Overcoming adversity

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Thriving in the Face of Adversity | Stephanie Buxhoeveden | TEDxHerndon
Video: Thriving in the Face of Adversity | Stephanie Buxhoeveden | TEDxHerndon


Adversity is more than just one obstacle or setback. Adversity can be described as a series of bad luck and setbacks that keep you from achieving your goals and finding happiness. But how do you overcome adversity? You may think all the advice in this article is easier said than done, but you too can overcome adversity. You will succeed if you know how to develop the right attitude and take steps to get what you want and deserve. If you want to overcome adversity, skip to Step 1 to learn to live the life you worked so hard for.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Adjusting your point of view

  1. Don't let the past determine your future. There are a number of ways in which the past could shape your future. Maybe you grew up in a troubled neighborhood where you never once got lucky; but don't think that's why you can't succeed in your current environment. You may be doing your best to be an actress, but you haven't been called back after the past thirty auditions you've done; this does not mean that you will never be called back in the future. Focus on what lies ahead, and on achieving your goals — the past will leave you there not withheld from it.
    • Think how much sweeter the success will be when you can say you achieved what you worked for, in spite of a history that would predict otherwise.
    • A difficult past can make a successful future even more satisfying. Perhaps you wouldn't appreciate success in show business, corporate, or painting as much if it were handed to you on a silver platter.
  2. Focus on the positive. While this may be the very last thing you would want to do after a series of setbacks or a general sense of hopelessness, it is exactly what you need to do to survive. If you want to overcome adversity, you will need to focus on the positive - whether it is about the positive aspects of your current situation or about the positive feelings you will experience about success in the future. List all the good things in your life, or all the good things you still look forward to. This way you will see that you can consider yourself a lot happier than you think.
    • By focusing on the positive, you will develop a more positive attitude. This more positive attitude will help you succeed.
    • Start your luck today. Some people think, “Once I reach Goal X, I will be happy. I'm going to do my utmost to achieve that, and only then will I find personal satisfaction. ” That is the wrong approach. Rather think, “I am already happy because I am working hard to reach Goal X. And being happy while working towards Goal X will help me reach that goal faster. Win win!"
  3. Accept the inevitability of adversity. In order to overcome your adversity, you must realize that adversity happens to everyone. Unfortunately, it happens to some people more than others, but that doesn't mean you can't learn to accept your portion. Try to counteract adversity as much as possible. Instead of denying that you are having a hard time, pretending that there is no adversity, or fleeing conflict, accept the adversity in your life — only then can you arm yourself against it.
    • Do not look at your neighbors, friends and colleagues. Don't think you have it heavier than the rest. Perhaps it is, but it makes no sense to dwell on it for too long; accept the things that are happening and get over it.
  4. Build your inner strength. Although Kelly Clarkson and many others say that “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”, unfortunately that kite doesn't always hold true. Of course people can overcome adversity and become stronger as a result, but they can only do that if they develop the tools to solve the problem. But people who face repeated setbacks and lack the mental resilience to solve their problems actually only get weaker. Don't let that scare you though; rather try to work on building your mental resilience so that you can solve your problems yourself. Here are some examples of things you could do:
    • Keep a journal of the things that disturb you. Don't complain or whine, but get into the habit of keeping track of things troubling you. Try to process that worry on paper.
    • Meditate daily. By meditating for ten or twenty minutes a day you can learn to approach the difficulties in a more balanced way.
    • Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself. If you expect to become a rock star, pop star, or CEO of a major company in a year, or an Olympic athlete in three months, you're bound to be disappointed. You can still set yourself really exciting and high goals, but don't let your happiness or success depend on extraordinary expectations.
  5. Embrace your mistakes as learning moments. Don't look back on your mistakes as failures or setbacks. Don't chastise yourself for not acting or thinking on one. Rather admit that you did something wrong, ask yourself what you learned from the situation and what you can do better in the future. Think about what you could have done differently, but don't be too hard on yourself for what you actually did. List all the reasons why this experience may help you next time.
    • Also learn to acknowledge your mistakes. Don't blame yourself or think you've made a mistake when someone else harmed you or when you've faced a professional setback. You're not to blame if you've done everything right yourself - you can't do better than your best.
  6. Identify the problem. You may feel like you just can't succeed no matter the situation. You may feel like your environment is taking you down. Maybe you are too hard on yourself, or you have such a low opinion of yourself that you can never achieve anything at all. The sooner you map out the real problem, the sooner you can start solving that problem. Take the time to really think about what's bothering you. Who knows, you might find out that the problem is something completely different than you thought.
    • For example, you may think that the obstacle you are trying to overcome is a general lack of respect in the workplace. Maybe people treat you badly, they keep skipping you for promotions, overload you with extra work without thanking you for it, and so on. But if you dig a little deeper, you might find that the real problem lies elsewhere. Maybe you don't believe in the work you do and want to find a more meaningful career. In that case, none of those initial problems actually matter!
  7. Try to stay calm at all times. Although no one can expect you to always be the sunshine in the house when the going gets tough, you should try at all costs to keep yourself in the fold. If only so that you can succeed yourself. You can cry, you can express your emotions, you can talk about the situation with your best friends, but after a while you will have to recover — only then can you keep looking ahead. If you're still a sad, listless grumpy man months after the backlash (s), then you won't be able to look ahead, think creatively, and never find a new answer.
    • If you really need some time to recuperate, include some days off. Don't force yourself to pretend that everything is fine. But of course you shouldn't let the situation bother you forever. Find a way to maintain your composure and confidence.

