Do tricks with your tongue

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Tricks with your tongue are fun ways to show off to your friends. Some are relatively easy, while others require more muscle control. With some pointers, you should be able to learn some cool tongue tricks.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Learning simple tongue tricks

  1. Roll your tongue into a tube. Rolling your tongue into a tube is one of the most common tongue tricks. To do this, you need to roll the outer edges of your tongue up and inward so that the edges of your tongue touch. Stick your tongue out of your mouth to maintain the tube shape.
    • To get the edges of your tongue together, push the edges up from the bottom with your fingers. Make an "O" with your lips and keep your tongue in that shape. Do this until you can roll your tongue without the help of your fingers.
    • Another way to make the shape with your tongue is to pull down the center of your tongue muscle. This will bring the sides of your tongue up. Try to catch the edges of your tongue along the edges of your palate. Then push your tongue out while holding the mold.
    • This is also called making a taco, barrel roll, or loop.
    • 65-81% of people can roll their tongue; women can do it more often than men. Recent research has begun to refute that tongue rolling is a genetic trait. Several studies among children have shown that roles can be learned with the tongue.
  2. Pull your tongue back and down. For this trick, you actually fold your tongue in half. Start by placing the tip of your tongue behind your teeth. Push forward with your tongue, with the tip of your tongue still in the same place. It should fold in half like this.
    • Open your mouth wider when you're done. This way you can see how your tongue is folded.
  3. Rotate your tongue 180 degrees. Turn your tongue over in your mouth. Clockwise or counterclockwise, whatever you prefer. Press your tongue against your lower teeth while using your upper teeth to flatten your tongue. Stick the tip of your tongue out between your lips. You should see the bottom of your tongue.
    • To help train your tongue to do this, use your fingers. Take your tongue and turn it over. Hold him. Let go of it and work towards your tongue being able to leave it without any help.
  4. Touch your nose with your tongue. This trick can be difficult depending on the length of your tongue and the length of your nose. Start by sticking your tongue out. Stick the tip of your tongue up. Stretch your tongue towards your nose as far as you can.
    • For some people, pulling their upper lip over their teeth can help. For others, it can help to stretch their upper lips as close to their teeth as possible above the teeth at the edge of the gum. That way it is on the side and your tongue does not have to go that far.
    • Try to flatten your tongue as you stretch it upward. For example, you may be able to stretch better than keeping your tongue pointed.
    • If you're working on stretching your tongue to touch your nose, use your finger to guide it to your nose.
  5. Learn the spoon. This simple trick only requires you to make a hole with your tongue. Start with a flat tongue and an open mouth. Pull the center of your tongue down as the edges curl up. Curl the tip of your tongue inward. This will make a rounded edge around your tongue that looks like a spoon.
    • When you are done with this trick, your tongue will be out of your mouth. The bottom of your tongue pushes against your bottom lip.
    • If you have trouble making the round shape, try making a roll with your tongue first. Then lift the tip of your tongue. Or try using your finger to make a depression in the center of your tongue.
  6. Make a spaceship. This simple trick relies on the placement of your lips. Cover both your lower and upper teeth with your lips. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth as flat as possible. Make sure the edge of your tongue can be seen past your lips. The spaceship is created by the rounded edge of your tongue and the thin line of the skin underneath.
    • If you are struggling to achieve the correct shape, put your tongue in position against the roof of your mouth before moving your lips.
    • Use your finger to push your tongue into position if you are unable to press it against the roof of your mouth.

Part 2 of 2: Learn advanced tongue tricks

  1. Make a cloverleaf. The cloverleaf continues from the barrel roll. Roll your tongue into a tube. Then you pull back the tip of your tongue. As you pull it back, push the bottom of your tongue against the inside of your bottom lip.
    • To finish this you may need to stretch your lips wide. Push them down slightly to get enough tension to push again. This also gives you plenty of room to see your tongue.
    • Use your fingers while learning. Roll your tongue into a tube. Place your fingers under your tongue about an inch apart. Squeeze the tip of your tongue. This helps your tongue learn cloverleaf formation.
  2. Try a split tongue. This trick gives the illusion of two separate points on a tongue. Start with your tongue flat and sticking slightly outside your lips. Slide your tongue into your mouth and put the tip of your tongue behind your teeth. Pull the center of your tongue down so that the edges come up. Close your lips around your tongue so that all you see is the two sides of your tongue.
    • Use your finger to push down the center of your tongue if it keeps popping up. The trick is to have only the two sides visible.
    • You can also achieve this by rolling your tongue. Roll your tongue into a tube. Push the edges of the tongue closest to the lips along the lips. The rolled-up shape helps keep the rest of the tongue out of sight.
  3. Learn the inverted T. This trick uses some of the same moves as the cloverleaf. Start with the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth. Push the center of your tongue down while pushing forward. This will make a fold in your tongue just above your teeth. Together with the line in the center of your tongue, this fold makes a T upside down.


  • You can use your fingers to mold your tongue into position.
  • Keep practicing. You can master many of these tricks if you keep practicing.