Have sex without falling in love

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to have sex without falling in love
Video: How to have sex without falling in love


Many people view sex as an intimate connection with someone you love. However, there are more and more people who are more open about their sexuality and who want to enjoy themselves without the emotional baggage that comes with love and relationships. While "no strings attached" is not for everyone, having a little fun without a commitment is possible for many people. This form of a relationship may not be for everyone, but that's okay.

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Method 1 of 2: Avoid falling in love

  1. Know that having sex shouldn't mean falling in love. Having sex and falling in love are two completely different things. Most people learn through movies, television, and even friends or family that having sex must always result in love. However, love is a complex and nuanced emotion that develops over time as you get to know someone better emotionally, socially, and not just physically.
    • After an orgasm, women produce a hormone called oxytocin, also known as the "hug hormone" because it evokes feelings of love and belonging. That is why love is often confused with sex, despite the possible logical thoughts you have about a person.
  2. Avoid sleeping with people with whom you have a romantic history. It's hard to get back to normal friends after a romantic or sexual relationship. When sex is back on track, feelings of love and attraction will always resurface. One of the things that distinguishes friends from couples is the lack of a sexual connection. Reviving your sex life will bring back all kinds of feelings, whether you like it or not.
    • This also includes close friends. The existing connection, enriched with sex, will almost always lead to you becoming a couple.
  3. Ask yourself what exactly you are looking for. Why do you want to have sex with someone? Are you just trying to have fun, experiment with new people? Or are you lonely? You need to know your goals when you start them because they will greatly affect how you will bond with someone else. Be honest with yourself to avoid confusion after the sexual episode.
  4. Non-commitment sexual intercourse isn't for everyone, but that's okay. If you have a habit of falling in love with anyone you have sex with or if you are looking for a steady partner, then you may need to think twice before engaging in such sexual intercourse. If you just want to have some fun and aren't interested in a relationship, or if you just want to experiment a bit, then you can move on.
    • Sex without obligations is easier if you just want to have some fun and learn more about your sexual needs.
    • Having sex because you are lonely, heartbroken, or hurt is often a recipe for unwanted attraction, because you will try to compensate for your feelings by choosing a new sex partner.
  5. Set your boundaries. Are there things that automatically evoke intimacy? Some people don't want to kiss their bed partner because it would be too much like a real relationship. Other people don't want to cuddle or will never hit the bed with strangers. Before you start looking, have clear boundaries and respect these boundaries as they will protect you and your heart so that you don't get carried away.
    • Long conversations to get to know someone better, especially intimately (goals, doubts / fears, personal history) often lead to feelings of love and attraction.
    • Always provide protection when sharing a bed with someone.
  6. Try not to share a bed with the same person whenever you get the chance. Try to spend some time alone so you can keep your feelings from becoming more serious. If you've agreed with your partner that you occasionally have other sex partners, try to mix things up so you don't fall in love with one person.
  7. Let pleasure be the most important thing in the relationship. Don't stay to cuddle, don't go on dates, or talk until the middle of the night. If you want a sex relationship without obligations, so a purely physical relationship, then it must also remain purely physical. Focus on enjoying when you're together and just make sure you're both satisfied when you leave each other. The emphasis on pleasure rather than intimacy is crucial to prevent the relationship from arousing deeper feelings.
    • Gifts, dates, and sleeping can all create more intimate feelings. Focus on what feels good and leave once you are satisfied.
  8. Re-evaluate your relationship every few weeks. Do you think you will get feelings for someone? And more importantly - are you enjoying the "no strings attached" lifestyle? Some people find arbitrary sexual intercourse meaningless, unsatisfying, and strange despite the obvious pleasure. You are constantly evolving, you grow and change and so do your sexual preferences.
    • How do you feel after sex? Do you want to stay a little longer or do you feel called to leave?
    • Do you want to try something more lasting? Are you letting something special pass you by because you have convinced yourself that you don't want a relationship or because in fact you don't love this person?
  9. Leave if you feel uncomfortable. If you're not getting the kind of sex you want, get out. Sex without love is about the physical benefits for both, so if the other person isn't interested or doesn't think about the partner's feelings, then everyone is free to leave. Remember, this is not a romantic relationship. You don't have to fear emotional baggage or the other party if you quit in a normal way:
    • "I think I'm ready for something firmer than this, but it's been fun."
    • "I'd rather quit this."
    • "I'd love to stay in touch, but now I'm ready to meet new people."

Method 2 of 2: Find willing partners

  1. Flirt casually with acquaintances, regular friends, or friends of friends to see if there is any sexual chemistry. You shouldn't go deep with someone and talk about your life, work, goals or dreams. Casually flirting is more about smiles, a little teasing, and the occasional touch. If reciprocal, it can lead to casual sexual relations. Here are some hints you can drop while flirting:
    • "I've already had some relationships and I'm certainly not looking for a steady relationship at the moment."
    • "I'm just here to have fun and meet someone nice."
  2. Make your intentions clear to your partner. You must be clear and direct from the moment you have any further intentions for someone. If you don't, the other person may have different expectations, resulting in a one-sided relationship that is bad for both of you. While this conversation may feel strange, it is best to be honest and say what you are looking for:
    • "I don't want a new relationship or start dating."
    • "I want something casual, not a steady sweetheart."
    • "Just let's have some fun."
  3. Act like friends, not lovers. There is no need to be too clingy, too loving, or too cuddly when both of you just want to have some fun.You wouldn't kiss your boyfriend or send flowers to work, so don't do this with casual sexual relations either. But there is also no need to be ashamed or to feel strange around someone. Try to see the humor in everything, enjoy each other's company and keep the relationship light. This will keep everything open and you will be able to avoid pent-up emotions and crossing boundaries.
    • Be kind and affectionate when you meet the person again the next day - a hug and a hello isn't the same as asking for a date.
  4. Be honest when you meet other people as well. You have to be honest if you keep multiple partners "as a reserve". If you share a bed with more than one person, your partner has the right to know. However, know that if they are offended at this or prefer you to be exclusive to themselves, it may be easier to each go your own way. If they think they have you exclusively and that you will continue to date them, they may feel that the relationship will develop into something more serious.
    • Casually bring up funny, light-hearted, or interesting stories from other sexual experiences to make it clear that you are not monogamous.
    • "I'm not going to be monogamous right now, is that okay for you?"
  5. Try dating apps to find people to hang out with. Apps such as Tinder and Grindr were developed for people who are looking for a relationship without obligations in their environment. You can download them for your phone, quickly create a profile and start talking to someone close to you almost immediately.
    • Always meet in a public place first.
    • Never give out personal or financial information - your name is more than enough.
    • Drive to your meeting point and back again.
    • Tell a friend or family member about your plans to meet someone and when you plan to return.
  6. Blow everything off when one of you gets romantic feelings. If you or your partner are falling in love but the other person is not open to it, then you should end the relationship. Trying to accommodate or convince someone to put his or her feelings aside will never work, and the longer you stay together, the stronger these feelings become. Remember, this started as a casual thing - that's how it could end. For example, say things like:
    • "It's been fun, but now I'm looking for something a little more serious."
    • "This was fun, but I'm not interested in a serious relationship right now and I plan on meeting other people as well."
    • If it's still early, stop flirting or getting into it, even if you think it's "harmless."


  • You are your best guide during sex without obligations. If you feel uncomfortable or pressured then you should move on and try something new. There is no pressure.


  • Always have protection. A carefree attitude towards sex does not mean that you have to deal with STDs carefree.
  • Sharing the bed with a random stranger can be dangerous. Always get to know someone first and make sure you have a good friend around when you find yourself in unfamiliar situations.