Prevent smelly shoes

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Get Rid of Stinky Shoe and Sneaker Stench
Video: How to Get Rid of Stinky Shoe and Sneaker Stench


Do you suffer from a subtle but increasing scent in your shoes and on your feet? Foot odor can have many different causes: wearing the same pair of shoes too often, a bacterial or fungal infection, not allowing your shoes to air out and more. If you want to get rid of that sour, musky, nasty stench in your fancy shoes, look no further. Read this article for an overview of methods you can use to keep your shoes from smelly.

To step

Method 1 of 9: Choosing the right shoes

  1. Wear shoes that fit you. If you wear shoes that don't fit you, your feet may sweat more than usual (and they're also very uncomfortable). Get your size taken before you buy shoes, and don't be afraid to see a podiatrist if your feet start to hurt.
  2. Wear breathable shoes. It may not really be a revolutionary idea, but wearing shoes made of a breathable material will make your feet sweat and smell less. Synthetic fabrics are usually not very breathable. Materials that breathe well are:
    • Cotton
    • Linen
    • Learn
    • Hemp.

Method 2 of 9: Leave your shoes on

  1. Switch between different pairs of shoes. Never wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. This way you can let them air out for a while before wearing them again.
  2. Let your shoes air out. You have to air your feet, but also your shoes of course. Don't hesitate to put your shoes outside when the weather is nice and the sun is shining. That's all ... just leave them for a while!

Method 3 of 9: Personal hygiene

  1. Wash your feet every day or every other day with an antibacterial soap. If mold or bacteria are causing your feet or shoes to smell, it's a good idea to deal with the stench at its source. Every time you shower, thoroughly scrub both feet with foaming antibacterial soap.
    • Find out if your feet dry out if you wash them with an antibacterial soap every day. If you wash them every day, they can become dry and the skin can crack. If so, apply moisturizer after washing your feet and consider washing your feet with an antibacterial soap every other day.
  2. Apply deodorant to your feet. This may sound a bit strange, but don't forget that your feet are sweating too. So buy a deodorant stick or aerosol specifically for your feet (that is, don't use the deodorant elsewhere) and apply it every morning.

Method 4 of 9: Baby powder

If your feet start to smell when they get damp, you can sprinkle some baby or talcum powder on them to prevent this (of course you can also walk barefoot from time to time). Talcum powder has a nice, subtle scent and in the first place ensures that your feet do not sweat.

  1. Sprinkle some baby powder on your feet. Then put on your socks.
  2. Also sprinkle a layer of baby powder on your shoes. Then put on your shoes.

Method 5 of 9: Baking soda

  1. Use baking soda to get rid of the odor. Sprinkle a little baking soda into your shoes every night when you take them off. Before you put on your shoes in the morning, take them outside and bang the soles together to get the baking soda residue out of your shoes.

Method 6 of 9: Freeze your shoes

  1. Freeze your shoes to remove the odor. Put your shoes in resealable plastic freezer bags (one per shoe if needed) and put them in the freezer overnight. The cold should now kill the bacteria or fungi causing the odor.

Method 7 of 9: Wear socks

  1. Wear socks when possible. Breathable cotton socks absorb moisture from your feet and keep your shoes a lot cleaner.
    • If you only wear flats or high heels, you can wear socks that you cannot see. These are shaped so that they only cover your heel, the sides and bottom of your foot, and your toes.

    • Wear running socks. These use a special technology that absorbs the sweat from your feet and keeps your feet dry.

Method 8 of 9: Insoles

  1. Use cedar or shredded cedar insoles. Cedarwood has antibacterial properties and is often used to help remove odors from clothing. You leave the insoles in your shoes, while you sprinkle the wood chips in at night and take them out in the morning.
  2. Use odor-absorbing insoles. Odor-consuming insoles can be cut to size to fit your shoes and are also available in different colors. This works well for sandals, high-heeled shoes, or open shoes.
    • Secure the insoles with small strips of double-sided tape or dots of rubber cement. This keeps the insole in place, but you can also easily remove the sole.
  3. Use insoles that contain silver. These have an antibacterial effect and can stop the growth of bacteria that cause bad smells.
  4. Use fabric softener cloths. Just put some of these wipes in your shoes while wearing them. The wipes will immediately dissipate the odor.

Method 9 of 9: Wash your shoes

  1. Wash your shoes, if possible. Toss them in the washing machine or submerge them in a container of water and detergent to clean them in a milder way. Make sure you especially clean the inside (including the insoles) and let all parts of your shoes dry before putting them back on.


  • Avoid puddles and mud when the weather is rainy. This can cause your shoes to give off a rotting odor.
  • Calluses often stink of foot sweat even after you take a shower. So carefully use a pumice stone to remove the excess calluses from your feet.
  • Washing white socks with bleach can help keep them free of bacteria and fungi.
  • Always wash and dry your feet well before putting on your shoes. This also helps to extend the life of your shoes.
  • Another way to get the smell out of your shoes is to sprinkle a little talcum powder in your shoe. It also works if you put a fabric softener cloth in your shoe.
  • Try orange peels. At the end of the day, put some fresh orange peels in your shoes and take them out in the morning. This should help get rid of the stench.
  • Most shoes can be machine washed or even hand washed. Just make sure they are completely dry before putting them back on.
  • There are also sprays that you can spray on your shoes. Follow the directions on the aerosol can so you know how the product works and how to use it.
  • Taking a shower or a bath always helps! So remember to take a shower or bath and wash your feet every night. Sometimes it's not just your shoes.
  • Use a shoe dryer or sterilizer daily. This device uses UV rays to kill bacteria in your shoes. You should especially use this device if you don't wear socks in your shoes.