Get rid of your wrinkles

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Remove wrinkles on the face overnight| Dr Dray
Video: Remove wrinkles on the face overnight| Dr Dray


Wrinkles are part of the process when you get older, but it can make you feel insecure. If you want to do something about your wrinkles, you can try skin care products from the drugstore for starters. There are also various home remedies with which you can extend your anti-wrinkle treatment. If none of that helps, make an appointment with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon and ask if he or she can help you get a treatment that will help you feel your best again.

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Method 1 of 3: Using non-prescription skincare products

  1. Look for an anti-wrinkle cream that contains retinol or AHA. Opt for a non-prescription cream that contains a beneficial active ingredient, such as retinol, vitamin C, or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA). More expensive products or products containing a greater number of active ingredients are not always more effective than products containing only 1 or 2 active ingredients, so don't let those factors be the reason for choosing one anti-wrinkle cream over another. Try the cream you bought for 6 to 8 weeks to determine how effective it is. Other active ingredients you can look for include:
    • The coenzyme Q10
    • Peptides
    • Tea extracts
    • Grape Seed Extracts
    • Niacinamide
  2. Cleanse your skin with a mild cleanser. Another effective way to control the number of wrinkles on your face is to carefully cleanse your skin while trying to avoid irritation. Choose a facial cleanser that says it is mild for sensitive skin and wash your skin with it morning and night, and whenever you feel like your skin is dirty or sweaty.
    • Choose a cleansing product that doesn't exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating creams increase the risk of skin irritation.
  3. Exfoliate your skin twice a week with a hand or chemical exfoliating cream. An exfoliating cream that you apply by hand contains granules that smooth your skin, while a chemical exfoliating cream removes the dead skin cells. That way, the dead skin cells make way for younger, smoother skin. It is best to exfoliate your skin in the morning, because your skin recovers at night.
    • If you choose to use a chemical exfoliating cream, you can do a little chemical peel yourself at home. You can buy a special package for this at many beauty stores or salons.
    • You could also treat your skin with an exfoliating brush once a day.
    • You can also make your own exfoliating cream with ingredients such as salt, sugar, baking soda, ground coffee, honey, or lemon juice.
  4. Apply an anti-wrinkle cream twice a day. There is no product that delivers fantastic results overnight. Before you can see a difference, you will have to use each remedy regularly for at least a few weeks and maybe even for a few months. You should probably apply the anti-wrinkle cream in the morning and evening after cleansing your skin. Read the instructions on the packaging before use and check after a month or 2 whether you indeed have fewer or less deep wrinkles.
    • Keep in mind that products containing alpha-hydroxy acids or retinol can irritate the skin around your eyes. Therefore, do not apply products containing those ingredients near your eyes, or use only a tiny amount in those areas.
    • Sometimes an anti-wrinkle cream is so heavy that you can use it in place of a moisturizer. If not, you can apply a rich, non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic moisturizer to your face after cleansing. Rub the moisturizer into your skin with gentle circular motions, focusing especially on your wrinkles.
  5. Coat your face with sunscreen. If you regularly get into the sun, your skin will age faster and you will get wrinkles more quickly. If you know that you will be outside for more than 15 minutes, always use a sunscreen with a factor of 15 or higher. You can apply the sunscreen over your moisturizer, or you can look for a moisturizer with a UV filter.
    • If you're out in the sun, reapply your face every 2 hours, or after getting wet or sweating heavily.
    • It doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, exposure to the sun can accelerate the signs of aging and increase the risk of skin cancer.
    • It is best to choose a sunscreen that is made from natural ingredients and that contains zinc or titanium oxide, as those ingredients provide sun protection.
  6. Immerse yourself in the different serums that exist against wrinkles. There are all kinds of anti-wrinkle serums available that are said to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and you may find that there are serums that will work on your skin to the desired effect. Keep in mind that a remedy that you can buy from a drug store or online without a prescription will never have a very drastic effect, but over time you may find that you have fewer wrinkles. Look for serums that contain antioxidants such as Vitamin C, B3 and E.
    • Always keep in mind that paying a lot of money for any kind of anti-wrinkle products does not guarantee that they do what they promise. The composition and functioning of such products are generally not legally controlled.
  7. Buy nutritional supplements that contain antioxidants and give your skin a boost. Vitamins and minerals help keep your skin looking healthy and looking better. Carotenoids, tocopherol, flavonoids, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, D and E are all good options. In addition, proteins and lactobacilli can also help keep your skin healthy. You can try to get those nutrients through your diet or take supplements.
    • Always ask your doctor for advice before taking dietary supplements.

