How to get rid of a yeast infection at home

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection At Home | Natural Remedy
Video: How To Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection At Home | Natural Remedy


Fungal infections are characterized by itching, tenderness, and a burning pain in the vaginal area. Some women with a vaginal yeast infection also have a white, lumpy discharge. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat a yeast infection at home. Traditional drug treatments are often the safest, but there are also a number of alternative medical treatments to consider. Just consult a doctor before trying. Here are the best ways to get rid of a yeast infection at home.

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Method 1 of 2: Traditional medicine

  1. Use an anti-fungal cream. A true fungal infection is caused by fungus. Over-the-counter anti-fungal creams are therefore among the most commonly used treatments.
    • Make sure the anti-fungal cream is specifically designed to fight fungal infections. Other anti-fungal creams may not be safe to use on the pubic area.
    • Over-the-counter creams are used for one to seven days. Follow the instructions on the cream packaging to check how often you should apply the cream.
    • How you apply the cream can differ per product. Some creams are put into the vagina, while others are only applied around the vulva.
    • Know that oil-based anti-fungal creams can limit the effectiveness of latex condoms and diaphragms. The creams can cause side effects such as a burning sensation and / or irritation.
  2. Buy a vaginal suppository. Like anti-fungal creams, vaginal suppositories treat the infection by coming into direct contact with the fungus causing the infection.
    • Over-the-counter suppositories are also used for one to seven days. Follow the instructions on the package to learn how to use the pill and insert it correctly.
    • The suppository is usually cone-shaped, wedge-shaped, or rod-shaped and is inserted directly into the vagina.
    • Like anti-fungal creams, suppositories are often oily by nature - this can limit the effectiveness of latex condoms and diaphragms.
  3. Take over-the-counter oral medications. Over-the-counter oral tablets also exist, but are less commonly used than topical treatments. This may be due to the fact that they are not as effective in fighting stronger infections.
    • Read the label on the package to determine the correct dosage and frequency of intake. An oral course usually lasts one to seven days.
    • These tablets contain an anti-fungal medicine that is safe to take.
  4. Also apply an anti-itch ointment. Only apply the anti-itch ointment around the vulva; not in the vagina.
    • An anti-itch ointment will not fight the infection, but it will provide relief from the itching, irritation, and overall preservation that comes with fungal infections. Use the ointment in combination with an anti-fungal cream, vaginal suppositories, or oral tablets.
    • Only use ointment that you can use on the vagina. Other ointments can upset the pH balance of the vaginal area, making the infection worse.

Method 2 of 2: Alternative medicine

  1. Eat yogurt. Eat 250ml of yogurt daily to fight fungal infections.
    • Research has shown that eating yogurt can also help prevent fungal infections.
    • Fungal infections often develop as the natural balance Candida albicans is disturbed. L. acidophilus keeps the Candida in balance, and can be found in yogurt with live yogurt cultures.
    • Instead of eating yogurt, you can also opt for capsules with L. acidophilus.
    • Note that while some studies say this method works, some studies have not been able to confirm this theory.
  2. Apply the yogurt topically. Apply a tablespoon (15ml) of yogurt directly to the vagina.
    • The L. acidophilus can the Candida balance when they come into direct contact with each other.
    • Only use plain yogurt for this. Yogurt with sugar will only make the infection worse because Candida thrives on sugar.
    • Know that medical science does not agree on how effective this method is.
  3. Make a suppository from garlic. Wrap a peeled clove of garlic in sterile gauze and tie it with floss. Leave about 10cm of wire hanging at the end. Insert the suppository into the vagina as you would with a tampon. Let the string hang from the vagina so that you can remove the garlic a few hours later.
    • Garlic has properties that can kill the yeast-like fungi that cause the infection.
    • Consult a doctor before trying this method as it can be potentially dangerous.
  4. Try a tea tree oil cream. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil or a dollop of tea tree oil cream to a tampon. Insert the tmapon as you always do.
    • Before you put the tea tree oil on the tampon, you should apply a layer of lubricant on the tampon - this will prevent the oil from being absorbed.
    • As with the garlic suppository, you should consult your doctor before attempting this treatment.
  5. Drink cranberry juice. If you have a mild yeast infection or suspect that you are going to get an infection, drink a glass (250ml) of cranberry juice a few times a day.
    • Cranberries lower the pH of urine. As the urine gets past the infected area, the overall pH level is adjusted there. This creates an environment that is better able to fight fungal infections.
    • Instead of the juice, you can also choose cranberry pills or dried cranberries.


  • If you are dealing with anything that could make your infection worse - such as pregnancy, diabetes, or HIV - consult a doctor before attempting any of the above.
  • If the yeast infection does not respond to over-the-counter remedies, prescription medications may be required. If symptoms return after two months, you should also contact your doctor so that you can receive professional treatment.
  • If this is your first time dealing with a yeast infection, make an appointment with a doctor to have the condition treated; don't choose to do it yourself at home.
  • Consult your doctor before using alternative methods. There is much disagreement about the effectiveness of these methods.


  • Anti-fungal cream
  • Vaginal suppositories
  • Oral tablets
  • Anti-itch ointment
  • Plain unsweetened yogurt
  • A clove of garlic
  • Sterile gauze
  • Floss thread
  • A tampon
  • Tea tree oil (cream)
  • Cranberry juice