Find lost items

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
lost item retrieval - Subliminal Affirmations
Video: lost item retrieval - Subliminal Affirmations


It's that time again, you've lost your car keys and can't find them anywhere. This can be very frustrating and can ruin your good reputation at work if you are late. You can find your car keys or anything else you've lost if you take a moment to calm down and then go through the following steps.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Calm down

  1. Breathe in and out. Take a moment to take a few deep breaths. Taking a deep breath in and out will help you calm down and allow you to refocus.
    • Sometimes you get too stressed while looking for something and you need to calm down to help you find the item. Your emotional response will distract you from the search.
  2. Clear your mind. While taking a deep breath, try to take a moment to clear your mind of other thoughts. Stop trying to figure out where you put the item and keep your mind clear.
  3. Remind yourself that the world will not end. You won't be able to focus if you let adrenaline take control. Calm down and take a step back.
  4. Put it in context. What were you doing when you last got the item? Where did you go? Putting it in context and thinking about where you last had the item can help you remember where you put it.
  5. Be self-assured. Tell yourself you are able to find the lost item. Boosting your morale will not only calm you down, but also give yourself the energy to find the item.

Method 2 of 3: Search for the item

  1. Always check where the item should be first. For example, first look at the table next to the front door if that is the place where you normally put the keys. They may have fallen off the table or are under your wallet.
  2. Clean up. Sometimes the easiest way to find the object is to simply start clearing the clutter. You'll be better able to see what's out there if you remove everything else.
  3. Be systematic. Divide the room into different sections if you are sure you lost the item in this particular room. Go through the sections one at a time, look under furniture and lift other items.
  4. Look in unlikely places. Sometimes you put something in a strange place without realizing it.For example, you could put your coffee mug in the freezer without realizing it, especially if you are very sleepy.
  5. Have a good look around. Sometimes your eyes will focus on a place where you think the item absolutely cannot be there. Take the time to look at the places to make sure that the item is not there.
  6. Check your pockets. Don't forget to check your pockets for the item. Check your jacket, your pants and your bag or suitcase.
  7. Check your car. Make sure to check your car and also your home if it is an item that you always carry with you.
  8. Retrace your steps. Even though you've taken the steps in your mind, actually going through the steps again can help you remember where the item is or find the item. Go through all the steps and movements you have taken and made since you lost the item.
  9. Look in the same place. If it's an item you lose more often, check where you last found it, as it may have ended up in the same spot again.
  10. Contact any place you have been by phone. If you are not physically able to get back to each place, call the places you have been today. For example, call the local supermarket and ask if they found your lost item if that's a location where you've been.
  11. Look for the lost item from a different perspective. Try to find the item by standing on a chair or stool, by crawling on your knees on the floor, or by standing up and looking down or up. Sometimes it is easier to find things by looking at it from a different perspective.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid losing an item

  1. Name the place where you put an item in a sentence. For example, if you put your book in a different place than usual, say the place out loud in a sentence. For example, say, "I put the book on the table in the hallway."
    • Psychologists argue that when you express something in full sentences, it can help you remember something.
  2. Determine which item you lose most often. This could be your mobile phone, for example. If so, try to identify why you keep losing these and try to change your habits. You may have lost your phone because you forgot to put it in your pocket. If this is true, try to get into the habit of always putting your phone back in your pocket.
  3. Make certain areas clutter free. For example, if you always lose things on your desk, try to keep it as clutter-free as possible so that you can always find the item you need.
  4. Always look behind you when getting out. Make it a habit to look back when you get off a bus or taxi. This makes the chance that you leave something behind a lot smaller.
  5. Be aware of your actions. You often lose something if you are not quite there with your thoughts. If you do something without thinking about it, you might put the item where you wouldn't normally put it. Be aware of your own actions during your day.
  6. Think of the best place to keep the items. Items should be kept where you use them most. For example, hang your keys on a hook by the door, since you use the keys the most here.
  7. Always put items back in the right place. Hang your keys on the hook upon arrival. Always place your shoes under the coat rack. If you keep taking the trouble to put all the items back in their familiar place, you will not lose them.
  8. Put your name on it. Write down your name, address and phone number on especially expensive items. This increases the chance that someone will return the item to you if you have lost it in public.
  9. Make it personal. Place passport photos of your children in your wallet. Take pictures of yourself and save them on your camera. This shows who you are and why you want the camera back. If you add something personal, it is more likely that someone will want to return the item.


  • If you cannot find the item, please try again later. Sometimes you may not be able to find the item you need at the supreme moment, but you may see it immediately later. If you really can't find the item, ask someone else to help you find it.
  • Don't put it in a messy place anymore!
  • Ask others if they have seen the item.
  • After you find the item and are done with it, put it back where you first looked.