How to get rid of a red eye

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To Get Rid Of Red Eyes | Top 4 Causes Of A Red Eye
Video: How To Get Rid Of Red Eyes | Top 4 Causes Of A Red Eye


Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your eyes were red? Whether you've been staring at a computer or TV screen for too long or have an allergy, red eyes can be painful and unsightly. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce irritation and swelling. Red eyes sometimes go hand in hand with dry eyes, so some treatments address both issues. Other problems such as inflammation, trauma, or dirt in the eye can also cause redness. It is often best to seek medical help.

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Part 1 of 2: How to get rid of red eyes

  1. Research eye drops. There are many different types of eye drops, each of which is suitable for different conditions. For example, if you have red eyes and wear contact lenses, drops that constrict blood vessels usually don't work. They can't get through the lens to treat the redness.
    • There are eye drops that work by narrowing the blood vessels in the eyes. As the blood vessels constrict, the redness diminishes. Be careful, because if you use it too often, your eyes will become dependent on it. If you don't use them anymore, it can sometimes make your eyes more red. These drops are only available on prescription.
    • Eye drops without preservatives are the most natural for your eyes. They often come in small single-use bottles, making it very hygienic.
  2. Consult your doctor or ophthalmologist. The best way to choose the right eye drops is to talk to a specialist about the cause of the redness. Let him / her make the diagnosis and choose the best treatment method.
    • If your eyes are red from an allergy, look for eye drops with antihistamines. Antihistamines can cause dry eyes and redness, so you could combine them with artificial tears.
    • If you have an eye infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotic drops.
    • Be careful with eye drops that kill bacteria. Many people are allergic to the preservatives it contains. Then your eyes will become even redder!
  3. Apply a cold compress to your eyes. Cold water reduces swelling and soothes irritated eyes. Just throw some cold water on your face.
    • The most common cause of red eyes is allergy. The body produces histamines that make the eyes drier, causing the blood vessels to swell. Cold water reduces blood flow to the eyes and slightly relieves irritation.
  4. Use an ice pack. Ice can also soften bloodshot eyes. Ice or an icepack works much like a cold compress by reducing swelling and reducing blood flow to the eyes.
    • If you don't have an ice pack, you can put some ice cubes in a clean washcloth. Keep it on your eyes for 4 to 5 minutes.
    • If you put very cold things like ice or an icepack on your eyes, protect them with a thin towel. Otherwise, you can damage your skin from freezer burn.
  5. Wait until a burst blood vessel is over. If you sneeze or cough too hard, or even if you rub something too hard in your eyes, a blood vessel can burst. Doctors call this a "subconjunctival hemorrhage". In most cases, only one eye is red, and it doesn't hurt. The blood vessel should heal on its own. It may take a few days to two weeks for it to pass.
    • This can also happen if you take blood thinners, lift something heavy, are constipated, or do something that puts a lot of pressure on your head. It can also develop if you have a blood disorder. So if it happens often, see the eye doctor. Maybe your blood needs to be tested.
    • See your doctor if it hurts or if you have a chronic condition such as diabetes.
  6. If you have conjunctivitis, see your doctor. With conjunctivitis, the eye looks red or pink. See your doctor right away if you think you have conjunctivitis. He / she can then prescribe antibiotics in the form of eye drops or even orally, depending on the cause. Conjunctivitis is contagious, so wash your hands with antibacterial soap, clean your lenses, and don't rub your eyes. To know if you have conjunctivitis, check the following things:
    • Only one eye is dry and red, or at least it started in one eye before spreading to the other eye.
    • You have recently had a viral or bacterial infection (e.g., ear infection, cold, or flu).
    • You know someone close to you has recently had conjunctivitis.

