Losing fat in your upper body

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: LOSE UPPER BODY FAT FAST | Full Upper Body H.I.I.T


Losing fat from the top half of your body takes a few different approaches. You will need to do some cardio to burn fat. Train your chest, arms and back to tone your muscles and get rid of annoying back fat. And eat healthy so that your efforts at the gym are not wasted.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using Cardio to Burn Fat

  1. Go for a run if you can't go to the gym. Running is a great cardio exercise if you don't have access to stationary bikes or rowing machines, but still want to get a good workout. Try to run for 20 to 30 minutes at a time three times a week. It doesn't matter how fast you run, as long as you run faster than you can walk.
    • Running is a tough cardio workout, so if you're having problems with your feet or knees, you might want to try something else.
  2. Go cycling for a less strenuous workout. Cycling gives you the same kind of workout as running, but with less impact on your legs. You can cycle on an exercise bike or go for a bike ride outside. Try to cycle three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.
    • If you find that cycling is too easy, increase the resistance on your bicycle or the bicycle machine.
  3. Swim to exercise your entire body. Swimming trains the muscles in your entire body and also burns a lot of fat. You can do the standard freestyle, or practice other swimming strokes - the butterfly, breaststroke, and backstroke - for variety. How much you can swim in a row will depend on your overall health, but start swimming for 20 to 30 minutes three days a week.
  4. Go for a walk for a low impact workout. Walking is a great cardio exercise if you are injured or don't have the stamina for a longer workout. Take a 20-45 minute walk 2-3 times a week. You can go for a walk outdoors, on a treadmill or a running track.
  5. Choose 1-2 of your favorite cardio workouts per week. You should do cardio two to three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes a day. You can do the same cardio every time, or alternate it every day.
    • For example, if you do cardio on Monday and Wednesday, you can go for a walk on both days, or you can go for a walk on day 1 and go swimming on day 2.

Method 2 of 4: Exercise your chest and arms

  1. Do the bench press with dumbbells to exercise your chest muscles. Lie on your back on a training bench or another flat surface. Bring the dumbbells to your chest, keeping them shoulder-width apart, palms facing each other. Rotate your arms so that your palms are out and your forearm and upper arm are at a 90 degree angle. Exhale as you tighten your chest muscles to push the dumbbells up. Lock your arms when they are straight and take another breath. Slowly lower the weight as you inhale.
    • Do three sets of eight to 10 reps of this exercise.
    • To find out how much weight you should use, determine the heaviest weight you can shift in one rep. After that, you take about 60 to 70 percent of that weight for your normal set. For example, if the heaviest weight you can shift in one rep is 5kg, then you should use 3kg dumbbells for your sets.
    • If it starts to feel like there is hardly any resistance with the weight you are using, take the test again with the heaviest weight, and adjust the weights you are using.
  2. Do a shoulder press with one arm to develop your triceps. Stand with your legs slightly less than shoulder-width apart. Hold the dumbbells at your sides. Raise a barbell so it is level with your shoulder, with your palm facing forward - this is your starting position. Exhale and push the barbell up so that your arm is fully extended. Wait a second and then lower the barbell again. Do eight to 10 reps, then switch arms. Repeat three sets.
  3. Row upright to sculpt your back. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your thighs. Keep your back straight and your arms slightly bent. Lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders as you exhale, keeping them as close to your sides as possible. Keep your elbows above your forearms as you lift and bring the dumbbells as close to your chin as possible. Hold the dumbbells for a second and breathe as you slowly lower them.
    • Repeat this in three sets of 10 to 12 reps.
  4. Do an incline push-up. Stand in front of a bench or elevation. Place your hands on the bench or platform, with your hands a little more than shoulder-width apart. Move your feet back so that your body is straight and your arms are straight up from the platform. Keep your body straight and slowly lower yourself onto the edge of the platform or bench. Then push your body back up until your arms are straight again.
    • Do three sets of 8 to 15 reps.
  5. Do triceps extensions. Lie on your back on a training bench or other flat surface. Hold the dumbbells in front of you with your arms at a 90 degree angle to the bench and your body. Keep your elbows tucked in with your palms facing each other. Inhale and keep your upper arms still, and lower the dumbbells to your ears, and bend your arms at the elbows. When your dumbbells reach your ears, tighten your triceps to lift the dumbbells back up as you exhale.
    • Do three sets of six to eight reps.
  6. Choose two or three of these exercises for your workout. You don't have to do all of these exercises. Instead, you can opt for two or three on the days you work on your chest and arms.

