Make video calls on Facebook

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Video Calls On Facebook Workplace
Video: How To Make Video Calls On Facebook Workplace


Are you ready to take chatting on Facebook to the next level? Nowadays you can make video calls with your friends just from the Facebook portal. Read here which steps you need to take to get started, before you know it you can hear and see your Facebook friends!

To step

Method 1 of 2: Start a video call

  1. Go to the Facebook page dedicated to video calling, as Facebook calls it in Dutch. You can find it at
  2. Press the "Get started" button.
  3. Select the friend you want to video call with. A window will now open with a list of all friends who have already downloaded the video calling plug-in. Choose one of these friends.
  4. The usual chat window will now open. Click the video calling icon (the camera). You can choose between chatting or video calling. By pressing on the camera you choose video calling.
  5. Click the "video calls" button.
  6. Follow the instructions to set up video calls. You are using this function for the first time, so you have to go through some steps to set up a few things.
    • If you have a Mac, a file called FacebookVideoCalling.jar will now be downloaded to your device.
    • If you have a computer with Windows, a file called WindowsFacebookVideoCallSetup.exe will be downloaded to your device.
  7. Click on the file. Click on FacebookVideoCalling.jar or FacebookVideoCallSetup.exe in the corner of your browser.
  8. Start the downloaded program. It may take a while for the program to download, but when the download is complete, the selected friend will be called automatically.
  9. Wait for your friend to answer. When he or she records a new window opens, you can immediately start your video call. If there is no answer, you can try another friend.
  10. Close the window to stop video calling.

Method 2 of 2: Have a friend call you

  1. Ask a friend who already has video calling installed to call you. The video call will open in a new window.
  2. Click on the "Set up video calls" button.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the video calling plug-in.
  4. Talk to your friend. Once the plug-in is installed, you can start your video call with your friend right away.
  5. Call other friends. At the top of each chat window is a video button (a camera icon).So if you are chatting with a friend all you have to do is click the video button to start a video call. Facebook will first ask for permission. Click on "Start Video Call" to agree.
    • If there is no recording, you can leave a video message that he or she can watch later.
    • You may have to log out and log back in before you can start video calling.