Remove fleas with peppermint

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Peppermint Oil to Kill Fleas
Video: Peppermint Oil to Kill Fleas


Fleas are common parasites and can be found on pets every now and then, which is why most experts recommend natural remedies to get rid of them and prevent side effects in your pets. If you live in an environment where fleas usually feed on pets, you should always be ready with the best flea treatments. Chemical and natural flea prevention agents are available, but to avoid side effects in pets, pet experts prefer to suggest natural ways. You can use a variety of natural flea control methods that are known and used for many years. Some natural ways to combat the parasites are insecticide, peppermint and rosemary sprays, lemon sprays, vinegar. Of the above, peppermint is considered a multipurpose, natural, safe and effective flea remedy. It can also soothe skin irritations and itching all over your pet's body.

To step

  1. Know the benefits of using peppermint as a flea repellent and ways to use it on your pet.
  2. While peppermint is not fully capable of killing fleas, it does help limit the attack on pets. Use it correctly and you will soon have a healthy and flea-free pet at home.
  3. Put the peppermint oil in the flea repellent spray bottle. Mix three small cups of alcohol with a quarter cup of peppermint oil and let the solution steep. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it on the affected areas, especially the neck, back, etc. You can also use the spray on pets' bedding and carpet.
  4. Peppermint has a strong scent that repels fleas. Plant a peppermint tree in your backyard as this will help keep fleas away from getting into your house.
  5. Make a sachet with peppermint oil. Soak cotton wool in the oil and let the excess oil drip off. Place the bag in the vacuum cleaner and clean the affected areas in the house. This aids in the removal of flea eggs, as well as the larvae, from carpets and bedding.
  6. Make a flea collar for your dog with peppermint oil. Measure the length of fiber rope so that it is easily adjustable around your pet's neck.
  7. Using peppermint oil, remove any fleas and ticks and save your pet from getting infected by fleas and the diseases they can transmit to your pet.


  • Do not buy a pesticide. Try the above measures to get rid of fleas. To protect your pet from parasites, you can purchase peppermint oil from an herbal store.