Part 2 of 2: Preventing red eyes

  1. Determine the cause of your red eyes. See an eye doctor for a professional diagnosis to find out why your eyes are red and irritated. Make sure you can answer the following questions, so that the diagnosis can be made more accurately:
    • Is this a chronic problem, or are you having it for the first time?
    • Do you have any symptoms other than red eyes?
    • How long have it been bothering you?
    • What medications are you taking? Also include vitamins or nutritional supplements.
    • Do you drink alcohol or use drugs?
    • Do you have any chronic illnesses?
    • Are you allergic to anything?
    • Have you been under a lot of stress lately?
    • Are you getting enough sleep?
    • Do you eat less, or do you feel dehydrated?
  2. Look at a screen for less time. Research has shown that we blink 10 times less when looking at a screen. Blinking is very important for keeping eyes healthy as it moisturizes our eyes. Staring at laptops, TVs and other electronic screens can dry out our eyes and turn red. If you have to watch a screen for an extended period of time, take these precautions:
    • Consciously remind yourself to blink.
    • Follow the 20-20 rule: take a break from your screen every 20 minutes and look elsewhere for 20 seconds to a minute. Give your eyes a rest.
    • Make your screen less bright.
    • Move your screen 50-100 cm from your eyes.
  3. Customize your electronic screen. If you have to use a computer or TV for work, you may not be able to limit your screen time. However, you can make adjustments to reduce eye strain.
    • Place your screen at eye level. You shouldn't have to look down or up when looking at your screen.
    • Keep 50-100 cm away from your screen.
    • Wear special glasses to protect your eyes from the screen radiation. If you already wear glasses or lenses, ask your optician if the amount of time you spend in front of a screen makes you need new glasses or lenses. Consider getting tinted glass or an anti-glare coating to reduce eye strain.
  4. Do not smoke. Irritants such as smoke can make your eyes red. Smoking also increases the risk of a variety of eye diseases, such as cataracts, macular degeneration, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy and dry eye syndrome. Smoking during pregnancy can cause eye disease in the unborn child.
    • If you don't want to or can't quit smoking, make sure you don't smoke indoors. You can also buy an air purifier to keep the indoor air clean if you do smoke indoors.
  5. Drink less alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol dehydrates your body. You then lose nutrients that are important for tear production because you urinate more. The combination of dehydration and nutrient loss causes dry and red eyes.
    • Use a drink calculator to determine if you are drinking more alcohol than you should.
    • If you drink alcohol, also drink enough water to stay hydrated.You need to drink enough water to keep your body and eyes hydrated.
  6. Eat a balanced diet. What you eat affects the health of your eyes, just like the other organs in your body. Eat a healthy diet high in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, flaxseed, nuts, etc.) to keep your eyes healthy and reduce inflammation.
    • Vitamin C, E and zinc prevent eye problems associated with aging. You can find these vitamins in peppers, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, oranges, cantaloupe, tomatoes, raspberries, celery and spinach.
    • Vitamin B2 and B6 reduce age-related diseases and help against cataracts. Eat things like eggs, fresh vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, sunflower seeds, tuna, liver, and turkey.
    • Lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes from harmful light. To get more of this, eat plenty of peas, green beans, orange peppers, corn, tangerines, oranges, mango, eggs, and dark leafy greens like kale, broccoli, and spinach.
    • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.
  7. Get plenty of sleep. This is often overlooked, although it is a common cause of red eyes. Sleep restores the whole body, including your eyes. You need to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. Not getting enough sleep will irritate and dry your eyes, and it can also lead to problems like a twitching nerve in the eye and bags under the eyes.
    • Another benefit of sleeping is that it gives the white blood cells time to fight off harmful pathogens.
  8. Treat your allergies. Allergies are a common cause of dry, red, irritated eyes. Hay fever usually starts in the spring, when there is a lot of pollen in the air. The irritation occurs when the body produces histamines to combat the allergy. The side effects of histamines are dry, itchy eyes. Buy antihistamines from the drug store to treat the allergy and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
    • You can also be allergic to animal dander. If you get dry, itchy, and puffy eyes when you are around certain pets, try to avoid them from now on. You can also go to your doctor for an injection for your dander allergy.


  • Tell your doctor if you think you have an allergy or if the treatment is not working.
  • Keep a diary of all symptoms and when they occur. Then your doctor can better discover whether the cause of the problem is an allergy or something with your immune system.
  • Do not hold electronic devices too close to your eyes and consult an ophthalmologist.


  • Tell your doctor immediately if it starts to hurt more or if you experience new symptoms. With a sudden severe headache or blurred vision, go to the emergency room right away.