Part 2 of 3: Taking action

  1. Ask for support. If you fall, it is important to get up again and try again as soon as possible. While it's incredibly important to stop what you're doing, ask yourself life's big questions, and regroup, you can't wallow in self-pity forever - you can't always label yourself a complete failure. The sooner you can get up, the better! This does not mean that you should immediately continue on the same footing (read more about this in the next step), but that you have to make a plan to something to do that can help you find success.
    • Set yourself a “grief” / pity limit. If what happened to you was really tough, give yourself a month or two to get over it. If it's a bit tough, give yourself a few weeks. By setting a limit you can start visualizing future success. This will keep you from getting stuck in a rut forever.
  2. Don't keep doing the same in hopes of achieving different results. If you do something that just doesn't seem to work - whether you have been doing it for a year or ten - then we have a novelty for you: if you keep doing it, you will likely get the same results every time. This means that if you want something different to happen, you have to do something else as well. You can look for another job, a new partner, a new place of residence, whatever. Make the changes you think can bring new impetus.
    • Sometimes of course persistence wins. If you want to become an actress, you will of course have to keep going to auditions. But if your auditions keep failing, you can start thinking about things you could change. Maybe you can go to other auditions, you can adjust your acting style, etc. Who knows, maybe your future auditions will be successful!
  3. Make a gratitude list. List at least three things that you are grateful for every day. Try to write about positive experiences you have had every other day to remind yourself of the good in your life. Record all the things you are grateful for, the things that make you happy, and all the joy in your life. You may think there is not much to be happy about, but dig a little deeper and you will see that there is more than you initially thought possible - there are so many things you can be thankful for.
    • Think about ten or fifteen minutes a day about the things you are grateful for. Surely you will have time for that?
  4. Refuse to give up. Show up is half the battle. If you don't, you will never be able to overcome adversity. Keep trying, keep pushing, and keep fighting to succeed - even if it means changing your battle plan. Be stubborn. Be annoying. Be persistent. Know that nothing good will happen to you if you stay in bed, and keep thinking about all the good things that should actually happen to you. If you don't speak up, no one will compliment you on the hard work you put in. So let yourself be heard!
  5. Hang out with successful people. In fact, you shouldn't be the most successful person in your group of friends. Well, if you are Bill Gates it gets tricky… But in general, you should surround yourself with hard-working people who are chasing their dreams and looking for meaning in life. They don't all have to be CEOs of large companies; they can also be poets, philanthropists, gardeners-people who know what they want and go for it. Talk to them to find out how they achieved what they have achieved. See how they overcame adversity. You can learn a lot from other people, and they can also help you realize your dreams.
    • Of course, this doesn't mean you should ditch your less successful friends and replace them with more successful ones. It does mean that you have to look for successful people.
  6. Don't isolate yourself. It is not wise to be alone in this difficult time. You will only become extra bitter, lonely, sad and disappointed. You don't have to put your problems on the big clock, of course, but make sure you always stay social.Make sure you continue to spend time with family and friends. Or go for lunch with your colleagues, you can also talk to them and you can also get some fresh air. Maybe you prefer to sulk alone, or you think you are all alone, but you can't carry the world on your own.
    • It can really help to talk about your problems. Talk to a close friend or make an appointment with a therapist if you feel the need. Talking about your problems can help you put everything in perspective. Sometimes speaking up about your concerns is half the battle.
  7. Trust your support system. A strong support system can get you through almost any kind of adversity - whether that system is friends, family, a partner, close colleagues, good neighbors, or even an online community. It is incredibly difficult to overcome adversity when you are all alone, or at least think you are. Make sure there are people who can help you if you need it, or even if you just want to have a good time so you don't have to think about your worries. A strong support system can make a world of difference.
    • If you build up a support system at an early stage - even before the setbacks - then you ensure that people are “on standby” when you need them. In the midst of crises, it is more difficult than ever to find a shoulder to cry on.

