Prevent your nails from peeling

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024


Whether your peeling nails are caused by washing your hands too often, exposing your nails to chemicals, or the general wear and tear of nail polish and manicure, they can make you feel confident. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to help your nails heal and prevent peeling in the future.Stop painting your nails or getting a manicure for a while and focus on moisturizing the nail beds with oils and creams. Take preventative measures, such as wearing gloves when cleaning, using things like letter openers to open packages, and taking a supplement to strengthen your nails.

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Method 1 of 2: Treat flaking nails

  1. Remove nail polish with a non-acetone nail polish remover. If you notice that your nails are peeling, then it is time to take a few weeks to let them heal before applying nail polish again. In the meantime, get a non-acetone nail polish remover from the drug store (acetone dries out your cuticles, so avoid it), and use it to remove any nail polish that is still on your nails.
    • Do not peel or peel off the nail polish. This is very harmful to your nails and in doing so often removes a layer of nail.
    • Apply the nail polish remover with cotton balls or swabs. Rub each nail gently until the polish comes off.
    • If you currently have shellac or gel nails, you will need to use an acetone remover to get the polish off.
    • Always use a moisturizer after removing nail polish. Even a nail polish remover without acetone can dry out your nails.
  2. Trim your nails after you shower to keep them from splitting. In order for your nails to heal, you need to keep them short for a few weeks. After showering, use nail clippers to trim your nails so that the edges are roughly flush with your fingertips. Repeat this once a week until your nails stop flaking.
    • Your nails will soften after taking a hot shower or bath, and that is the best time to trim them so they don't break anymore.
    • Make sure to use clean nail clippers. You can disinfect it before each use by washing it in warm water and washing-up liquid.
  3. File your nails in a round shape to prevent them from snagging. Place a nail file parallel to the side of the nail and then move the file from the side to the center. From the center, move the file down the opposite side. Always file in the same direction (not back and forth, as this increases the chance of your nails breaking or shedding). Continue filing until you have shaped your nail into a round shape instead of a square one.
    • Always file your nails after cutting to remove any rough edges.
    • Use a fine-grit nail file to get a smooth surface on your nail. If you also want to reduce the length of your nails, use a rougher grit to file your nail before smoothing it with a fine grit nail file.
  4. Massage a moisturizing oil into your nails and cuticles every day. There are many oil treatment options. The best option is cuticle oil, which you can purchase from a drug store. You can use natural oils you may already have at home, such as olive, coconut, or argan oil. Use a pipette to put one drop of oil on each nail and then massage it into your nail bed.
    • The oil moisturizes your nails, making them less likely to flake.
  5. Apply a moisturizing hand cream regularly to moisturize your damaged nails. While treating your peeling nails, remember to keep your hands and nails hydrated. Use a moisturizer several times a day, especially after washing your hands.
    • Carry cream with you throughout the day so you can keep your nails hydrated even when you're on the go.
  6. Take a break from regular nail polish, acrylic and gel nails. You might be tempted to cover your chipped nails with a fresh coat of nail polish, or maybe you just love doing your nails or getting them done in a salon. Still, take two to three weeks off from applying nail polish to your nails. Your nails need time to moisturize and heal, and nail polish, acrylic and gel nails will slow down the healing process and potentially damage your nails even more.
    • If you are going to paint your nails again, remember not to rip off the old nail polish.

Method 2 of 2: Take preventive measures

  1. Wear gloves to protect your nails when you clean and do chores. Too much water and cleaning products on your nails can dry them out. Next time you wash dishes or clean your house, put on rubber gloves.
    • This is not only good for your nails - the rubber gloves also protect your hands from excessive drying or irritation from cleaning products.
  2. Dry your hands completely if they get wet. While you may associate water with hydration, it can actually draw moisture out of your nails and skin. Don't let the water sit on your skin. Dry your hands completely with a towel when you wash them or when they get wet.
    • Then apply a moisturizer to keep your hands and nails hydrated.
  3. Open packages with something other than your nails. Do not scrape labels, tape, or stickers, or use your nails to open boxes, letters, or packages. Instead, use a letter opener, utility knife, or scissors.
    • Even opening soda cans with your nails can harm them. Whenever you can, do this with your finger, a coin, or something else instead of your fingernail.
  4. Resist the urge to peel or pull off your nail polish. If you have used nail polish, make sure you don't pull or peel off old polish. Even if you notice the polish starting to flake off, resist the temptation to pull it. This often not only removes the nail polish, but also a layer of your nail. Instead, use a non-acetone remover to gently remove the old polish.
    • Especially if you have shellac or gel on your nails, you really don't want to pick it off. It can take months for your nails to recover from that kind of damage.
  5. Start taking a supplement such as biotin, iron, or zinc. Biotin can make your nails stronger (and it can also be great for hair growth), zinc can help if your nails have discolored patches, and iron can thicken thin nails. Choose one supplement to add to your daily diet and keep it for three to four months to see how your body responds.
    • You can also supplement your diet by eating more iron-rich foods, such as spinach, legumes, red meat, and pumpkin seeds.
  6. Do not over polish your nails when you care for them. Polishing your nails can remove layers, wipe away essential healthy oils and possibly even affect flaking areas. If and when you polish your nails, do each nail in just six to eight strokes, and don't press hard on it.
    • Polishing can shape your nails and make them shine, but if you are experiencing flaking, skip this step for a few months until your nails are in better condition.


  • Treat your nails extra after an activity that puts them under strain, such as mountain climbing, gardening or painting.
  • If your toenails are peeling, you can use the same methods to treat them and avoid extra flaking.


Treating flaking nails

  • Nail polish remover without acetone
  • Wimps
  • Nail clippers
  • Nail file
  • Cuticle oil or something similar
  • Pipette
  • Hand lotion

Take preventive measures

  • Gloves for cleaning
  • Letter opener or Stanley knife
  • Supplements such as iron, zinc, or biotin (optional)