Method 2 of 3: Using home remedies

  1. Massage your face. You can also try to reduce the number of wrinkles on your face by massaging your skin with your fingertips or with a special device. A skin massage works best in combination with an anti-wrinkle treatment, such as cleaning your skin with a special cleanser and using an anti-wrinkle cream. Buy a facial massager and use it after applying the anti-wrinkle cream, or massage your face with your fingers while applying the cream.
    • Keep in mind that you will only see results after 4 to 8 weeks and the result will be very subtle.
  2. Increase your intake of turmeric. Applying turmeric directly to the skin has never been shown to have any effect on wrinkles, but you could reduce wrinkles by consuming more of this spice. Try adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of turmeric to recipes or taking a supplement. Look for turmeric capsules and follow the instructions provided for using the supplement.
    • Always make an appointment with your doctor before switching to any type of nutritional supplement, especially if you are also taking medications prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Apply rooibos tea to your skin. A study of the effectiveness of anti-wrinkle creams with herbal ingredients has shown that the formulas containing rooibos are the most effective in fighting wrinkles. You can look for an anti-wrinkle cream that contains rooibos, or you can brew some rooibos tea and apply the cold tea to your skin using cotton balls.
    • Brew a cup of tea with 1 teaspoon or 1 bag of rooibos tea on a quarter liter of hot water.
    • Let the tea steep for 5 minutes and then remove the tea infuser or bag.
    • Let the tea cool to room temperature and then apply the tea to your freshly washed face with the help of cotton balls.
    • Let the tea sit on your skin and spread a moisturizer over it.

