How to get rid of genital warts at home

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Genital Warts | Do You Have Them?
Video: Genital Warts | Do You Have Them?


Warts are benign tumors on the surface of the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Genitals can be caused by several types of the HPV virus and are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact during sex. It can be frightening to find out that you have genital warts. Genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease. If you are experiencing discomfort with this virus, see your doctor to discuss remedies you can apply at home. There are many suitable options to ease your symptoms and speed up the healing process.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Apply prescription products

  1. See your doctor if you experience itching, burning, and pain. If your genital warts are causing too many complaints to not be treated, see your doctor. Ask your doctor if there are any prescription remedies that can relieve the pain and itching. Clearly describe your symptoms and answer any questions your doctor may have so that he or she can recommend the best treatment.
    • Your doctor should be able to diagnose your genital warts by examining them. They can be flat or raised, and appear singly or in groups. They can be flesh colored, pink or brown.
    • To make a diagnosis, your doctor may also apply an acetic acid solution to your genitals so that the warts turn white and become visible.
    • Your doctor may also take a pregnancy test if you are a woman as there are some remedies that should not be used during pregnancy. Your doctor will need to freeze or surgically remove your warts if you are pregnant.
  2. Apply podophyllotoxin (Condyline, Wartec) twice a day for 3 days. You can choose from touch-up liquid, gel and cream. Use soap and water to wash your hands and the area to be treated. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel. Then apply the medicine with a cotton swab or your finger. Only use the amount recommended by your doctor or pharmacist. After treating the area, wait 4 days or as long as advised by your doctor. You may need to repeat the treatment until the warts have disappeared. This can take 4 to 5 weeks.
    • Ask your doctor about applying it the first time so you can see how.
    • You can repeat this three-day treatment up to four times.
    • Podophyllotoxin can cause mild skin irritation in some cases.
    • Do not use this medicine if you are pregnant.
  3. Use imiquimod cream (Aldara, Zyclara) three times a week before going to bed. Your doctor will likely prescribe you 5% strength imiquimod, a cream that helps your body make chemicals that boost the immune system. Apply the cream in a thin layer on the affected skin with a clean finger or a cotton swab. Do this 3 times a week before going to bed for up to 16 weeks. Ideally, apply the cream in the evening and wash it off your skin in the morning (6-10 hours later).
    • Wash the cream off your skin with water and a mild soap.
    • Continue to apply the cream for up to 16 weeks, or until the warts have disappeared.
    • Keep in mind that imiquimod can weaken condoms and diaphragms.
  4. Apply sinecatechins (Veregen) in the form of ointment three times a day. Sinecatechins is a 15% strength green tea extract ointment prescribed by doctors to treat genital warts at home. Apply this ointment three times a day with a clean finger and make sure you spread a very thin layer on your skin. Use it for a maximum of 16 weeks. You did not wash this ointment off your skin.
    • The most common side effects are redness, itching and burning.
    • Do not have sexual contact while you have the ointment on your skin.

Method 2 of 3: Speed ​​up the healing process

  1. Quit smoking so your body heals faster. Many prescription drugs for genital warts work better in non-smokers than smokers. Smoking can worsen your overall health and slow down your body's recovery. Ask your doctor about the best smoking cessation plan for you, such as using nicotine substitutes and medications.
  2. Stop having sex while your genital warts are healing. Oral, vaginal, and anal sex can irritate the affected skin and take longer to heal. Stop all sexual activity until your genital warts are completely healed. That way you cannot transmit the virus to your partner.
    • After your genital warts have disappeared, use a condom during sex for 3 months, as the virus can still be active in your skin cells.
  3. Use a mild, unscented soap and lotion to avoid skin irritation. Scented soaps, bath oils, creams, and lotions can irritate already sensitive skin. It will therefore take longer for your genital warts to heal. To avoid this problem, only use mild soap and unscented body lotion and cream while taking a bath or shower.
  4. Keep your skin clean and dry between showers and baths. Moisture and bacteria can make your genital warts less likely to disappear. To speed up the healing process, make sure to keep the affected area clean by washing it regularly with water and a mild soap. Dry the area thoroughly by dabbing it with a clean towel.
    • If you have very sensitive skin, let it air dry thoroughly before getting dressed.
    • Do not wash the affected area more than 4 times a day.

Method 3 of 3: Prevent genital warts and other STDs

  1. Ask your doctor about the HPV vaccine. HPV is an easily transmitted STI that can cause genital warts and other problems. To avoid contamination with the virus, talk to your doctor about getting the HPV vaccine. Your doctor will tell you which brand of vaccine is best for you.
    • The HPV vaccine can also lower your risk of cervical cancer.
  2. Use condoms and dental dam when you have sex. To prevent an STI like genital warts, protect yourself when you have oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Buy condoms and dental dam at the drugstore, supermarket or on the internet. You can also find condom machines in various places.
  3. Discuss STDs with your partner before having sex. Start an open and honest conversation about genital warts and other STIs before having sex with a new partner. If you know your partner has an STI, you can take extra precautions. Make sure you are on the same page when it comes to using condoms and dental dampenes during sex.
    • Do not have sex with partners who refuse to have safe sex and discuss STIs.


  • In some cases, the warts will disappear on their own within a year. Your doctor may decide to wait and monitor the warts for 2 to 3 months to see if they go away on their own. This approach won't hurt if the warts are benign, which is what most warts are.