Stop being in love

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)
Video: How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)


We all know about falling in love with someone we shouldn't fall in love with. Sometimes it takes a few days, sometimes a few months - at least a lot too long. But with a little bit of mental strength and a little bit of time, you can stop thinking about him or her. You'll even wonder why the hell you ever did that.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Stop falling in love

  1. Give yourself space. The old saying "Out of sight, out of mind" is true. If you surround yourself with other people and things, this person will become a relic of the past.
    • If you are in the same group of friends as the one you have a crush on, try hanging out with large groups of friends. Avoid the time spent by the two of you and stay closer to other friends.
    • If you have the same after-school activities, don't stop - this will just avoid the problem. Just hang out with your friends, or use this as a reason to make new friends.
    • Do not go to places where the other is going! If you know where he / she is at certain times, keep yourself busy elsewhere. You don't want to run into the other person by accident or on purpose.
  2. Give yourself time. Emotions don't wear off after a night's sleep. Slowly but surely they will fade.
    • Keep a diary. Expressing your feelings helps you close things. Bottling up your feelings is not healthy and can lead to frustration and stress.
    • If you find yourself thinking about him / her, stop it! You have the power to do this. Let your mind wander to whatever - what was that joke your classmate told you? Who is that handsome new student you just saw? Will global warming herald the extinction of humanity? There are often more important things to think about.
  3. Stop checking your splash online. If you are constantly reminded of them, you only make things more difficult for yourself.
    • Unfollow the other on Facebook. This way you will remain friends on Facebook, but his / her stories will not appear in your news overview. This way you avoid the classic, awkward conversation about why you unfriended him / her.
    • Unfollow the other on Twitter. If the other person asks you why, there are a lot of excuses you can use: “I waste too much time on the Internet” or “Did I do that? Strange, that's what John said. ”
    • If you are not close friends, delete his / her phone number. This way you avoid the temptation to text or call him / her.
  4. Get rid of possible memories. It's harder to forget someone when you're surrounded by objects that evoke unwelcome memories.
    • Have you written his / her name on your notebook? Have you ever received a note from him / her? Have you ever had Fanta together? Get rid of things that make you think of him / her. Don't feel compelled to think about them.
    • Or if you can't get rid of a particular item (such as a piece of furniture or a textbook), try to minimize the need to see it. Give your book a new cover, or throw a blanket over the sofa you sat on together.
  5. Think about the other's flaws. Everyone has them. It may just be that you didn't notice them because you idolized this person.
    • Why don't you want to be in love with him / her anymore?
    • Why don't other people like him / her?
    • Are there things you don't have in common? (Things you do have in common with someone else?)

Method 2 of 3: End an unhealthy friendship

  1. To forgive. Sometimes certain people are just not right for you. If this person is making you feel unhappy, chances are you are in an unhealthy friendship.
    • Do not hold a grudge against this person. The other person may be too self-centered to notice their effect on you.
    • Make peace with your feelings. Whatever they are, they are genuine. If they weren't genuine, you wouldn't feel them. Forgive yourself too.
  2. Forget. An unhealthy friendship is not worth it. While you can of course keep hoping, change is very unlikely. It is better to spend your time with people who make sure you feel good about yourself.
    • Don't put any effort into the friendship. Be nice when he / she is close, but don't seek his / her attention and appreciation. Put your effort into a relationship where you both give and take equally.
    • Focus on your friends. You have a social safety net of friends and family who all care about you. You are not dependent on who you are in love with.
  3. Take care of yourself first. You are the most important person in your life. Above all, you must be happy. And this person just doesn't take care of that.
    • If the other person confronts you with your absence, be clear. Tell the other person the following: “I need to spend a little more time with other friends; I feel like I have to do all the work in our friendship. ” If the other wants to save the friendship, he or she will try. If not, it is neat and tidy. You can walk away knowing you did the right thing.

Method 3 of 3: Learning new habits

  1. Make new friends (or rediscover old ones!). Reviving your social life will provide you with distractions. You also spend valuable time building your social safety net. This is how you do it:
    • Join a new club or team. If you play a sport or have a particular hobby, find ways to start doing this with other people.
    • Become volunteer. Visit the hospital, shelter or retirement home.
    • Take a side job. Ask around if someone is looking for a part-timer or browse the local vacancies.
  2. Keep yourself busy. You will hardly have time to think about him / her.
    • Find a new hobby (eg painting, learning to play an instrument, playing sports).
    • Organize fun things for you and your friends (going to the cinema, for example).
    • Get more involved with your family.
    • Get involved in the online community.
  3. Improve yourself. Take time to think about who you want to be. After a while, you'll be too good for - what's his name?
    • Exercise. Go for a run, start yoga, or play a sport. The released endorphins you get from exercise will improve your mood and make you look better than ever!
    • Take a course. Always wanted to make pottery? Or do you like karate? Now is the time to get started!
    • Learn about your interests. Open the novel you've always wanted to read, or follow the news more closely.
  4. Change your flavors. Do you both like the same music? Well, not anymore.
    • Try some new TV shows.
    • Look for new, up-and-coming bands (or whip out your parents' records again!)
    • Immerse yourself in the latest fashion or create a new style yourself!
  5. Keep your eyes open. As they say, there are more fish in the sea. Keep having fun. Interact with other people. As you venture into new situations, you will acquire new potential interests.


  • Don't be ashamed. Everyone is in this position at some point.
  • Do not speak ill of him / her.