Removing mold odor from a front loader

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Rid of Front Loader Washer Stink!
Video: Get Rid of Front Loader Washer Stink!


If your washing machine is a front loader, you have probably noticed that your washing machine smells of mold, which will also make your towels and clothes smell like mold. That's because front loaders have multiple parts that stay wet after washing. There are several products that you can use to clean your washing machine, but it is also best to wipe the parts in question regularly. In addition, there are a lot of things you can do to prevent your washing machine from smelling like mold.

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Method 1 of 2: Cleaning the washing machine

  1. Clean the cuff. This is the rubber part on the door and on the inside, which makes the washing machine watertight when you close the door.
    • Wipe the cuff with a rag or towel.
    • You can use hot, soapy water or spray a little mold cleaner on the rubber. Mold cleaner contains chemicals that can irritate your skin, so be careful.
    • You can also moisten a cloth with one part water and one part bleach and wipe the cuff with it.
    • Make sure you clean the cuff all around and don't forget the areas underneath.
    • You may see a lot of dirt and slimy residue around the cuff. This is one of the most common causes of mold odor in front loaders.
    • If the residue under the cuff is caked and difficult to remove with a rag, try scrubbing the dirt out of the hard-to-reach corners with an old toothbrush.
    • If you come across loose socks or other items of clothing, take them out.
  2. Clean the detergent compartments. You may be able to remove them from your washing machine for easier cleaning.
    • Soap residue and small amounts of standing water can cause detergent containers to smell bad.
    • Remove the detergent compartments from the washing machine and clean them thoroughly with hot soapy water.
    • If you cannot remove the detergent containers from the washing machine, you can wipe them clean with soapy water.
    • Use a spray bottle or pipe cleaner to clean all cracks and nooks in the detergent compartments.
  3. Let your washing machine complete a washing program. Set the washing machine to the longest washing program and the highest water temperature. Usually this will be a cooking wash at 90 degrees.
    • Some washing machines have a special cleaning program.
    • Pour one of the following into the washing machine drum: 250 ml of bleach, 300 grams of baking soda, 120 ml of detergent with enzymes or a commercial washing machine cleaner.
    • Well-known brands of washing machine cleaners are HG and Rio.
    • You can also find various washing machine cleaners at the drugstore and supermarket, such as from Dylon and Greenland.
    • Let the washing machine complete the washing program. If the mold smell has not disappeared, let the washing machine finish another washing program.
    • If the washing machine still smells after two wash cycles, put a different solution in the drum. For example, if you tried baking soda first, put washing machine cleaner or bleach in the drum on the second try.
  4. Call a technician. You may still have a warranty on your washing machine that covers a problem like this. Take a look at the user manual.
    • If the smell continues to bother you, the drain or a filter may be clogged. Mold can also grow behind the drum.
    • A certified technician can find out what the problem is and suggest solutions.
    • If you know about washing machines, you can try cleaning the drain and filter yourself. The filter can usually be found behind the small cover on the front of the washing machine.
    • Have a bucket ready to collect standing water.

Method 2 of 2: Prevent your washing machine from smelling bad

  1. Use the correct detergent. Most economical washing machines need a certain detergent to function optimally.
    • Using an old detergent will create too much foam, which can leave residues that can start to smell.
    • Also, don't use too much detergent. This can leave residues in your washing machine.
    • Washing powder is often better than liquid detergent because it foams less.
  2. Do not use liquid fabric softener. Instead, use dryer sheets.
    • Liquid fabric softener, just like liquid detergent, can leave a residue in your washing machine.
    • These residues will eventually start to smell foul.
    • Instead of fabric softener, buy dryer sheets. They are not expensive and you can find them in the supermarket at the detergents.
  3. Let the washing machine dry between washes. This means that mold is less likely to form in your washing machine because the drum can dry completely.
    • Leave the door slightly open when you are not using the washing machine.
    • This allows fresh air to flow through the drum of your front loader and any moisture left after a wash can dry.
    • Do not do this if you have children or pets as they can climb into the drum and lock themselves in it.
  4. Remove wet laundry immediately from the washing machine. After a washing program has ended, you can immediately remove the wet laundry.
    • If possible, set your washing machine to beep when it finishes washing so you don't forget to take out the laundry.
    • If you cannot dry the laundry immediately, take everything out and put it in the laundry basket or lay it flat until you can use the dryer.
    • This way you prevent moisture from remaining in the washing machine after washing.
  5. Regularly wipe the cuff. Do this with a dry towel.
    • After each wash, dry the cuff, the area underneath and the inside of the drum.
    • This can take time and be tedious, but try to do it regularly.
    • You can also regularly clean the cuff with hot, soapy water and let it dry completely. This keeps the cuff clean and mold-free.
  6. Clean your washing machine once a month. Run a cooking wash or use a special cleaning program.
    • Put 500 ml of white vinegar in the detergent compartment and run a cooking wash or the special cleaning program.
    • You can also use a special washing machine cleaner like HG, but vinegar is cheap and works just as well.
    • When the program has finished, clean the inside of the drum, the cuff, the detergent compartment and the inside of the door with a mixture of hot water and vinegar. Use a towel for this.
    • Then wipe the inside of the washing machine again with hot water.
    • Run another cooking wash.
    • Leave the washing machine door open to allow the interior to dry.


  • Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the drum after each wash. This then remains there until the next wash and absorbs all bad odors during that time.
  • Another way to get bad smells out of towels is to run a cooking wash with baking soda. Do not use detergent.
  • Clean the detergent dispenser at least once a month. Do not forget to clean the opening where the tray is inserted.
  • You can also put vinegar in the correct detergent container or in a wash ball to rinse the laundry. Then do not use fabric softener.
  • Use vinegar to remove the mold odor and kill the mold. You can use vinegar during washing and rinsing. By adding 120 ml per wash you can also make your laundry softer in a natural way.
  • Detergent containers can be completely removed from the washing machine and taken apart by turning them over.