Giving romantic hugs

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Different Types of Hugs and What They Really Mean
Video: 15 Different Types of Hugs and What They Really Mean


You have hugs and you have CUDDLES. Sometimes your partner or great love just wants a hug, but you want to give him / her a hug that means more. Follow these steps to have a romantic cuddle.

To step

Method 1 of 2: The frontal hug

  1. Position your arms to bring your upper bodies together. In a romantic hug, your upper bodies - chest and stomach - touch each other. This is a beautiful warm and intimate position that emphasizes closeness.
    • Generally, the taller hugger wraps their arms around the shorter person's waist, while the shorter hugger wraps their arms around the taller person's neck or shoulders. Vice versa is also possible, especially if there is a significant difference in height: the taller person wraps his / her arms around the shoulders of the other (bringing him / her closer to his / her brittle), while the other person wraps the arms around the waist of the other. longer hugger strikes.
  2. Make head contact. Leaning your head against someone else's is a sign of intimacy. Move your head to the side as you move forward to initiate a romantic hug (in the Netherlands most people automatically move to the right). Just don't stray too far - you want your head to be against the other person's. As an extra romantic touch, you can root your head or even face in the other person's face or neck (or in the chest if you're much shorter than the person you're hugging).
  3. Squeeze the other firmly and hold this position. A romantic hug lasts longer than a platonic hug. Squeeze the other person for a second or two, three equally hard. The pinch should be firm enough to be noticed, but not so tight that the other person can no longer breathe normally. In most cultures it is not particularly romantic when the other person faints due to lack of oxygen.
  4. Use your hands. Rub one of your hands a few times on the other's back or arm. If your hands are close to his / her head, you can also choose to stroke him / her through the hair or on the back of the neck. A gentle caress is incredibly romantic. A firm stroking motion is comical, unless it's cold outside and you're trying to warm up your cuddly partner.
  5. Let go slowly. Keep your hands on the other person as you withdraw. This way you touch him / her after the hug. Now is a good time to look each other in the eye, smile, and speak from your heart.

Method 2 of 2: The hug from back to front

  1. Approach your cuddly partner from behind. You can increase spontaneity by surprising the apple of your eye with a hug from behind. As long as he / she is not doing anything important, it can be a really nice surprise to wrap your arms around his / her waist and rest your head against his / her.
  2. Stand behind the person you want to hug. Press your torso against the back of the person you are going to hug and wrap your arms around him / her. It doesn't matter if you are shorter or taller, just your hands will end in a different place.
    • In general, the taller hugger relaxes his / her upper arms and wraps his / her forearms around the other to cuddle. The smaller cuddler can fully extend their arms, instead of bending at the elbow.
  3. Place your arms at the front. You can “stack” one arm on top of the other, put one arm in front of the other, or even put your arms above the other's chest to grab his / her shoulders; it all depends on how long your arms are, and how tall is the one you want to hug.
  4. Make head contact. As with the frontal hug, head contact here also indicates intimacy. If you are as tall or taller than the one being hugged, you can put your head in their face or neck. If you are shorter, you can rest your head sideways on his / her back.
  5. Squeeze the other firmly and hold this position. A romantic hug lasts longer than a platonic hug. Squeeze the other person for a second or two, three equally hard. Take a deep breath and exhale again; relax in the hug and enjoy.
  6. Use your hands. For the one who is being cuddled, it is natural and wonderful to caress your arms. For the cuddler, caressing can become quite intimate without too much effort. If you are at that level with the person you are hugging, this can be a wonderful way to initiate further intimacies. If not, proceed with caution. This action can break the ice, but can also cause your nose to be broken. A slow caress is extremely romantic.
  7. Turn the hugged person over. Enjoy a frontal hug while nurturing intimacy with your partner. If you need more directions, you can scroll back to the top of this page. Enjoy it!


  • Grab her by the waist and pull her close to you so that she feels safe and warm.
  • A hug makes someone very close to you, so make sure you keep unpleasant body odor at bay. At the same time, know that perfume, eau de toilette and mints can make a romantic hug even more enjoyable - if you use them sparingly. An unpleasant smell, including too much perfume, on you or your partner can ruin the moment.
  • Make sure you smell good. Not everyone wants to cuddle with someone who doesn't. Don't rush your hugs either. Take your time and relax. Prevent the hug from appearing artificial. Let your emotions guide you.
  • Wear a little cologne if you like it. When he / she gets closer, she will notice that you smell wonderful. Just don't overdo it, as an unpleasant odor that is too strong will only scare him / her.
  • Hugging is like dancing or kissing - it has to come both ways. You feed on the energy of the other, and you cannot force a response.
  • Try to choose a natural scent like perfume. Consider, for example, a fruit scent.
  • Try the hug from behind when you look at the stars together. After the hug, stay in the same position to give him / her a nice night kiss.
  • Hug your girl from behind, she loves that.
  • Take everything easy. Quick half-baked hugs are for people you don't know or family members you don't necessarily like. Slower hugs are for people whose / whose presence you want to enjoy. Because a romantic hug is a very intimate interaction, you should give the other enough time to stop you if they are uncomfortable. You don't have to be agonizingly slow, but do it calmly enough so that the other person can figure out exactly what your intention is.


  • Not everyone enjoys cuddling, even in a romantic relationship. It's important to communicate openly if you feel like your cuddling attempts are being rejected. You need to learn to accept it when you discover that your partner doesn't really like cuddling.