Making friends

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make New Friends Song ❤ Friendship Song for Kids ❤ Brain Breaks & Kids Songs by The Learning Station
Video: Make New Friends Song ❤ Friendship Song for Kids ❤ Brain Breaks & Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Getting to know new people and making friends can seem quite difficult or even impossible, but if you put in a little effort and try to step out of your comfort zone, it often turns out to be not that bad. To start, get out and visit places where you can meet people, such as a club, association, or volunteer organization in your hometown. Once you've met some new people, take a moment to get to know them better and start doing things with them. You will also have to put some time and effort into maintaining the friendship.

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Method 1 of 3: Look for places to make new friends

  1. Make sure you are available. If you want to make friends, you will have to go out and meet people to begin with. If you only sit at home alone, someone may knock on your door, but the chances are not that great. For example, if you are still in school, sit somewhere with other people. It doesn't have to be a very busy table, but try to pick a table with at least two other people.
    • Remember, friends will rarely approach you when you are alone at home playing on your laptop.
    • If you see opportunities to get out and meet people, seize them. Try attending social events at school or at work. If someone invites you to a party, don't hesitate and go!
  2. Join an organization or an association to meet new people. Joining something is a great way to get to know other people who have similar interests. You don't necessarily have to share a lot of different interests with them to make friends with other people. Ultimately, most valuable friendships often arise between two people who actually don't have much in common at all. On the other hand, if you are specifically interested in something, look for a place where you can meet people who share that interest.
    • For example, you could join the drama club at your school, join the local brass band, a book club, or any group that does something you enjoy.
    • If you play an instrument or like to sing, see if you could play in a band or join a choir. Becoming a member of a sports club is a great option if you like to do sports or just want to try something different or like challenges!
    • If you are a believer, a church, a mosque, a temple, or any other place where people gather to pray can be a very good place to start because you and the other people there share at least the same faith.

    Tip: There are many ways on the internet to find groups that share your interests. For example, search for groups near you via or check out the pages of groups or events near you on Facebook.

  3. Volunteer for a cause that you stand behind. Volunteering is a great opportunity for people of all ages to make new friends. By working together you create a bond with other people. You may also meet people who, just like you, have a passion for making the world a better place (you support the same cause).
    • In your spare time you can, for example, work as a volunteer in a retirement home, a hospital, an animal shelter or a foundation.
    • Search the Internet or call local charities to find volunteer opportunities in your area.
  4. Try to connect with people you already know. Chances are you already know people with whom you could become good friends. Consider whether you could get to know your colleagues, classmates or people within your network better on social media.
    • For example, if you have children, you could try reaching out to the parents of your son or daughter's classmates. Organizing a play day for the kids can be a good chance for you to make some new friends your own age among the parents.

Method 2 of 3: Taking the first step

  1. Look for opportunities where you can talk to people. You can join something or go to school or church, but you still won't make friends if you don't actually start talking to people. On the other hand, you don't necessarily have to join anything to be social. Every time you talk to someone there is a chance for a friend for life. You really don't have to say anything special - just start a conversation by saying something nice (like "What a nice day today, huh?" Or "What a cool T-shirt that is!") And see where it leads!
    • You can talk to anyone: the cashier at the supermarket, the person next to you on the bus, or the person standing in line in front of you in the cafeteria. Don't be too picky.
    • You can go a long way with good manners. For starters, you can simply greet people with "Good morning, how are you?" to say when you come across them. If you show that you have simple good manners by saying goodbye to people, you will appear nicer and people will tend to respond positively. It's a great way to make initial contact with people.
  2. Make eye contact and smile. If you don't try to appear friendly and inviting, people are less likely to be open to your friendship. Look people in the eye when they talk to you (or when you talk to them) and give them a warm, friendly smile.
    • Do your best not to stare at the other person, appear bored, frown, or look bored to death. Avoid body language that gives the impression that you are not open to contact with others, such as crossing your arms or hanging in a corner by yourself.

    Did you know… imitating your conversation partner's body language is an excellent way to bond with them? While talking to someone, try to subtly mimic their expressions and gestures. For example, if he or she is smiling or leaning forward, do the same.

