Play strip poker

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Playing Strip Poker
Video: Playing Strip Poker


Do you like poker, but want to increase the bet? Then try out a flirty and grown-up version of the classic card game, where adult players can literally lose their clothes - and maybe more. In strip poker, players bet on items of clothing they wear, and by the end of the game, multiple players are often in their underwear ... or even naked.

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Part 1 of 3: The fundamentals of strip poker

  1. Collect a mixed, adventurous group of friends. Make sure everyone is a consenting adult who wants to play the game, rather than imagining the game when everyone is already together. Suggesting it spontaneously may make some people feel uncomfortable not wanting to participate.
    • If your group of friends is already flirtatious or very easy going, consider just hosting a night of strip poker. Otherwise, you might just want to get your group of friends together and let the game happen on its own.
  2. Let everyone relax, possibly with a few drinks. Even confident adults can be a little light-sensitive about showing their naked bodies. Make sure the atmosphere is right before you start. A little bit of alcohol can help people overcome their inhibitions.
  3. Suggest a game of strip poker and make sure everyone agrees. Don't pressure or force anyone to participate if they don't want to.
    • However, if there is someone who feels too shy, you don't have to send him or her away if he or she is interested in watching. He or she may change their mind after watching a few rounds.
  4. Set the rules. Decide which version of strip poker you want to play, what different pieces of clothing are worth, and so on.
    • Think about whether you want to control how far the game can go and when it is over. Some may be fine with playing until completely naked, but others may just feel comfortable continuing until they are in their underwear. Agree on boundaries, as well as how and if players can stay in the game when they run out of clothes to take off.
  5. Make sure everyone starts with roughly the same amount of clothing. If some women are wearing dresses while the men are wearing socks, ties, and belts, have players take off or put on accessories until everyone is equal. This is optional, but it makes the game fairer.
  6. Choose a type of poker. Poker is a popular game, using a standard deck of cards and players being dealt cards and betting on the strength of their hands. Make sure your friends know how to play and how to rank traditional poker hands; from high card to pairs, straights, flushes, a full-house, four-of-a-kind, straight flush, and so on. There are several popular types of poker, but not all of them are well suited to strip poker. Here are two traditional options:
    • Play five-card draw. This is probably the easiest version for a casual game of strip poker. Each player is dealt five cards, and may exchange one or more of these for an equal amount from the top of the deck. The players gamble or fold after the exchange and the remaining player with the highest hand wins.
    • Play Texas Hold'em. Each player is dealt two face down cards and tries to combine them with a pot of five gradually revealed community cards. A number of rounds are bet, and the remaining player who can make the best five-card hand wins.
  7. Deal cards and play hands like you would in poker. Unlike normal poker, where you play to win chips or money, the goal in strip poker is to keep your clothes on while the losing players take off their clothes one by one.
  8. If you lose a hand, get undressed. The game is no fun unless you can enjoy both winning and losing. Maybe even do a flirty dance when it's time to take off an important piece of clothing.
  9. Keep playing until someone - or maybe even everyone but the winner - is wearing only their underwear, or if you prefer, is completely naked. This is the traditional ending of the game.When a winner is declared, let everyone get their garments back - or keep playing naked with new bet!
    • You can combine your game of strip poker with the dare or the truth. Have players who lose all of their clothes continue to play with other penalties if they lose, such as being challenged to do something or tell the truth about something. Just keep your challenges within the limits of what everyone likes.

Part 2 of 3: Variations on strip poker

  1. Every time you lose a hand, undress a little. This is the easiest and fastest way to play. Simply deal cards and play a hand of poker without gambling. At the end, the player with the highest hand wins and all losers must take off a piece of clothing.
    • Alternatively, you can only have one player with the lowest hand take off a piece of clothing. This is a slower version of the game for an extended night of fun.
    • If you wish, you can have players fold early in the hand - like pre-flop in Texas Hold'em - so they don't have to undress. This, of course, gives shy players the chance to barely participate, which can beat the fun of the game.
  2. Let the winner decide who undresses. This version is a fun way to reveal hidden crushes and flirtations within the group. Play a hand as usual, and at the end have the person with the highest hand choose a person to undress.
    • In particular, with this variation, make sure that no one in your game is likely to get jealous or territorial. Within a group of friends, it can be fun to find out who wants to see more of whom, but not if the answer will upset someone.
    • Don't bully one particular person. Conspiring to get one player completely naked is certainly less fun in a larger group, and can feel aggressive and uncomfortable for them.
  3. Gamble with clothes instead of chips. Deal hands to the players and have them gamble with a piece or pieces of clothing instead of chips, which must be matched by the same or a similar piece of clothing by the players who wish to do so. Players with good enough hands can fold. After the showdown, the players who have stayed and lost must remove the items of clothing they gambled with.
  4. Exchange garments for chips. Play a normal poker game with chips or cash, but let players who have few items of clothing at the bank or another player exchange them for a loan of chips. This version of the game is most like real poker, with gambling, bluffing, and strategy.
    • Different items of clothing can either all have the same value, or can differ in value as they bring the player closer to nudity. For example, if socks are worth $ 10, a shirt could be worth $ 30 and a piece of underwear could be worth $ 60.
    • If a player exchanges some clothes and later wins a lot of money, you can decide if he or she can buy back some of his or her clothes. Allowing the player to buy back some modesty adds a layer of strategy to the game, while the game speeds up if the players have to stay undressed.
  5. Play heads up with your loved one. Strip poker is traditionally a group activity, but you can adapt it to a fun game of foreplay with your partner or potential lover. With only two players, it makes little sense to gamble or use strategy, so simply deal hands and then show them. The player with the lower hand loses a piece of clothing.

Part 3 of 3: Strip poker etiquette

  1. Don't be mean or judgmental about other players' bodies. Not everyone who plays strip poker has to be a supermodel. Just be nice and realize that the other players are getting out of their comfort zone and shouldn't be judged or insulted for how they look.
  2. Don't assume that strip poker will or will not become sexual. Some adult-to-adult games can add up to a little more, but most just involve some lost modesty. If a sexual situation does happen, make sure everyone is happy about it, otherwise keep the game platonic.
  3. Stop the game if anyone gets upset. Make sure everyone plays because they like it, and don't force anyone who doesn't want to stay. If something happens to ruin the fun atmosphere, stop and let everyone go home.
  4. Don't get jealous or territorial. If you are playing strip poker with your romantic partner or a friend you may be attracted to, some bad feelings may arise when others see them naked. Keep these instincts in check - getting small-minded or angry will ruin the game for everyone.
  5. Do not sexualize or obective other players. A little flirtatiousness is expected, but appearing too intense will make everyone feel bad.
  6. Play your best poker!


  • Realize that some people just aren't comfortable with this game. Don't pressure or force people to do things.
  • Also, be aware that gambling is tightly regulated in some places, and if money is involved, your friendly game of poker could be illegal.
  • Strip poker is usually played instead of gambling on money, but some versions still gamble on money. As with all gambling games, be careful not to risk more than you can afford.