Method 3 of 4: Sculpt your back muscles

  1. Do chin-ups. Grab the chin-up bar with your palms forward and your arms a little closer than shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be fully extended above you, keeping your torso as straight as possible. Exhale as you raise your body until your head is at the level of the bar. Hold this position with your biceps slightly contracted, then exhale as you slowly lower yourself back to your starting position.
    • If you don't have the strength to do this on your own, ask someone to support you by holding your legs.
    • Do five sets of two to three reps.
  2. Do dumbbell rows to train your back and arms. Lean on a training bench with your right knee and bend from your waist until your torso is parallel to the floor, then place your right hand on the bench. Grab a dumbbell off the floor with your left hand and hold it with your palm facing your torso, your arm extended and your back straight. Exhale as you slowly lift the barbell, bending your arm at the elbow and with your upper arm close to your torso. Contract your back muscles when the barbell has reached your chest. Breathe as you lower the barbell to the floor.
    • Do three sets of eight to 10 reps on each side of your body.
  3. Do the bent-over rear delt raise. Sit on the edge of an exercise bench with your legs together and two dumbbells placed slightly behind your legs. Bend through your waist, keep your back straight and your palms together, and grab the dumbbells. Keep your arms slightly bent and exhale as you lift the dumbbells each to one side, until your arms are parallel to the floor. Hold the dumbbells in position for a second and then slowly lower them as you inhale.
    • Do three sets of six to eight reps.
  4. Choose two or three exercises to add to your workout routine. To get real definition in your back and melt fat away, you will need to diversify your training of that area. Incorporating two or three of these exercises into your routine will increase your chances of success.

Method 4 of 4: Eat a healthy diet

  1. Eat three well-balanced meals a day to get rid of belly fat. Three well-balanced meals a day help you lose weight. Each meal should contain a mixture of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
    • For example, a balanced dinner can consist of fried chicken fillet, steamed vegetables and whole grain rice.
  2. Stop drinking soda. Even diet soda can increase fat around your stomach. Leave the soda aside - light or plain - and drink flavored water instead. If you miss the bubbles from soda, you can try carbonated water.
    • You should also stop energy drinks. They usually contain a lot of sugar. You can try sugar-free versions if you want, but check their nutritional content to make sure there is really no sugar in them.
  3. Eat more fiber to get rid of fat. Fiber will keep you feeling fuller for longer, which will reduce your cravings for junk food. Junk food's empty calories build up fat in your back, so eating more fiber can help reduce fat storage on your back. Regularly replace white bread and pasta with whole grain versions and add beans and nuts to your diet.
    • For example, you can replace white pasta with a whole grain version and still eat your favorite pasta.
  4. Less sugar in your diet. If you eat too much sugar, your body will produce more insulin and store more fat. Stay away from sweets and junk foods, which contain a lot of sugar. Also check the nutrition labels on your favorite foods - even light versions often have more sugar than you think. Stick to 0-2 g of sugar per serving.
    • If you find it difficult to cut back on sugar, you can start by replacing foods that are high in sugar with those that are low in sugar. For example, you can use a natural sugar substitute in your coffee, such as Truvia. You can also replace your favorite candy with sugar-free varieties.
  5. Check your portions. If you don't pay attention to how much you eat at each meal, it doesn't matter what you eat. You can eat less at a time by eating from smaller plates, pre-dosing snacks, and dividing your portions with the help of a measuring cup.
    • If you use smaller plates for your meals, make sure that at least half of that plate is taken up by vegetables.
    • Use snack-sized bags to make your snacks. For example, if you buy a huge bag of low-calorie popcorn, divide it into several smaller bags. You're less likely to eat the whole bag that way!
    • Use measuring cups for actual portion measurements. If you are making a recipe with 1 cup (240 ml) as the serving size, measure it with a measuring cup of 240 ml. This will help you learn what portion sizes look like.
  6. Don't eat anything after dinner. If you eat too close to bedtime, your body will not have the chance to burn enough calories to prevent your body from storing fat. Try not to eat anything after dinner. If you find yourself still hungry, you can drink water or tea.
    • If you absolutely have to eat something in the evening, eat low-calorie foods such as vegetables.


  • Consult with your doctor before starting any serious exercise regimen.