How to get rid of a stubborn curry smell

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Curry Odors in Your House
Video: How to Get Rid of Curry Odors in Your House


Curry is a flavorful Indian-style dish made with many strong spices, such as turmeric and cumin. The strong odor can be very difficult to expel from an apartment or home because the herbs release fragrant fumes when cooked. Even after cooking, the vapors continue to penetrate permeable surfaces such as walls, floor coverings, upholstery and curtains. To solve the problem you have to destroy the fat molecule. By combining different cleaning methods, you can get a curry scent out of your house.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Disguise a curry scent

  1. Wash your face and hands with lemon or lime. When you shower, rub a slice of lemon or lime over the skin that is most likely to have cooking odor deposits such as hands, face, and arms. The tartness in lime will help break down the oils that cause the lingering curry smell. Finish by washing with soap and water as usual.
    • Avoid any open cuts or wounds on the skin as this can cause painful stinging or burning.
    • Avoid putting on the same items of clothing that you were wearing while cooking, such as a hat or sweater.
  2. Use air-freshening products. You can use air sprays, deodorizing sprays, plug-ins, or scented candles. Also very useful are air fresheners that you can spray on textiles. Spray any items near the cooking area until damp, such as the carpeting, upholstery, curtains, or walls.
    • A combination of many products will work well.
    • Make sure you read the label directions carefully to use it properly.
  3. Boil flowers or leaves that give off a pleasant scent. Put two cups of water in a saucepan on the stove and bring it to a boil. Add scented material such as Kewra leaves (pandan) or vanilla bean / extract and reduce the heat. Let it simmer for at least an hour. The fragrance emitted will mask the lingering curry smell.
    • Kewra leaves, also known as pandan leaves, can be purchased at your local Asian supermarket or specialty store.
    • There are fixed specifications about how much pandan or vanilla you should add. Try a few twigs to start with and add more if needed.
    • you can also try cooking other scented ingredients you have to get rid of the stink, such as 720ml white vinegar, 240ml water and 6 cinnamon sticks.
  4. Let fresh air into your home. Open the windows for a day or two to let fresh air into your home. You may also need to replace filters in your heating or cooling systems so that they don't circulate dirty air.

Method 2 of 3: Using cleaning sprays

  1. Mix vinegar and water to absorb odors. Combine a cup of water with two tablespoons of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Vinegar is a natural home remedy that is known to deodorize a room.
    • It's probably not a long-term solution, but you can also place bowls of vinegar around your house to absorb odors.
  2. Combine one part water with one part live microbial agent in a spray bottle. You can buy the microbial agent online or at your local hardware store. Microbial agents have live bacteria that eat odor-causing microorganisms and are said to be able to get strong odors out of your home.
  3. Spray your entire house with the mixture of your choice. Whether you use vinegar or a microbial solution, you spray everything, including walls, cabinets, the carpeting, the ceiling, grease traps and curtains. Pay special attention to areas with built-up fat that the odor often penetrates.
    • Before spraying, you should test for color fastness to ensure that a fabric will retain its color.Spray a small amount of the mixture onto an inconspicuous piece of fabric. Wait a few minutes and dab it with a handkerchief. Watch for changes to the fabric or color that is transferring to the handkerchief.
    • Do not spray around electronics or electrical outlets.
    • Check the instructions for your filters to see if you can wash them. You may be able to wash them in the mixture while others should be washed with soap and water. Others may need to be replaced and bought at your local hardware store.
  4. Use the microbial solution to clean the drains in your home. The drainage holes can often get clogged, causing odors to linger in your home. The microbial agents help clean the drains and remove odors.
    • Follow directions on the bottle label about how much to use and how often.
  5. Repeat this process once a week. If the smell doesn't go away right away, spray the solution and air your home once a week. This allows the microbes to live and continue to break down the fat that traps the scent.
    • If the odor still persists after 4 cycles, try combining this with other odor-removing methods.

