Planting onions

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Onions from Start to Finish
Video: How to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Onions from Start to Finish


Onions are easy to grow and they are chopped and cooked a good addition to many dishes. This article will show you how to grow your own onions.

To step

  1. Find a good spot. Onions should be planted in places with sun or partial shade and little wind. Do not plant them in heavy clay soil.
  2. Loosen the soil with a garden fork and remove all weeds and large stones.
  3. Use a garden rake to level the soil.
    • If the soil is low in nutrients, you can add a small amount of organic matter before planting the onions.
  4. Use your feet or the back of the rake to press the ground firmly. Onions grow well in hard soil.
  5. Rake the soil lightly again.
  6. Choose sturdy, thick onion sets. Discard any soft or undersized specimens.
  7. Make rows with small holes in the ground. You can place a piece of string on the ground as an aid to make sure you dig the holes in a straight line.
  8. Use a garden shovel to dig small holes. Make the holes only as deep as the onion sets themselves so that the tip is visible when you close the hole (about an inch). Lightly press the soil around the points with your fingers. The onion sets should be planted with the tips facing up at a distance of about 10 centimeters from each other. The rows should be spaced 8 to 12 inches apart.
  9. Water the onions in the spring. You may not need to water them in the fall and winter.
  10. Harvest the onions in late spring.


  • Harvest the onions when the tops have turned brown.
  • If you planted the onions in late fall, they should be ready in late spring.
  • It helps to attach labels to the onions.


  • Onion sets
  • A garden shovel
  • A garden fork
  • Rope
  • A garden or metal rake
  • Plant labels
  • A small amount of organic matter such as well-rotted manure