Preventing you from getting pregnant

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stress could keep you from getting pregnant
Video: Stress could keep you from getting pregnant


Finding out how to avoid getting pregnant can be a bit overwhelming, especially since there are so many different contraceptives. Choosing a contraceptive is very personal and should be carefully considered. The first step is to find out which different ways there are and which one suits your lifestyle and beliefs.

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Method 1 of 5: Method 1 of 5: Barriers

  1. Condoms. You put latex condoms around the penis during intercourse. Because sperm cannot come into contact with fertile eggs, pregnancy is prevented. Often you can get condoms for free at health clinics, but you can also buy them from drugstores and supermarkets for about 1 Euro each.
    • Another advantage of condoms is that both people are protected against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and pregnancy.
    • Condoms are made of thin latex, so unfortunately it occasionally happens that one tears during intercourse. If this happens, you are more likely to get pregnant.
    • Some people are allergic to latex condoms and therefore prefer plastic condoms.
  2. Female condoms. Female condoms are also made of latex and are shaped like a ring with a pouch attached to it. The pouch fits in the vagina and the ring stays outside the body to keep everything in place. During intercourse, it collects the sperm so that it cannot enter the woman's body. Female condoms cost about 2 Euro each and can be purchased at the drugstore.
    • Female condoms reduce the risk of STDs because the vagina is not directly touched.
    • Female condoms are slightly less reliable than normal condoms and some people find them less pleasant to use.
  3. Diaphragms. These are containers made of silicone that have to be placed over the cervix in the vagina so that the sperm cannot reach an egg. To increase effectiveness, diaphragms are usually used in conjunction with a spermicide, which stops the sperm from moving.
    • Because every woman's body is built slightly differently, diaphragms should be custom made to ensure they fit exactly. A gynecologist or doctor can determine the correct size of the diaphragm.
    • Diaphragms are quite reliable, but they do not protect against STDs.

Method 2 of 5: Method 2 of 5: Hormonal birth control

  1. The birth control pill. The birth control pill, often referred to as "the pill" for short, consists of a synthetic form of estrogen and progesterone, which keeps the woman's eggs in her ovaries, preventing her from getting pregnant. When taken correctly, the pill is extremely reliable. The contraceptive pill is only available on prescription, which you can get from the doctor or gynecologist.
    • For best results, the pill should be taken at the same time each day. If you skip a few days, it becomes a lot less reliable.
    • Some women suffer from side effects from the pill. Manufacturers use different levels of estrogen and progesterone, so your doctor may prescribe a different pill if you experience unpleasant side effects from one pill.
  2. Other hormonal agents. The same hormones that are used to make the pill so reliable can also be introduced into your body in a different way. If you're not in favor of taking pills every day, read on:
    • Depo-Provera, or the contraceptive injection. You get this shot in your arm every three months. The injection is very reliable in preventing pregnancy, but side effects are known.
    • The birth control patch. The patch is usually placed on the arm, back, or thigh. It releases hormones through the skin and should be replaced every few weeks.
    • The contraceptive ring. The ring is inserted into the vagina once a month. It releases hormones to prevent pregnancy.
    • The contraceptive stick. A small rod is placed in the arm, which releases hormones for three years to prevent pregnancy. This swab should be inserted and removed by a doctor.
  3. IUD. The IUD is a small metal object that is placed in the uterus by a doctor. There is an IUD that releases hormones, while another type is made of copper which affects sperm motility so that they cannot fertilize the egg.
    • IUDs are extremely reliable and can last up to 12 years. They are quite expensive, but in most cases this is reimbursed by the insurance.
    • If you'd rather not disrupt your cycle, the copper IUD is worth considering. This does not release hormones, so you do not suffer from hormonal side effects.

Method 3 of 5: Method 3 of 5: Behavioral adjustments

  1. Abstinence. If you do not have vaginal intercourse, the male's sperm will not reach the female's egg, thus preventing pregnancy. If abstinence is done continuously, you are guaranteed not to get pregnant, this is 100% certain.
    • Some people see abstinence as not having any kind of sexual contact, but in order not to get pregnant, you just have to avoid vaginal intercourse.
    • Abstinence requires a lot of willpower and some people find it difficult to maintain this method for a long time.
    • If you stop abstinence, it is of course important that a different method of contraception is used.
  2. Know when you are fertile. This method is also called NFP (Natural Family Planning) or Sensiplan and means that you can only have sex at certain times during the cycle, when the woman is not fertile. When it is possible to conceive, abstinence is applied.In order for this way to work properly, it is necessary to have knowledge of your own fertility.
    • There are roughly three ways to calculate when a woman is fertile: by means of a calendar, by means of mucus, or by means of body temperature. When used together, these methods are very accurate in calculating exactly when a woman is fertile.
    • In the calendar method, the different phases of the cycle are kept on a calendar. After a while, patterns will start to be recognized and on the basis of this it can be predicted when ovulation will occur.
    • The mucus method regularly checks the cervical mucus, which changes color and consistency when the woman is fertile.
    • With the temperature method, the basal body temperature should be checked every day to see when it rises a few tenths of a degree, indicating that ovulation has occurred.
    • The disadvantage of all this is that this method requires a lot of time and attention. If you forget to look at the cervical mucus or temperature for a few days, you may be making a mistake calculating the fertile period when you shouldn't have sex.
    • The advantage of this method is that it is completely natural, with virtually no costs and without having to swallow hormones or introduce foreign things into your body.

Method 4 of 5: Method 4 of 5: Surgical procedures

  1. Female sterilization. During a surgical procedure, the fallopian tubes are closed, after which pregnancy is no longer possible. This method is extremely reliable in preventing pregnancy. But it should not be taken too lightly, because it is almost impossible to reverse.
  2. Vasectomy. Men can choose to undergo surgery to block the vas deferens through which the sperm passes. Then when the man ejaculates, there will be no semen left in the ejaculation, making it impossible to get a woman pregnant. In some cases, a vasectomy can be reversed, but this procedure should only be performed if the man is absolutely certain that he wants to be permanently sterilized.

Method 5 of 5: Method 5 of 5: Preventing post-sex pregnancy

  1. Use a morning after pill. The morning after pill actually consists of two pills that contain levonorgestrel. These should be taken as soon as possible after sex. The sooner they are taken, the better they can keep the woman from getting pregnant.
    • The morning after pill can be obtained from most pharmacies or from your doctor.
    • The morning after pill should not be a substitute for normal contraception; it is a last resort if unprotected sex has taken place.


  • Some methods are less reliable than others. Research carefully which contraceptive you want to use.