Being safe

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
What Does It Mean To Be Safe? Read-Aloud
Video: What Does It Mean To Be Safe? Read-Aloud


No one should fear for their safety. Not children, but neither are adults. Trust that you can keep yourself and your family safe by taking some simple precautions at home, following safety guidelines when you go out at night, and browsing the internet safely. Make sure your kids are safe by following some basic safety guidelines. This way you can live your life as safely and safely as possible.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Be safe at home

  1. Always have a first aid kit available. To ensure that your home is as safe and prepared as possible, it is wise to have a good first aid kit on hand for emergencies. You can buy a pre-packed box, or you can assemble your own and store it in a fish case or plastic box. Make sure it includes the following:
    • Clean bandages, bandages, and gauze
    • Antibacterial ointment
    • Painkillers
    • Disinfectant
    • Tape
    • Antibiotics
  2. Stock up on emergency supplies. You want to be well prepared for emergencies. A safe home should have the following items. Keep them in a safe for when you need them:
    • Batteries, and a flashlight
    • A pocket knife
    • Needle and thread
    • Cans with foodstuffs and other non-perishable items
    • A lot of water
    • Lighters or matches
    • A radio
  3. Protect your home from the risk of fire. Whether you are a homeowner or renting, it is important to take steps to protect your home from fire hazards. Take the following step to sleep comfortably and safely at night, knowing that you have done everything you can to protect your home from the risk of fire:
    • Install smoke detectors and test them regularly
    • Keep a fire extinguisher in your house and have it replaced regularly
    • Unplug electronic devices that are not in use. Also make sure the wiring is up to date.
    • Create an evacuation plan and practice it with your family.
  4. Protect your home against burglary. Burglary is one of the most traumatic experiences anyone can experience, and it can make a big dent in self-confidence. Take the following measures to prevent it from affecting you and your family:
    • Install a security system, and make sure you can see that you have one.
    • Set up a neighborhood watch.
    • Make sure there are good locks on all doors and windows.
    • Keep your yard tidy, and make sure it is well lit.
    • Put your car in the garage if you have one.
  5. Child-proof your home if you have children. If you have or plan to have children, make sure everything runs smoothly by child-proofing your home. Children don't know any better, so it's up to you to make sure there are no accidents, so keep the following steps in mind when childproofing your home:
    • Put gates at the top of the stairs.
    • Hide plugs and sockets.
    • Keep hazardous cleaning agents and the like in closed or inaccessible places.

Method 2 of 4: Be safe at night

  1. Bring a cell phone. If you go out in the evening, or even just turn the corner, it is wise to bring a mobile phone. This way you can contact someone in case of an emergency. Make sure you have a fully charged mobile phone in your pocket or purse at all times.
    • If you have an iPhone, set it up so you can track it through your Apple account. Do this in case you lose your phone, or in case it gets stolen.
    • Sometimes it's wiser to keep your phone out of sight unless you absolutely need it. If you have a brand new smartphone, then you are a more attractive target for robbers.
  2. Travel in groups. It is always best to surround yourself with several people when you are walking on the street at night. Male or female, young or old, you are safer if you have some reinforcements. Don't go out on the street alone late at night.
    • If you do have to go out alone, stay in well-lit areas, use known routes, and try to get from A to B as quickly as possible. Call someone to notify them of your travel plans. Do that as soon as possible.
    • If you are going out, make sure that the transport is arranged on time. If you're still in the city at 2:00 am and don't have transportation yet, you could end up in a difficult position.
    • Stay out of neighborhoods where crime is rampant. You can find out which neighborhoods are more dangerous than others at the city office and online. Avoid these neighborhoods if you walk alone.
  3. Let people know where you are going. Try to keep in touch when you go out. You don't have to make a big deal to contact someone every so many minutes. Safety is paramount. Let a parent, close friend, or other loved one know where you are going, where you are, and when you expect to be back. At the very least, you prevent people from getting worried.
  4. Learn to defend yourself properly. Learning how to defend yourself in the event of a confrontation will make you feel safer. You shouldn't be paranoid, and you don't have to if you know that you can defend yourself when the situation calls for it.
        • Try to avoid physical confrontation at all costs. The best way to win a fight is to not fight.

Method 3 of 4: Be safe online

  1. Choose secure passwords. Never use transparent passwords such as "password" or "12345". Password crackers can figure out these common passwords all too quickly. They are therefore just as useful as not using a password at all.Choose secure passwords consisting of a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.
  2. Log out when you are done. Always log yourself out of websites that you had to log in to. This includes sites for webmail, social media, and other sites that you don't want to be messed with. This is especially true for public computers, but is also a good idea to do on your personal computers.
  3. Keep your personal information personal. Never disclose sensitive information on the internet, such as your full name, address, telephone number, email, or bank details. Not on a site, not in a chat room, not on Twitter, not on Facebook, etc.
    • Set your privacy settings so that absolutely nothing becomes public that you have not given permission for. Making the effort to shield everything so that prying eyes cannot reach your posts and photos is more than worth it.
    • If a stranger asks for your personal information, say something like, "Some things you shouldn't say on the Internet."
  4. Read the terms and conditions. Before you register on a particular site, you must read the terms & conditions carefully. Read all the fine print, and make sure you don't agree with things you don't agree with. It may seem boring, but it brings extra safety and security.

Method 4 of 4: Staying safe (for kids)

  1. Don't make dangerous bets. Don't choose "do" or "dare" in "Do, Dare, or Truth." If someone challenges you to do something, walk away.
  2. Always say no if a friend offers you drugs or cigarettes, especially if you are a minor.
  3. Do not hang out with dangerous people. If you hang out with dangerous people, you are more likely to succumb to negative peer pressure.
  4. Stick with your trusted friends (like kids you've known for a long time), and trusted adults. They ensure that you stay safe and that you do not get into trouble.
  5. Never leave your home without first telling a guardian. Tell him / her what time you will be home, where you are going, and who you are going with.
  6. Don't accept anything from anyone else. If you take something from someone and don't know what it is, don't take it! You can get in trouble if caught with it, even if someone gave it to you.
  7. Never get into someone else's car. If a stranger offers you to get in the car, run the other way as fast as you can, and shout as loud as you can.
  8. Do not go alone. If you have to go somewhere, like the mall, never go alone. Always go with a group of friends so that you are less likely to be singled out.
  9. Do not go at night. It is even more dangerous at night than during the day, because you have less visibility. When you go out at night must, stay in places that are well lit.
  10. Choose the normal route home. Don't go for that unknown route you discovered twenty minutes ago. Choose the route you already know so that your parents know where to find you.
  11. Do not stay behind at school unless your guardian has approved it and it is organized by the school.
  12. Never leave the school area. If you see your cell phone on a bench, tell your teacher first. Then you can pick it up and come back.
  13. Never respond to disturbing messages while you are at school. If you receive a disturbing message, don't reply and tell us immediately to a teacher!
  14. Don't accept a ride from friends without telling your guardian first.
  15. Know your school's evacuation procedure. Pay close attention during the exercises and encourage your classmates to do the same.


  • If something bad happens to you, tell your parents about it. Don't try to be a hero and conceal it. You should at least talk about it. Maybe something needs to be done about the people involved.
  • Follow the advice of your parents. If they tell you certain places are not safe, listen to them.
  • When you go out, tell your parents where you are going. That way, they don't have to worry where you are, and can always find them quickly if needed.