. You may find this with all types of attraction, but it is especially common when the people are friends. They will constantly monitor your response to certain things. For example, they watch you smile when they joke.
    • Be careful when you hear them talk about insecurities about their appearance. They may be self-deprecating and compare themselves to someone you find attractive.
  3. Start a conversation. If you like the other person too, that's great and you should tell them this. However, if you prefer to just stay friends, you should be careful.
    • It's best to just be honest. Don't try to beat around the bush. Be open and honest about how you feel and how much you value your friendship.

Method 3 of 4: Recognize the shy and awkward type

  1. Recognize the shy type. This type will not be open to you and will not admit that they like you. This is the type of person who will have a quick chat with you every now and then. You may catch the person looking at you from time to time.
    • This is usually the type of person who doesn't date very often. When they do date, they tend to have long-term relationships.
    • You can usually identify this type by the way they behave around their friends compared to the way they are in front of a person they have a crush on.
  2. Look for signs that they like you. These people are not intentionally shy. Some people just don't have that much self-confidence. You should therefore not immediately serve such persons. A shy or awkward person may show that he or she likes you when:
    • They occasionally say "hey", but say it quite softly, so that they can hardly be heard.
    • They may blush when you talk to or touch them.
    • You catch the person looking at you. If they turn their heads when they realize you are looking back, they were looking at you.
    • They ask you for help with things they already know the answer to.
  3. Try to see if they want attention. Someone who likes you might do something to get your attention. See if the person starts talking louder when you are around, or starts laughing with their friends when you are near.
    • They may not communicate with you directly through social media, but they do "like" some of the things you do online.
  4. Be aware that some people are afraid of being rejected. Some people will do next to nothing to show that they like you because they are afraid of being rejected or flouted.
    • This is common in younger people who are not yet aware of the fact that rejection is part of life.
  5. Look at the signals. While it may not be readily apparent in this type of person, there are indeed minor clues. Pay attention to the following signs:
    • The person accidentally bumps into you lightly so that he or she can touch you for a moment.
    • The person will sit on the chair next to you while there are plenty of other free spaces. If the person is good enough, he or she may even get closer after a while.
    • The person will be the first to notice when you are sad or angry, as he or she is watching you.

Method 4 of 4: Recognize the type that is quite direct

  1. Recognize the type. Some people don't feel like the "do they like you" game and go straight for their goal. Some people just don't know shyness at all! This type may be a "player" who is just good at saying the things you want to hear.
    • Be somewhat wary of this type if they fire some bad opening lines at you and you feel like they are trying to manipulate you.
  2. Recognize the signals. Whether or not you want them to like you, you need to be respectful of the situation. Nobody likes a mess. Here are some examples of signs that they like you:
    • They talk to you all the time to the point where it becomes almost annoying.
    • They blush at the slightest thing you do or say to the person.
    • You catch them staring at you and then start laughing or making a funny face when you get it.
    • They don't seem to have any fear of starting a conversation.
    • They may ask if you feel like doing something together and then give you their phone number.
  3. Decide who takes the first step. You don't have to wait if you like someone. Waiting for the other person to take the first step is overrated. Get the most out of the life you've been given. Invite the other person to have a cup of coffee together or go to the movies.
    • If you're not interested and you know the other person likes you, don't ignore her. Be open and honest about your feelings. Treat the other person with respect and don't put them on a leash.


  • Trust your instincts. If your instinct says he or she likes you, it probably will. He or she may not show the required signs of attraction, but your instincts can often tell you if someone has feelings for you.
  • If they ask for "advice about girls" or "advice about boys," they may like you and want to get to know you better. They may want to find out how you want to be treated as a friend. Don't rush if you like the person, as this is not always the case.
  • Don't be afraid to try and make more physical contact with them. Playfully try to poke them in the side while teasing or while walking or sitting side by side, sit closer to each other so that your shoulders touch each other lightly. If you feel confident, give the other person a hug when he or she has accomplished something and talks about it. Watch how the other responds to the touch; how often is it answered, or whether it is answered at all.
  • Remember: when they are shy, they probably won't tell you how they feel. If you like the person and you are sure that he or she likes you too, don't be shy, talk to him or her.
  • If they annoy you very much, talk to them. Don't get mad at them, talk to them. They will probably tell you what they feel and will not be annoying about it. Nobody should be hurt during this event.


  • If you trust your instincts, be careful that your own affirmation is not affected by recognizing the feelings of another. You can avoid a lot of disappointment this way.