Get rid of a double chin

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Double Chin | How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin | Double Chin Exercises
Video: Double Chin | How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin | Double Chin Exercises


A neck that is too thick, also called a "double chin", is caused by too much fat under the skin of the neck. It can be difficult to get this part tight again. The best way is a combination of general weight loss and plenty of exercise. Since it's impossible to lose fat in just one area of ​​your body, losing weight and getting more exercise is best if you want to get rid of your double chin. Unfortunately, you won't get rid of it overnight. But if you stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine, you can lose your double chin.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Changes in your diet

  1. Reduce the number of calories you eat. Wherever you want to lose fat, you will have to make sure that you lose weight on the whole. You can achieve this by reducing your total daily calories.
    • Reduce the total number of calories you take in daily by 500 per day. That usually results in 0.5 to 1 kilogram of weight loss per week.
    • If you cut out too many calories, you will lose weight more slowly and you may be deficient in nutrients because you are not getting enough.
    • It can be helpful to keep a food diary so that you can count your calories every day. Subtract 500 calories per day and you will lose weight.
  2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Both fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Making half of your meals and snacks from vegetables or fruits will help you cut a lot of calories.
    • It is generally recommended that you eat about 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. If you eat fruit or vegetables with every meal or snack, you will easily get there.
    • A serving of fruit is about 1/2 cup of chopped fruit, or 1 small piece of fruit. A serving of vegetables is 1 cup full, and a serving of leafy greens is 2 cups full.
  3. Switch to healthier carbohydrates. Whole grains (grains containing bran, germ and seeds) are much higher in fiber and other essential nutrients. If you choose to eat grains, have 100% whole grains.
    • Choose whole grain products such as 100% whole wheat pasta and bread, brown rice, oat flakes, quinoa or barley.
    • Processed carbohydrates (such as products made from white flour or other processed grains) provide you with very little nutritional value.
    • Fiber slows down the digestion process, making you feel full longer and allowing your body to absorb nutrients more slowly.
  4. Eat more lean proteins. Lean proteins are essential in any diet, but especially if you want to lose weight.
    • Lean proteins make you feel full longer, compared to other nutrients such as carbohydrates.
    • Eat 90-120 grams of protein with every meal or snack. Such a portion is about the same size as the palm of a hand or a deck of cards.
    • Examples include: low-fat dairy, fish, lean beef, poultry, eggs, legumes, and tofu.
  5. Stay hydrated. Water is essential for proper bodily functions. In addition, hydrated skin will be less likely to sag or become less elastic.
    • Try to drink at least 8 large glasses of water. Some people need up to 13 glasses. This depends on your weight, gender and activity level.
    • Water also reduces appetite. Thirst and dehydration can feel like hunger, causing you to eat more than you need to.
    • Opt for water and other unsweetened drinks rather than things with sugar like soda and fruit juice. Sweetened drinks are often full of empty calories.
    • Avoid any drinks that dehydrate you. This is anything with caffeine in it, such as cola and coffee, and alcohol.

Part 2 of 3: Get more exercise

  1. Do cardiovascular exercise. Aerobics and cardio exercise help if you want to burn calories and lose weight.
    • Experts recommend doing 150 minutes of cardio every week. For example, you can exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week to meet this requirement.
    • Try different exercises such as walking, jogging / running, cycling, the elliptical trainer, swimming or dancing.
    • In addition to helping you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, cardiovascular activity has been proven to help with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  2. Do strength training 2 days a week. In addition to cardio training, it is also good to do strength training a few times a week.
    • Experts recommend doing at least 20 minutes of strength training twice a week. It is also recommended that you do alternate exercises so that you target every major muscle group (legs, chest, core, arms, etc.).
    • There are several activities that count as strength training, such as weight lifting, fitness equipment, yoga and pilates.
  3. Don't do neck exercises. There are all kinds of exercises that are said to help you lose fat in your neck or neck. But usually those exercises have the opposite result.
    • You may think that exercises for neck muscles will help you lose fat, but you will get thicker muscles in your neck and neck in return. This makes your double chin seem bigger instead of smaller.
    • In general, you will notice that your double chin decreases as you lose weight all over your body.

Part 3 of 3: Consider certain skincare products

  1. Always put on sunscreen. In addition to your diet and exercise plan, it is good to always put on sunscreen to avoid a wrinkled, hanging, old double chin.
    • When your skin is damaged by the sun, you get wrinkles and your skin looks older, making it look like your double chin is even worse.
    • It is recommended to use at least factor 15 when you go outside, for both men and women. You need a higher factor if you are going to be in bright sun or if you are going to stay out longer.
  2. Use a retinol cream. There are many retinoid-based anti-wrinkle creams available with or without a prescription. Some of these creams help build collagen and fade wrinkles.
    • Using it in conjunction with sunscreen can improve a sagging, wrinkled double chin.
    • Treatments and creams used in a beauty salon usually give the best results.
  3. Consider plastic surgery. If you've tried a diet, exercise plan, and creams to no avail, you may want to consider more drastic measures to get rid of your double chin.
    • There are several options, including: liposuction, botox, laser treatments and a neck and jaw lift.
    • Make an appointment with a dermatologist to determine which is best for your body and budget (as some treatments can be quite pricey).


  • Always talk to your doctor if you are starting a new diet or exercise plan. He / she can tell you if the diet and exercise level are safe and appropriate for you.
  • It can be difficult to get rid of a double chin. You will have to stick to a combination of a healthy diet, lots of exercise and good skin care.