  3. Try a few different ways to get a start a conversation. Once you find someone you would like to befriend, you should start a conversation with that person. That way, you will be able to bond with and befriend them more easily. You can try this in a number of different ways, such as:
    • For example, make a simple comment about your surroundings. The weather is a classic: "Well, at least it isn't raining as much as it did last week!"
    • Ask if someone can help you: `` Hey, do you have time to help me carry a few boxes? '' Or, `` Could you help me choose the best present for my mom? '' You can also offer help yourself . For example, you can say, "Hey, can I help you with the dishes?"
    • Give a compliment, such as, "What a beautiful car that is," or "I think you have very nice shoes." Just try not to make the compliment too personal, as it may make some people feel uncomfortable.
    • Then immediately ask a relevant question, such as: "Where did you buy those shoes? I've been looking for such a model for a while. "
  4. Keep the conversation going by talking about the little ones. If you feel that the other person is willing to continue talking, try to keep the conversation going by asking questions and sharing something about yourself. That really doesn't have to be anything in-depth or too personal. The point is that you show that you can listen well, but that you can also make an interesting contribution to the conversation.
    • People like to talk about themselves and how great they are or how good they look. Listening rather than talking will make you appear worthy of a potential friend.
    • Show that you are actively listening by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and continuing what the other person is saying by asking questions or commenting on it.
    • For example, if the other person tells you something about his or her work, you could say something like, "How cool! How did you get there? "
  5. Don't forget to at the end of the conversation introduce yourself. You can do that by simply saying "Oh, by the way, I am. . . "And once you have introduced yourself, the other will usually do the same.
    • You can also start the conversation by introducing yourself. For example, you could connect with a colleague by saying, "Hi, I'm Sofie. I don't think we officially know each other yet, but I work at the other end of the hall where you work! "
    • Make sure to remember his or her name. If you show that you can remember things from your previous conversation (s), the other person will notice that you have been paying attention and are genuinely interested in them.
  6. Ask if the other person would like to have a coffee or lunch together. That way you will have a better opportunity to talk and get to know each other. Invite the other person to have a coffee with you and give him or her your email address or phone number. This will give him or her the opportunity to contact you. The other person may also give you his or her contact details, or maybe not, but that's no problem.
    • A good way to establish the opportunity for future contact is to say, 'Well, I have to go, but if you feel like talking over a cup of coffee or lunch hour, here's my number. e-mail address.'
    • The chance that the other person will indeed meet with you is greater if you propose a specific time and place. For example, you could say, "Well, I really enjoyed talking to you today! Would you like to have a coffee next Saturday at that new cafe in the center? "
    • If it still feels a bit strange to ask if the other person wants to meet you alone, you could ask him or her to join a group activity, such as a party or a movie night.
  7. Find out if you have common interests. If you have discovered that you and your conversation partner have a common interest, ask him or her more about it and, if applicable, whether he or she meets with others for that hobby or interest (for example at an association). If so, this is a perfect opportunity for you to go with him or her. If you show a clear interest (by asking when and where the meetings will be held, and whether everyone is welcome there), chances are he or she will invite you.
    • If you are a member of an association, play in a band, attend a particular church, or join another group or do something that you think he or she will enjoy, take the opportunity to give him or her your number or e-mail address and invite the other to come with you sometime.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain friendships

  1. Be loyal to your friends. You've probably heard about so-called fair weather friends. These are friends who like to be around you when things are going well, but who are nowhere to be found when you really need them. Being a loyal friend will attract a different kind of people; people who appreciate that quality. Being loyal is a great way to invest in friendship and attract the kind of friends you want into your life.
    • Part of friendship is that you are also willing to sacrifice some of your time and energy to help your friends.
    • If a friend of yours needs help with an annoying chore, or if one of your friends just needs a shoulder to cry on, make sure you're there for them.

    Tip: Being a loyal friend doesn't mean that you always have to please everyone or let people take advantage of you. It is important that you learn to set boundaries and sometimes say "No" if it is necessary for your own well-being.