Part 3 of 3: Staying on the right path

  1. Look for creative solutions. If you want to stay on the right track and overcome adversity, you will have to find creative solutions to your problems. To open your mind to creativity, you need to be reasonably happy with yourself. You must have sufficient lung capacity, and you must not keep thinking within the frameworks. This means finding a way to pursue your passion - whether it's about raising your kids, pursuing careers you may not be experienced in yet, or reaching out to an old acquaintance who might could help you get what you need.
    • Expand your mind. Spend time pursuing creative activities. Consider, for example, writing short stories or painting. This can help you to look at your own life in a creative way.
  2. Make sure you have a strong Plan B. If you feel like you're facing a cartload of adversity and don't think you are able to get what you want, it could be because you've always imagined your happiness in only one way. Maybe you've always wanted to play in the Champion's League. Maybe you thought your life would be worthless if you didn't publish your first book before your 30th birthday. Maybe you never thought you could be happy if you didn't set up a successful business. If you want to overcome adversity, it is also important to overcome the idea that there is only one way to be happy.
    • List all the things that can make you feel happy and fulfilled. Playing in the Champion's League is not for everyone, and maybe not for you. But that's okay at all! Spread your chances and expand your mind - so you can find something that can give meaning to your life.
  3. Prepare for battle. Being prepared for adversity and obstacles can help you overcome adversity. While you shouldn't always expect the worst, good preparation can help you respond appropriately when needed. Whether you're in school, starting your own business, or trying to make it as a writer, don't be afraid to ask yourself "What if it doesn't turn out exactly as planned?"
    • This does not necessarily mean that you have to be pessimistic; it means that you have to be realistic about your future.
  4. Whatever happens: keep believing in your self. Ultimately, the most important thing is to trust in yourself and believe that you are a great person who is capable of achieving great things. If you don't believe in yourself, it is very difficult to maintain focus and motivation. You have to work to believe in yourself. You have to believe that you are great and that you can achieve great things even when you have a long way to go. Be sure of yourself, and make the choice to work on your self-confidence - this will help you overcome your adversity.
    • Finding something you're good at, whether it's related to your career goals or not, can help you start believing in yourself.
    • List your flaws and areas for improvement. Address those points one by one and try to improve them. The sooner you start working on your imperfections, the better.
  5. Take care of yourself. It doesn't matter how busy you are or how much stress you are: you should exercise at least every other day, eat three healthy meals a day, and sleep seven to eight hours a night. And do all those other things you need to do to stay physically and mentally healthy. Your health and well-being should never be the victim of the bill — not when you're trying to pay off your debts, not when you're opening your own store, or when you're trying to solve your personal problems.
    • Your health should always be the highest priority. Never, ever neglect your health; if you do, the rest will soon follow.
  6. Keep your goals in mind. If you want to keep your focus on overcoming adversity, then you must never forget what your goals are - you must never forget what you envision for your future. Never lose sight of what you want to do, whether you want to write a great novel, start a non-profit organization, or dedicate your life to helping the homeless. Write down your goals and why you want to pursue those goals. Try to look at it as often as possible and imagine how nice it will be when you finally achieve those goals.
    • It's all too easy to forget about your ultimate goals when you feel like you're working out in vain. It's important to always be able to keep your goals clear in mind so that even the most trivial tasks seem meaningful. If you keep looking ahead, and not every time you look back, you are guaranteed to succeed!


  • During stressful times, try to find productive or creative ways to relieve the stress.
  • If you find yourself feeling negative or feeling sorry for yourself, try to focus on helping someone else. For example, sign up for volunteer work, or bake a delicious cake for a good friend.


  • If you catch yourself cutting, keep all sharp objects safe.