Method 3 of 3: Remove long-lasting odors

  1. Sprinkle soda on your carpet and let it soak overnight. Soda absorbs odors, so sprinkle some on your carpet. Use just enough for a thin layer. Then leave the soda alone overnight. The next morning you vacuum it up.
    • Keep pets and small children off the carpet while the soda is setting.
  2. Try steam cleaning for your carpeting and upholstery. There are professional carpet cleaners that come to your home and steam clean carpets and upholstery, or you can buy or rent steam cleaners to do it yourself. Stores have cleaners specifically made to remove odors, or you can try other remedies such as Oxyclean, vinegar, or bleach.
    • Do not steam clean for at least a month if you are using a microbial solution. Use the solution for 4 cycles before cleaning with steam.
    • Avoid using normal vacuum cleaners and cleaning agents such as baking soda and carpet shampoo as they will not clean into the substrate where odors can be trapped.
    • Professional carpet cleaners vary greatly in cost because they depend on the size of the house and how many rooms you want to clean. In general, you pay per square meter.
    • Steam cleaner rental companies usually have a minimum number of hours to rent, but you can also rent by the day. You can find the cleaner and products at your local hardware store.
  3. Choose an ozone generator to destroy molecules. Ozone (O3) is a reactive particle that chemically attracts and reacts with molecules in the air and on surfaces. The oxygen in ozone chemically changes the structure of the molecule to remove the odor. You can buy ozone generators online or at your local hardware store for a variety of prices.
    • Instructions usually recommend running the generator for an hour in a closed room, but you can run it for 3-4 hours.
    • Ozone is effective at removing odors because as a gas it can penetrate anywhere air can go: walls, ceilings, vents, floor coverings, upholstery fibers and more.
    • You can read online consumer experiences discussing various properties of ozone generators such as cost, size, noise, durability and effectiveness.
    • Ozone generators are mainly bought for places where ozone is needed, such as places with gaseous pollution (such as the smell of curry). They should not be used to remove allergens as they are known to cause greater health problems.
  4. Opt for a photocatalytic air purification process. Contact a company that has machines that use an Advanced Photocatalytic Oxidation process. This process uses air and water to create vaporized hydrogen peroxide and reactive hydroxyl particles. This process cleans both air and surfaces in a home. Not only does it clean, but it also breaks down compounds that trap odors.
    • Most houses can be done in 12 hours or less and clients, furniture, clothing and rugs can stay in the house.
    • You can also buy photocalytic air purifiers that used the same technology to destroy particles that cause odor. You can find purifiers and filters online.
  5. Repaint your walls. Use turpentine to break down grease from kitchen surfaces. Then you remove the current paint from your walls by sanding, using heat or chemicals. Then you apply a primer that blocks and seals odors, which will both prevent current odors from escaping and new ones to penetrate into the paint. Finally, choose your paint and mix in additives that are known to block odors, such as vanilla or chemical additives.
    • To remove grease, mix equal parts turpentine, linseed oil, and white vinegar, and use a light cloth to wipe the grease off kitchen surfaces. There is no need to rinse when you are done. Just let it dry and polish it with a cloth.
    • Turpentine can often have a noxious odor, so be sure to use it in a well-ventilated area, use rubber gloves and a mask to protect yourself, and cover your work area with cloths or cardboard.
    • If you're mixing additives into your paint, add two tablespoons of vanilla to every 3.5 liters of paint. Or you can mix in odorless additives (from your local hardware store or paint store) that remove odors, not just block them.


  • If the smell still lingers in your microwave after trying other techniques, try heating 240ml water with 30g baking soda in the microwave for 2 minutes. Let the mixture sit in your microwave for 5 minutes and then wipe the microwave clean.
  • If there is an odor in an apartment or house you have just moved into, notify the landlord / real estate agent immediately. There may be laws to protect you in such a case and you may be compensated for the cleaning costs.


  • If you are using chemicals, make sure the area is well ventilated and use gloves and a mask to protect yourself.