Know if a man is attracted to you

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You
Video: 10 Subtle Signs Someone Is Attracted To You


Knowing if a man is attracted to you is not rocket science. There are many easy ways to tell if he's attracted to you, from studying his body language to seeing how much eye contact he's making. If you want to know if a guy is attracted to you, skip to Step 1.

To step

Part 1 of 3: See what he does

  1. See if he is doing you favors. Is he coming to bring you coffee? Does he give you lifts home? Unless he's really such a good citizen, he's probably not just doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He must be attracted to you, and hopes he will receive something more than just "thank you".
  2. See if he comes up with reasons to be around you. Does he keep asking if you need his help, from chores around the house to shoveling snow? Does he cook for you after a long day? If he's always finding ways to be close to you, chances are he's attracted to you.
  3. See if he does extreme things when you are there. If a guy is interested in a girl, he will try to impress her. He'll even risk serious injury to get your attention. Think of diving into the water from high things, or "surfing" on moving cars. He also does this because he hopes for your care should he injure himself. If he's generally less likely to take risks, or if he just does this more often when you're around, chances are he's just doing this to impress you. See if he tries to see if you are watching if he has done something risky. If so, he is really only doing it to elicit a response from you.
  4. See if he flirts with you. A boy is not going to flirt with girls he is not attracted to. If a guy is flirting with you, he is probably trying to gauge whether the feelings are mutual. Flirting seemingly innocent can mask his fear of rejection. See if he's playful around you, if he's teasing you, and if he likes making you laugh.
    • Just make sure he doesn't flirt with every girl. If he's a chronic flirt and flirting is just his way of talking to girls, it might not be that much of a deal.
  5. See if he gets jealous when you hang out with other guys. Do you see him visibly unhappier when you go out for a coffee or lunch with a male colleague? Does he pay attention to who you hang out with? If you have a male boyfriend, is he a little bit critical of him? His jealousy doesn't have to be obvious, but if he's really jealous of you and that other guy, he'll draw attention to that. Or he acts extra distant when you've made plans with that other man.
    • How a man shows his jealousy differs from person to person. But if you notice he's jealous, that's a big sign. It indicates that he is attracted to you.
  6. See if he gives you small gifts. If he gives you flowers or small tokens of appreciation that make you smile, then that definitely indicates that he is attracted to you. Why else would he take the time and effort to give you a present that will make your day a little more special? Maybe he plays down the gift when giving it, pretending it's not a big deal. He does this in case you turn him down. But of course he does it because he likes you!
  7. See if he acts like a gentleman when he's with you. If he holds the door open for you, pulls up your chair when you sit down, offers you his coat, and does other courteous, chivalrous things for you, chances are he is attracted to you. Chances are he wants a little more. Note that he does not behave like this with every woman.
  8. See if he puts himself in the fold when you are there. If he's messing with his hair, picking dust off his clothes, messing with his cuff, adjusting his belt, wiping stains off his shoes, or whatever - chances are he's attracted to you. If you notice that he is extra self-aware about his appearance, often looks in the mirror, or simply pays more attention to his appearance when you are around, it indicates that he likes you.
  9. See if he's running at the same pace as you. For real! Research has shown that when a boy walks with a girl he is attracted to, he slows down or speeds up a bit to keep up with her pace. If those same guys were walking with girls they weren't attracted to, they didn't adjust their running pace to that of their running partner. Next time you walk with your crush, make sure he adjusts his walking pace!

