Stop drawing attention

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024


Everyone likes that sometimes some attention is paid to him or her. Still, you may be someone who needs a lot of attention. People who attract attention often do this to compensate for feelings of inadequacy or insecurity. If you find yourself drawing attention often, there are ways you can train yourself to avoid this behavior.

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Method 1 of 3: Express yourself in a healthy way

  1. Engage in a creative art form. People who always want attention tend to behave in a way that is not authentic. They do things to demand attention, rather than just being or expressing who they really are. Doing something creative is a great way to authentically express yourself and practice being yourself. You can choose any shape you want such as painting, writing, making music, singing or doing a craft.
    • If you've never done anything creative, don't fret. Try something that interests you, even if you don't know if you'll be good at it.
    • Remember that you are doing this for yourself. Learn to express yourself creatively without worrying about what others will think or wanting to show off what you create.
  2. Use social media constructively. Social media can often be misused by people seeking attention. It's good to use social media to make plans with friends and keep up with current events. However, if you find yourself only using it to get attention, then you should rethink your posts before posting them.
    • Notice if most of your posts come across as boastful or if you'd like to show off.
    • Notice if your posts often express self-pity, or if you seem like you're fishing for compliments or support.
    • An attention-grabbing message could be "Always party with the coolest celebs in the world," while instead you can post a photo of your friends and write "How lucky I am to have such close friends."
    • If you need support, don't write something like, "Worst day of my life, ever." I want to crawl into a dark hole somewhere and die, "you might write," I had a terrible day today. Is someone available to talk? I could use a listening ear. "It's okay to ask for support on social media without further ado. But be clear that you are asking for support, and keep the conversation private if someone offers you that support.
  3. Focus on others. If you are always looking for attention, your focus is mainly on yourself. To shift this, try to focus on others. There are many ways to do this. You can spend time with people you care about, volunteer, or even spend some time learning about other people.
    • Are there people in your area who are needy? You can spend your time as a volunteer in a soup kitchen or in a retirement home. You can also volunteer at the local library, read to children, or help students with their homework after school.
    • Spend time with friends and family and ask how they are doing. Know how much you care about them and really listen to what they have to say.
    • You can think of a way to focus on others, who likes. For example, you can collect coats for the winter, or organize a cleaning campaign in the neighborhood.
    • However, don't compare yourself to others, as you can quickly start to feel inadequate. Comparisons usually contrast your everyday experiences with other people's highlights, which can make you feel less about yourself. This allows you to attract even more attention.

Method 2 of 3: Make positive changes

  1. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. While it makes us feel bad to dwell on the mistakes we've made, many people replay those things over and over in their heads. Try to forgive yourself and see what you can learn from your mistakes.
    • You can't change the past, but you can learn valuable lessons from it. Tell yourself how great it is that you have learned something new and the way you can change things in the future.
    • If you remember certain times when you have drawn attention from others in the past, forgive yourself for those things too. The fact that you can acknowledge that behavior means you can work on preventing it in the future.
    • Talk to yourself kindly, as you would talk to a friend who is going through a rough time. Tell yourself, "I know I made a mistake that time, but I tried my best at the time. Everyone makes a mess sometimes.It's okay, and I'll try to do it differently next time. "
  2. Get in the habit of being authentic. Choose how you want to be authentic every day. This could mean doing something you enjoy doing alone or repeating an important self-affirmation.
    • Do your best to learn to be yourself and act in a way that feels real, without worrying about what people will think. You can make it a habit to do a certain thing every day when you feel like you are true to how you feel at the moment. This could mean saying something honestly that you haven't done before, like, `` Actually, I don't like going to that cafe. '' It could also mean doing something else, like wearing an outfit. that fits you comfortably, even if it is not stylish.
    • You can develop personal affirmations to help you accept yourself. You can say something like, "I am a valuable, lovable person just the way I am" or "I accept and love all aspects of myself, even as I work to grow and change."
  3. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is trying to be present wherever you are, without getting lost in thoughts or feelings that the moment evokes. Mindfulness is usually practiced through meditation techniques. However, there are many ways to practice mindfulness.
    • You can find books or websites that offer meditation techniques or visit a meditation center to find guidance on how to start meditating. You can also use an app such as Insight Timer, Rust or Headspace.
    • If meditation is not good for you, practice mindfulness by noticing the physical sensations you are experiencing. If you start to get distracted by guilt, shame, or unpleasant memories, just notice the feel of your clothes on your skin or your feet on the floor.
  4. Agree with yourself that you want to change. It is almost impossible to make a change in ourselves if we do not make a conscious effort to do so. If you want to change or eliminate your attention-seeking behavior, make a commitment to do so and take specific steps to achieve that goal.
    • Write down the appointment with yourself. You can put it on a calendar, which indicates the day you are going to start on it.
    • Write down daily or weekly goals, such as "I will meditate for five minutes a day" or "Each week I will volunteer for five hours for a good cause."
    • Tell someone else about your intentions. Tell a close friend or relative. They can ask you how your resolutions are going.
  5. Make time for yourself. If you're an attention grabber, you probably try to spend a lot of time with other people. Do your best to spend time alone too. Set a goal for how much time you will spend alone each day or week.
    • When you are alone, do things you enjoy. This will help make being alone more enjoyable and tempting. You can read your favorite books and magazines, walk around your favorite park or neighborhood, or devote time to a favorite hobby.
    • It can be uncomfortable on your own in principle. But once you find that less uncomfortable, you will begin to cherish the time you can spend alone.
  6. Track your progress. Once you've mastered making positive changes, take the time to think and see how you progress. You can do this by writing in a journal, asking for feedback from someone you trust, or just taking the time to think back to the past day or week.
    • Be kind to yourself as you progress. Making big changes in yourself doesn't happen overnight.
    • Praise yourself for any positive changes. Give yourself credit for the work you have done. Tell yourself, "Good work. You really did your best for this, and it works. "
  7. Look for the cause of your craving for attention. Knowing why you are seeking attention can help you confront the root cause of your behavior. For example, you may feel inadequate, find it difficult to be alone, or you may feel that you are not doing enough with your life. Addressing these issues will help you overcome your tendency to attract attention.
    • Keeping a journal can help you explore your feelings.
    • You can also talk to a therapist who can help you pinpoint underlying problems.