  2. Do your part to maintain the friendship. A lot of work is needed to maintain a good friendship. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is always asking how you are, always taking the initiative to meet up, never forgetting your birthday, and paying for lunch regularly, it's important that you do the same whenever you can.
    • From time to time, check yourself to see if you are the kind of friend you would like to have.
    • On the other hand, ask yourself once in a while whether your boyfriend or girlfriend is doing his or her bit. And if not, it might be time for a frank conversation with him or her (but be careful not to falsely accuse the other person or place all responsibility on your boyfriend or girlfriend if the friendship isn't exactly going the way it should be. you want).
  3. Make sure your friends can count on you. If you say you're going to do something, do it. Be someone people can count on. If you emphasize your trustworthiness in your dealings with others, you will attract other people who value trustworthiness and who will be trustworthy in return.
    • If you and your friend meet up somewhere, make sure you're not late and leave him or her not to sit.
    • If you see that you are not going to be able to make it on time or if you cannot make it at all, call him or her as soon as you notice. Apologize and ask if you can reschedule the appointment.
    • Don't let him or her wait for you unannounced; that is rude and it is certainly not a good way to start a possible friendship.
  4. Do your best to always listen carefully. Many people think that in order to come across as a "suitable friend," they need to appear as interesting as possible. But much more important than that is that you can show people that you are interested in them. Listen carefully to what people are saying, do your best to remember important details about them (such as their name and what they like and dislike), ask questions about what interests them, and just take the time to learn more about your new friends. find out.
    • Don't try to be the one who always has a better story than everyone else, or the one who suddenly changes the subject instead of following the course of the conversation.
    • As you listen, do your best to focus on what the other person is saying, instead of planning what to say next. Don't try to interrupt or give advice unless your friend asks for it.
  5. Be trustworthy. One of the best things about having a boyfriend is having someone you can talk to about anything, including secrets you'd rather not share with the rest of the world. However, before people feel so comfortable with you that they entrust you with their secrets, you will have to build trust yourself.
    • The most important thing to be able to be a good counselor is that you can keep a secret. Either way, it's no secret that you shouldn't tell other people the things someone tells you in confidence.
    • Don't talk about your boyfriend or girlfriend behind his or her back or let your friends down when they need you. You can also build trust by being honest and discreet.
  6. Emphasize your good qualities. Show clearly the good, unique sides of yourself. Show others what makes you different from the rest. Talk about your interests and your hobbies. Tell new friends about your background. Everyone has interesting stories to tell - don't be afraid to share yours. If you are unique, show it.
    • With a little humor, you can always keep a conversation light-hearted and cheerful. Everyone likes to be around people you can laugh with.
    • Friendship works best when you and your friend both feel like you can just be yourself around the other. Use and emphasize your best qualities around your boyfriend or girlfriend, but don't try to be someone you aren't just to please or impress them.
  7. Keep in touch with your friends. People often lose touch with their friends because they are too busy or simply because they don't value their friends enough. Losing contact with a friend may dilute the friendship. And then when you try to contact again, it can be difficult to resume the friendship.
    • Even if you don't have time for a long conversation or to meet up, let your friend know you're thinking about him or her by sending a short text message or by popping in just to say `` Hello '' .
    • You have to work hard to maintain a friendship. Make time for it and share your life with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Respect his or her decisions and tell him or her yours. Strive to maintain contact in the long term.
  8. Choose your friends wisely. Once you've made more friends, you may find that you get along with some more than others. While you should always give people the benefit of the doubt, you may sometimes find that certain friendships are unhealthy, such as when someone obsessively claims or controls you, criticizes you all the time, or brings dangers or risks into your life. If so, try to get out of the friendship as elegantly as possible.
    • Cherish the friends who positively impact your life and do your best to positively impact their lives as well.
    • Ending a friendship can be difficult, even if it is an unhealthy friendship. If for some reason you have to end a friendship, give yourself a moment to get over the loss.


  • Think about what you are going to say before you say it. You can hurt or insult your friends if you talk too recklessly.
  • Always be nice and never judge someone for their appearance or for being different from you. You will miss out on a lot of valuable friendships if you don't at least give people a chance.
  • You don't have to be a superstar to be a good friend. Try to be positive and nice so that people around you feel good and appreciated.
  • Make an effort to get to know the other friends and relatives of your new boyfriend or girlfriend. That way you can create the opportunity for yourself to make even more friends within his or her social circle!
  • Have faith in yourself! Most everyone is attracted to people who are confident, and it will be easier for you to approach people if you don't always question yourself.


  • When you get to know someone really well, chances are you won't agree on something from time to time. If you get into an argument with one of your friends, don't blame him or her or go on the offensive. Give the other person some space and apologize for your part in the conflict.
  • Try not to neglect older friendships in favor of newer friends. Good friendships are precious and hard to come by, so do your best to keep in touch with older friends, even when meeting new people.
  • Trust your instincts. If you're never really comfortable around a particular person, there is often a good reason for it. Don't try to force friendship with people you don't feel comfortable with.