Storing vitamins and nutritional supplements

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How do vitamins work? - Ginnie Trinh Nguyen
Video: How do vitamins work? - Ginnie Trinh Nguyen


Vitamins and nutritional supplements are a very important part of many health routines and diets. They can be expensive, so it is important that you store them properly so that they are not affected and work less well or no longer. In most cases, you will need to keep the vitamins and nutritional supplements in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator. Always read the label and keep the products as stated on the label. Make sure that you keep all vitamins and nutritional supplements out of the reach of children and pets, even if they come in a container with a child lock.

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Method 1 of 3: Store vitamins and nutritional supplements in a cool and dry place

  1. Avoid the cupboard in the bathroom. People often keep their vitamins and nutritional supplements in their bathroom cabinets. However, research shows that the humidity in the bathroom affects vitamin pills, so that they are less effective and less powerful over time. The deterioration of vitamins in humid conditions is also called liquefaction.
    • As a result, the quality of the agent will decrease and it will have a shorter shelf life. That may mean that you are not getting all the nutrients you paid for.
    • If you open and close the bottles with vitamins and nutritional supplements in a damp room, a little moisture will get into the bottles every time.
    • Some vitamins are particularly prone to deterioration in a humid environment, such as B vitamins, C vitamins, thiamine and B6, all of which are water soluble.
  2. Do not keep tablets in the refrigerator. Vitamins and nutritional supplements can be affected if you keep them in the fridge, so that they don't work as well. There is a lot of moisture in your refrigerator. Your refrigerator may be a cool, dark place, but it is certainly not dry. Only keep your vitamins and nutritional supplements in the refrigerator if the label explicitly states that you should do so.
  3. Don't keep your vitamins and nutritional supplements near the oven or sink. The kitchen can be a good place to keep your vitamins and nutritional supplements, but often moisture and evaporated fat can hang in the air from cooking, which can then settle on your pills. When you use the oven and stove, the temperature and humidity in the kitchen will rise and then fall again.
    • The sink is another place where a lot of moisture will be produced.
    • Look for a dry cupboard away from the stove and sink if you want to keep your vitamins and nutritional supplements in the kitchen.
  4. Consider keeping vitamins and supplements in the bedroom. Your bedroom may be the best place to keep your supplements because the humidity levels are almost always the same and the bedroom is usually cool and dry.
    • Make sure you keep vitamins and nutritional supplements away from open windows and sunlight, as this will not affect their effectiveness.
    • Do not keep them near a radiator or any other heat source.
    • Always keep them in a safe place and out of the reach of children and pets, even if they come in a package with a child lock.
  5. Use an airtight storage box. You can keep your vitamins and nutritional supplements in an airtight storage box to protect them from moisture. Do not take them out of their original packaging, but put the entire packaging in the airtight storage box.
    • It's okay to use an opaque storage box, but you can also use an amber or colored box. These darker boxes can also protect the food supplements from light.

Method 2 of 3: Store vitamins and nutritional supplements in the refrigerator

  1. Read the label first. In some cases you need to keep vitamins and nutritional supplements in the refrigerator, but only if the label tells you to do so. Most vitamins and nutritional supplements should be stored at room temperature, but there are some products that should be kept refrigerated.
    • The problem here includes liquid vitamins, some essential fatty acids and probiotics.
    • Probiotics contain active cultures that can die when exposed to heat, light or air. It is therefore important that you keep probiotics refrigerated.
    • Still, not all essential fatty acids, liquid vitamins and probiotics need to be kept in the refrigerator. So it's best to read the label first.
    • Liquid products are more likely to need to be kept in the refrigerator than other formulations.
    • Some multivitamins in tablet form are also best kept in the refrigerator.
  2. Keep the vitamins in a tightly closed storage box. Make sure to close the lid very tightly to prevent moisture from entering the storage box. Leaving the lid open while the storage box is in the refrigerator means your food supplements are being exposed to too much moisture. This can seriously affect the vitamins or dietary supplements so that they work less well.
    • Keep the storage box out of the reach of children or pets.
    • Even if there is a child lock on the storage box, you still have to make sure that children cannot reach it.
  3. Store food supplements and food in separate airtight containers. Put your nutritional supplements in a different airtight container than your food to prevent possible contamination. Perishable food can spoil easily in the refrigerator, so it is best to keep vitamins and nutritional supplements in a separate airtight container.
    • If your food supplements are spoiled by food nearby, fungi or bacteria can get on them if you don't keep them in separate boxes.
    • Don't forget to keep your vitamins and nutritional supplements in the original packaging.
    • Airtight storage boxes will not hold back all moisture, because every time you open the box, moisture will be absorbed.

Method 3 of 3: Store vitamins and nutritional supplements safely

  1. Always read the label first. To make sure you store vitamins and nutritional supplements safely and appropriately, always start by reading the label on the package. It states how and where the supplements should be stored.
    • Some supplements are stored in separate ways and the label tells you how.
    • The label also states the recommended dose.
    • The label also gives you information about the expiration date of the vitamins or supplements in question.
    • Some vitamins and nutritional supplements will not have a long shelf life after opening the packaging.
  2. Keep vitamins and nutritional supplements out of the reach of children. If you have children living in your home, you must ensure that all vitamins, nutritional supplements and potentially toxic substances are stored safely. Keep these items out of the reach of children in a high cupboard or on a high shelf. You can also lock the cupboard in which you keep the resources with a child lock.
    • The packs themselves may have a child lock, but you still need to make sure to keep the supplies somewhere that kids can't reach.
    • All vitamins and nutritional supplements can be dangerous to children if they eat them.
    • Vitamins and nutritional supplements intended for adults contain a larger dose of active substances. Because of that larger dose, they are not suitable for children.
  3. Do not use the vitamins and nutritional supplements after the expiration date. If you store your vitamins and nutritional supplements in an effective way, they will continue to work powerfully for a long time. However, you should never take vitamins and nutritional supplements that are already out of date.