How to get rid of blemishes on your skin

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!
Video: How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!


Unfortunately, we all have unwanted stains that we would rather not have. There are many types of skin conditions that lead to uneven pigmentation, dark spots or blemishes. This article highlights three ways to get rid of these blemishes from your skin.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Freckles

  1. Use lemon juice. You can do a lot more with lemon juice than make drinks. You can use it to clean a countertop, brighten a white wash and, believe it or not, you can even treat freckles with it.
    • This treatment does not make freckles disappear, but it brightens up your skin, and with it your freckles. It is similar to the way people use it to bleach strands of hair in the summer.
    • Take some freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on a cotton ball. After a few weeks of diligent application, your freckles will start to fade.
  2. Apply sour cream or buttermilk. The lactic acids in sour milk can help get rid of unwanted freckles. Take some sour cream, apply it directly to the affected skin, and let it dry for 10 minutes. Instead of rinsing it off completely with water, gently wipe it off with a soft cloth or towel. Finally, you need to apply a moisturizer.
    • Another option is to make a thick paste of powdered oatmeal and buttermilk. Apply this paste on the affected area, let it sit for half an hour and wash it off with cold water.
  3. Think about laser treatment. If your freckles are really bothering you, then home remedies may not be strong enough. Laser treatment is an option, but it is permanent, expensive, and may not give the perfect results.
    • A pulsed dye laser is the most common method used in this type of laser treatment. In fact, the laser sends pulses at a specific wavelength to the freckle area, targeting the blood vessels that lie just under the skin. Those blood vessels are destroyed by the heat radiated by the laser, but the surrounding skin is not affected. The laser used to remove freckles is yellow in color, which is known to be safe to use on patients without causing long-term skin damaging effects.

Method 2 of 3: Sunspots

  1. Try aloe vera and vitamin E. There are many home remedies that claim to get rid of stains. They may be capable of it, but it will take a long time and the results will be no wonder. With that said, it doesn't hurt to try.
    • Aloe veragel can bleach the skin to even out the skin tone, and it has a wonderful ability to heal. You can buy aloe vera gel products at the market if you think it is too much work to collect it yourself, but getting fresh gel from aloe vera leaves is completely worth it. You can add castor oil to the aloe vera gel to make it even more effective. Apply the gel to the skin, let it dry and then wash it off.
    • UV rays cause our body to produce free radicals. They cause a chain reaction that continues to damage our skin and it often gets out of hand. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that neutralizes these free radicals so that our skin can be protected and repaired. Break capsules of vitamin E to get the powder out. Dab it on sunspots with a cotton pad.
  2. Invest in a good make-up. Many of the largest makeup brands in the world offer products for exactly this problem. For a not too high price you should be able to buy such a product in the nearest shopping center or at the drugstore.
    • Garnier has a skin renewing correction pen for dark spots, for around € 15. It uses clinical doses of pure vitamin C to brighten and even out skin tone. Follow the directions for best results.
    • L'Oreal has a few products that are promoted for even out discoloration. They claim it helps break down melanin build-up and dark spots. They also prevent melanin from aggregating, which is the build-up problem that causes spots and hyperpigmentation in the first place. You can find them for around € 25.

Method 3 of 3: Acne

  1. Wash your face twice a day. As you roam the world, grease, dirt, and grime collects on your face, leading to outbreaks. Cigarette smoke, air pollution, and life in general can take a toll on your skin. Spending 5 minutes twice a day washing your face is an easy way to beat this daily culprit.
    • Washing more often will not help, however; that will only dry out your face (which can also lead to outbreaks). Wash your face in the morning and before going to bed with a clean washcloth, warm water and a mild cleanser.
  2. Invest in benzoyl peroxide. It is one of the most common treatments. You can get stronger versions through your doctor, but creams and cleansers are also available over the counter.
    • Benzoyl peroxide is available in a variety of forms, but most are creams and gels. You only apply it to the eruptions - it kills the bacteria that cause inflammation in clogged pores. Be patient; it can take up to three weeks to get results. Don't increase your usage! Too much is not good either.
  3. Salicylic acid is an option that makes your skin shed faster. By removing dead skin cells, your pores no longer have the ability to build up bacteria and cause blockages. It doesn't affect sebum production, but it prevents build-up on your face.
    • If you have sensitive skin, you may not want to use this product. And definitely don't use it on open wounds or scrapes. That's a recipe for aggravation.
  4. Talk to a dermatologist. A professional may be able to determine what type of stains you are dealing with. There are several different types of skin conditions and yours may be slightly different than you think.
    • Your doctor can prescribe something you have never even heard of. He will be able to tell you exactly what's safe and what's not to dispel rumors about home remedies.


  • Honey and milk is also a mixture that is often recommended. Apply this gently on your face and then wait for ten to fifteen minutes. Then wash it off slowly with warm water. This process takes a week or more to get rid of anything.
  • Never put Listerine on your acne, as it will cause a rash. Do not listen to people who advise this!
  • Witch hazel is an astringent toner and can be used to remove makeup residue.
  • Use fish oil to get rid of sun spots.
  • If acne is a problem, sweating is good for you. But not too long - shower afterwards. You don't want the salt to dry on your skin.
  • If you are female, consider using birth control. It can free your skin from blemishes.
  • If you are applying makeup without cosmetic sponges, make sure to clean your hands. This will reduce the risk of stains.