Part 2 of 3: Reading his body language

  1. See if you can catch him staring. If the man is attracted to you, chances are you will be able to catch him doing this. Obviously, don't try too hard on this, otherwise he might think that you are staring at him (which you actually do, but well ...). If you look up and see that he is trying to hold your gaze, he is probably attracted to you. If he quickly looks away or seems embarrassed, those are bonus points.
  2. See if he tries to hold your gaze. If your looks meet, and he keeps staring at you in a way that makes you blush, then he lingers for a moment because he's really attracted to you. He wants more from you. Of course, if he's a little more shy, he might look away, but if he keeps looking at you for more than a few seconds, chances are he's attracted to you.
  3. See if he turns his body towards you when you talk. If the man is attracted to you, he will subtly - or not so subtly - move his body toward you when you are talking. This is part of the overall appeal. If he sees you, he will turn his shoulders, face, arms, and body toward you. If he turns away from you, he may not be that interested.
  4. See if he fiddles a lot when he's with you. If you see him messing with his shirt buttons, tinging his nails, fiddling with objects, shuffling his feet, or just getting a little nervous, he's probably because he's attracted to you . These are all classic signs of nervousness. And if you make him a little nervous, well ... He'll fiddle more than usual. That's because he's excited by your presence.
  5. See if he's always looking for excuses to touch you. If he's really attracted to you, he'll do whatever it takes to get closer to you. He may place his hand in the arch of your back as you walk into a room, maybe give you a light pat on the shoulder or arm, or stand close enough to your feet or legs touching.
    • If he really wants to get close, he might just pull a tuft of hair out of your face.
  6. See if his face "opens" when he talks to you. See if his lips are slightly apart. This is a classic sign of attraction. If he's attracted to you, his lips will pull apart slightly when you make eye contact or talk. See if his nostrils widen slightly when you talk. See if his eyebrows rise a bit when you are talking. All these things indicate that his face opens up when the two of you are together. That's because he really likes you.
  7. See if he always focuses on you. When you're standing, make sure his head, shoulders, and feet are all in your direction. If the guy finds you attractive, that's his way of showing you that he wants nothing more than to get closer to you. If he's looking away, turned something else, or moving his feet away from you, he may not see you in a romantic light.

Part 3 of 3: See what he says

  1. See if he asks for you. Did you hear from your friends that he was asking for you? Did he ask if you had a boyfriend? If so, he is absolutely attracted to you. It can be quite difficult to find out if he asked about it without inquiring himself. It will then be abundantly clear that you want to know because you also like him. But if you've heard it in the corridors, it certainly indicates that he likes you.
  2. See if it starts rattling when you get there. Maybe he gets so lost in his attraction to you that he keeps rattling on and on about his love for Star Trek, or about the bond with his little sister. This kind of cute behavior stems from the fact that he sees you in such a way that he no longer has control over what falls on his tongue. He may even apologize to you for talking so much. He might say something like "I don't know why I told you that." He can do this because he is afraid of looking like a fool.
  3. See if he opens up to you. If he is attracted to you, he may reveal to you personal things that he normally wouldn't tell anyone else. This is because he wants to get to know you and because he wants you to get to know him. If you find him opening up, or even saying something like, "I've never told anyone this," or "I haven't talked about that in years," it could be because he's really attracted to you, and want you to learn more about him.
  4. See if he talks to you in a lower voice. Research indicates that men lower their voice pitch when talking to women they are attracted to. The next time you talk, pay attention to his pitch. Compare it to how he talks to his friends or other girls and see if you can notice a difference. If you can, chances are he is attracted to you!
  5. See if he always gives you subtle compliments. These probably won't be as obvious as, "You're so hot. I'm so attracted to you!" However, he can give you more subtle compliments that, when added together, make it clear that he really likes you. Maybe he tells you that you have a unique hair color, that you have a beautiful smile, or that he likes that you are always happy. See if he's complimented you several times recently - maybe he's trying to tell you something.
  6. See if he just smiles when you are there. If he's attracted to you, then he's definitely going to laugh more often. That's because he's excited to be with you. He may burst out laughing at something you said but wasn't even that funny. Or something that was not intended to be funny at all. All of that indicates that he is attracted to you.
    • On the other hand, he can also be so nervous that he doesn't laugh at your jokes and fun at all. In that case, he is too concerned with what you think of him and therefore cannot concentrate on what you have to say.