Getting married in The Sims 3

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sims 3: How to get married
Video: Sims 3: How to get married


Getting married in The Sims 3 is a joyous occasion for both you and your Sims! If you have two Sims who would be a perfect match for each other, read this article to learn how to connect them in real life

To step

Part 1 of 3: Becoming romantic interests

  1. Choose a match. Some sims are a better match than others based on their personality and interests. Two Sims can still get married although they have many troublesome traits or conflicts - but it can take time, and the marriage doesn't necessarily have to be a happy one.
    • Be strategic about where you look for potential dates. For example, if your Sim is interested in books, check the bookstore or library.
    • Romance speeds up if a Sim has one of these traits: Charismatic, Friendly, Flirty, or Hopeless Romantic. A Fearful of Commitment or Non-Flirty Sim will be a difficult partner, but it's not impossible.
  2. Learn about teen romance. If you want two Teens to be in a relationship, there are a few things you should know first:
    • Teens can start a romance with another teen, but cannot get married until they are both young adults.
    • When one of the teens becomes a Young Adult, the options for romantic interaction with the teen will disappear. You can continue the romance once the teen gets older. They are still listed as "Friend", "Girlfriend" or "Romantic Interest".
  3. Improve your romantic skills (optional). Train your Sim's Charisma skill to increase the chances of success and unlock new options. Also keep an eye out for lifetime rewards that can make romance easier, such as Attractive and Never Boring.
  4. Befriend the other Sim. Select one of the Sims and let him or her interact with the other. The Sims 3 offers a great number of social options. Try to start with a few topics of conversation and then move on to other positive social interactions. You may have a few setbacks along the way, but it should only take a few meetings to become acquaintances, then become friends.
    • Whenever possible, choose calling options based on the other Sim's traits. A car enthusiast likes to talk about cars, and a technophobe will hate to talk about electronics.
    • Relationships decline over time. Invite the Sim the next day to keep your momentum going.
  5. Ask if the Sim is single. The "Ask or Single" option under the Romance option will take effect before you are friends. Try this early so you know the Sim's relationship status. A Sim who is already in a relationship is often more difficult to impress, but it is still possible to pick up on them.
    • If you do manage to break up the Sim's relationship, both Sims will lose a large amount of relationship with the former partner. Determine if this is worth it before proceeding.
  6. Try out romantic interactions. Most Romantic interactions will have no effect until your Sims are at least Friends (about 40% of the bar). After this point, you can take a step with these options:
    • Compliment personality
    • Compliment looks
    • Flirt
  7. Watch the Sim's response. If the other Sim responds positively, you will see a message that he or she thinks you are flirty. Now is a good time to move on to the romantic interactions, but be careful. Going too fast can cause the other Sim to withdraw. Even if you become "Seductive", you may want to stick with the basic options until it becomes "extremely irresistible".
  8. Become a Romantic Interest. Once you've had some flirty interactions and your relationship bar has gone up, re-invite the Sim. This time, flirt until you get the "Seductive" short-term context option. This unlocks new options:
    • Try to set the mood by staring into the other Sim's eyes, hugging him, or whispering in the Sim's ear.
    • If all goes well, try a First Kiss, Confession, or Massage. If the Sims aren't Romantic Interests yet, they should be after one of them succeeds

Part 2 of 3: Getting married

  1. Continue to promote the relationship. Now you know the basics of flirty interactions and you probably have an idea of ​​what the other Sim likes. Try to repeat this every day without running too fast.
  2. Bring the context to irresistible. After a few encounters, keep flirting until the context turns to irresistible. This will unlock new options that will advance the relationship toward marriage.
  3. Propose to become exclusive. This "irresistible" option will make the Sim your Friend or Girlfriend. Romantic interactions will be easier after this point and you won't have to jump through so many hoops to unlock them.
    • After this point, you should avoid flirting with other Sims as it will hurt your relationship with your regular date.
  4. Continue to promote the relationship. If you haven't already done so, start choosing options such as "Kissing" and "Jump into arms." If you are near a bed or certain other objects, you can also select Woohoo. Some Sims will immediately do Wohoo, while others will be reluctant. There is no need to start a marriage.
  5. Make a marriage proposal. Ultimately, this option is unlocked in an "irresistible" context. You can propose as many times as you want, but spend some time building the relationship in between attempts.
  6. Hold the wedding. To get married right away, select Romantic → Have a private wedding. Before a big party, have the engaged Sim use a cell phone to Throw A Party and select Wedding. Once married, you can move the other Sim into your household.
    • The Generations expansion pack adds many wedding-related options and items. This includes wedding arches, wedding cake and bachelorette parties.

Part 3 of 3: Using cheats

  1. Know the risks. This method doesn't just use cheats. It enables a special mode that the developers use to test the game. This mode enables many additional interaction options, but if used incorrectly can destroy the game. You also risk accidentally destroying your save file.
  2. Know the benefits. There are two reasons for using this cheat:
    • You can make any two Sims Best Friends so you can get straight to the romance.
    • If you encounter the "Move Bug" that freezes the game when trying to get a Sim to move in, this bug will get around that.
  3. Open the cheat console. Press at the same time Control + ⇧ Shift + C. to open the cheat console at the top of the screen.
    • Windows Vista users may also need to press the Windows key.
  4. Enable test cheats. Type in the cheat console TestingCheatsEnabled true. Press ↵ Enter.
  5. Click and drag the relationship level up. Now you can make two Sims Best Friends right away. This should unlock early Romance options.
  6. Add a Sim to your household. If you're trying to get around the "Move Bug", please hold ⇧ Shift and click the Sim you want to add. You will see new options appear in the menu. Select "Add to Active Household".
    • The other Sim must be in the house and not yet married.
  7. Turn off the test cheats. As mentioned above, the test cheats unlock options that can seriously mess up the game. Reopen the cheat console (Control + ⇧ Shift + C.) and typ TestingCheatsEnabled false, and press ↵ Enter.


  • You can choose to separate from a Sim by performing the "Break Up" interaction (under the "Common…" submenu). This drastically lowers the relationship level with the Sim and changes their status to Ex-male / female. However, the ex will still live in the current household until you kick them out.
  • If your Sim isn't great at romance and the other Sim is in a relationship, it can be easier to become Best Friends with only friendly interactions. Once you are given the option to ask the other Sim to move in with you, you can control the other Sim and break up with the partner before starting Romance.
  • Your Sims don't have to be married to do WooHoo, but they do need a high romantic relationship.
  • Same-sex couples can get married in The Sims. However, they cannot have a baby naturally. They normally have to adopt a baby, but with The Sims 3 Into the Future expansion card, they can have their own biological baby.
  • A Sim can marry any supernatural (fairies, ghosts, vampires, witches, ghosts, moon landers), a SimBot, Plumbot, or mummy, if you have the expansions that allow access to these characters.


  • By being romantically involved, the Sims swear to their partners that they will not be unfaithful. If at any point a Sim catches another Sim having an affair, their relationship can suffer drastically. If your Sim cheats on them, they run the risk of becoming enemies.
  • If you have the Generations expansion, your romantic moves can give you a reputation in the city. A Sim will have a hard time marrying with a reputation for cheating or sleazy.