Method 3 of 3: Get medical attention for wrinkles

  1. Ask your doctor to tell you more about prescription creams containing retinoids. The first phase of an anti-wrinkle treatment can consist of a cream that you have to put on your face every day. Such creams can reduce wrinkles and improve the overall appearance of your skin.
    • Using creams containing retinoids may cause your skin to itch, become irritated, or dry out. You may also experience a burning or tingling sensation after applying the cream. If you experience such side effects, report it to your doctor.
    • If you use creams that contain retinoids, protect your skin from the sun, for example by using a sunscreen with a factor of 15 or higher and by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
    • The cream is probably not reimbursed by insurance and you should keep in mind that each tube costs about € 100.
  2. Inquire about the possibilities for botox. Botox injections are a popular treatment method for wrinkles, especially to get rid of crow's feet and frown lines. You may see an enormous improvement about 2 weeks after the treatment. However, as with most medical treatments, you must take into account a number of risks, including inflammation, allergic reactions and pain.
    • If you are in doubt about applying botox, see if you can have a small patch of skin done first. For example, you could spray a little between your eyebrows, near your crow's feet or around your lips, so you can see if you like the result.
    • Keep in mind that the results will only last 3 to 4 months, and you will need a new treatment after that if you want to get rid of your wrinkles again.
  3. Investigate the possibilities of so-called laser resurfacing. Laser treatments can improve the overall appearance of your skin, while at the same time eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. There are two types of laser beams that are used to treat wrinkles: ablative and non-ablative laser beams. Ablative laser beams remove the top layer of skin to reveal the new skin underneath. Non-ablative laser beams only heat the skin without removing it, promoting new skin growth. Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon can explain your options and help you choose the best treatment for your situation.
    • Depending on the strength of the laser beam, a laser treatment can be painful. Sometimes an anesthetic is necessary, depending on the part of your face being treated and the depth of the treatment.
    • A non-ablative laser treatment costs an average of $ 1,031, while an ablative laser treatment costs an average of $ 2,330.
  4. Get a chemical peel. A chemical peel uses a special lotion that they apply to the skin on your face and leave it on for a certain period of time. Over the following days, your skin will gradually peel off so that the underlying skin will appear. That way, wrinkles or fine lines will be less likely to appear on your skin.
    • Chemical peels are available in a variety of strengths, including light, medium and deep. A light peel will produce less spectacular results than a deep peel, but if you just have some fine lines that you want to get rid of, a light peel may be enough. For wrinkles, a medium to deep peel is likely to work best.
    • Depending on the depth of the peel, the treatment may need to be performed under anesthesia, possibly by a plastic surgeon. If necessary, a light peeling can be performed by an anesthetist or a specially trained nurse.
    • A chemical peel costs an average of € 638.
  5. Consider the option of microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a thorough type of exfoliating treatment that removes dead and damaged skin from the top layer to reveal the more healthy skin underneath. This procedure is not harmful to your face and there are no high risks involved. There are even people who combine the treatment with a chemical peel for a more impressive result.
    • This treatment works well for fine lines and wrinkles such as crow's feet.
    • You must ensure that your skin is not exposed to the sun after the treatment.
    • The average cost of a microdermabrasion treatment is around € 138.
  6. Ask a plastic surgeon about the options for dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a somewhat more aggressive form of skin exfoliation in which a plastic surgeon uses a powerful type of file or blade to remove a layer of skin from the area to be treated; for example a place where you have a lot of wrinkles. This treatment must be done under anesthesia and there is a risk of inflammation after the procedure.
    • Dermabrasion is suitable for getting rid of smile wrinkles and vertical lines near your lips.
    • After the treatment, your skin will be quite sore and fragile, so it is important that you carefully follow all the doctor's instructions regarding the care of your skin. You will also need to stay out of the sun until your skin has healed.
    • A treatment with dermabrasion costs on average around € 1,160.
  7. Consider using so-called wrinkle fillers. Filling your skin with an implant can also reduce wrinkles. Wrinkle fillers or injectable implants are suitable for treating wrinkles on your face, especially around your mouth and cheeks. Wrinkle fillers can also be used to reduce wrinkles on your hands.
    • Ask your dermatologist about the options in your case with regard to the use of wrinkle fillers.
    • Keep in mind that there are risks associated with the use of wrinkle fillers in the form of inflammation and pain, which can last for weeks, and sometimes even months or in some cases years. You will also be at risk of inflammation and allergic reactions while you are given these types of injections, so tell your treating physician if you experience strange pain, swelling, red skin, loss of fluid or bruising.
    • Wrinkle fillers or implants cost between $ 600 and $ 2,000, depending on the type of filler and the area treated.
  8. Study the possibilities for procedures to tighten your skin. A dermatologist can suggest a procedure to tighten your skin. These procedures are performed with equipment that warms the skin. The result of the procedure will not be immediately visible, but will develop over a period of 4 to 6 months.
    • You can enjoy the effects of skin tightening for up to a year.
    • Several treatments may be required to achieve the desired result.
    • The cost of the treatment can be between $ 450 and $ 2,000, depending on the number of sessions required and the part of your face that you want to be treated.
  9. Consider a surgical facelift. If none of the non-surgical remedies you have tried have had the desired effect, you might consider having a surgical facelift. A surgical facelift sometimes produces amazing results that you can enjoy for 5 to 10 years.
    • Keep in mind that surgery does cost something. Depending on the surgeon and the procedure, you can expect to spend between $ 3,500 and $ 20,000.
    • Just like any operation, a facelift also entails risks. Discuss the potential risks with the plastic surgeon so that you can more easily decide whether the potential benefits outweigh the risks.


  • While skincare products often help, your diet also has a very important impact on how your skin looks. Provide a healthy and varied diet that is rich in nutrients. Choose anti-inflammatory foods and avoid sugars and refined carbohydrates as much as possible, as such products can cause inflammation in your body.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to prevent your skin from drying out. If it is hot or if you are very active, drink even more water to make sure you are getting enough.
  • If you already smoke, stop smoking. Smoking speeds up the aging process and makes your wrinkles more visible.
  • Meditation can also help to slow down the aging process and is therefore a great aid against wrinkles!