Method 3 of 3: Build a support network

  1. Trust friends and family. This has to be someone you know who will be honest with you. It should also be someone you know wants the best for you. You have to trust their opinion and be willing to listen to them, even when it is difficult. This could be a sibling, aunt, close friend or colleague.
    • Choose people you see or interact with regularly. That way they will be able to notice your behavior on a more regular basis.
    • Make sure these people are willing to tell you things you might not want to hear.
    • Make sure these people are kind and compassionate, even if you share things that may sound critical.
  2. Ask for an honest evaluation. Let them know about what kind of behavior you are concerned about. Ask them to pay attention to that. They can also tell you if they think your emotional reactions to situations are dramatic or exaggerated.
    • If you don't know what behavior to watch for, you can simply tell the person that you fear that you are an attention grabber. Ask the other person what behavior of yours that results in.
    • You can also ask these people if they have noticed things similar to seeking attention.
    • Say something like, "I don't want to be an attention grabber. Do I behave like this? Would you like to pay attention to that for a while and let me know if you find myself doing things to call for attention?
  3. Join a support group. Attracting attention is often associated with addictive behaviors and personality types prone to addictions. If you are not struggling with any kind of addiction, then it may not make sense to join a group. However, if you are aware of other addictions or compulsive behaviors of your own, consider joining a support group.
    • Common addictions often associated with attention seeking are alcoholism, substance abuse, and compulsive eating.
    • Being an attention grabber doesn't necessarily mean you have a higher risk of addiction.
    • Enlisting the help of a support group can be helpful whether or not you have one other person you have asked for help.
    • You can find listings online for local support groups. If there is no group in your area, there may be online groups that can support you.
  4. Get therapy. If you don't have an individual or group to help you, you may be able to see a therapist. Therapists can help you do something about your attention-grabbing behavior and the underlying problems that led to it.
    • You can find a therapist for individual sessions, or see if they have a therapy group that makes sense for you.
    • You can find listings of local therapists online. Many websites have profiles of therapists. You can see if they have a specific focus or experience with your specific problems.
    • Recognized therapies may be covered by your health insurance policy, or it may be possible to pay in installments with some therapists.


  • If you find yourself falling back into your old attention-grabbing habits, don't be too hard on yourself. Remember that change takes time. Keep improving yourself.
  • If you're having a hard time keeping your intentions, seek support from a friend, family member, or counselor.


  • Attention-grabbing behavior can sometimes be dangerous, such as when people hurt themselves or put themselves in danger of getting attention. If you notice this behavior in yourself, or if someone else has pointed it out to you, seek professional help from a therapist.