Making scrambled eggs without milk

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Make Fluffy Scrambled Eggs | No Milk | Lesson #79 | Morris Time Cooking
Video: How To Make Fluffy Scrambled Eggs | No Milk | Lesson #79 | Morris Time Cooking


Not everyone can easily digest the lactose in milk, and some people just find it odd to add milk to scrambled eggs. If you want to make some tasty scrambled eggs without milk, the result can still be great. Consider adding some vegetables to this recipe, and you will soon be enjoying a filling and delicious meal. This recipe is for one person.


  • 1-2 large eggs
  • Other ingredients you would like to add (vegetables, cheese, etc.)
  • Spices and herbs (paprika, thyme, etc.)

To step

  1. Grab a bowl and something to mix with. You will need a bowl large enough to whisk all of your eggs and something to whisk the egg mixture with. A whisk or fork works well.
  2. Put your egg (ren) in the bowl. Carefully break the eggs on the rim of the bowl or on the counter if the bowl is not very sturdy (but be careful not to get everything under the egg!). Pull the bowl apart, making sure that no pieces of the bowl get into the bowl.
    • If a piece of shell does end up in the bowl, you can take it out again with a spatula or spoon.
  3. Beat the egg yolks. Grab your fork or whisk and whisk the eggs, making sure that the whites of the eggs and yolks are completely mixed. Be careful not to get the egg mixture to beats firmly; you don't want your eggs flying out of the bowl.
  4. Add herbs and spices. If you want to add herbs and / or spices, now is the time to do so. Make sure the herbs are shredded and sprinkle everything over the egg mixture. Then beat again to make sure that the herbs and / or spices are well mixed.
    • If the herbs are not shredded, you may want to wait to add them until you are stir-frying the eggs.
  5. Heat a skillet over medium flame. Grease the frying pan with butter to prevent the eggs from sticking. Use as little butter as possible; you don't want to drown your eggs in it! As soon as the fat sizzles, you can add the eggs.
    • Do not grease the pan with oil; this will affect the taste of the eggs. If you are concerned about how much fat you are taking in, you can also use a low-fat substitute such as margarine.
  6. Pour the egg mixture into the pan. Don't worry about the egg mixture covering the entire bottom of the pan; all you have to do is get the eggs into the pan.
  7. Add other ingredients. After you've poured the eggs into the pan, it's time to sprinkle the other ingredients on top: large herbs, vegetables, cheese, and whatever else you wanted to add. Make sure these things do not burn while you are cooking the eggs.
  8. Use a spatula to stir the eggs. Stir the eggs with a spatula to make sure they cook well on all sides. It can be useful to make some pieces of egg smaller with the spatula as it will bake more easily. Once one side of the eggs is cooked, turn them over so that the other side is also cooked.
    • The definition of "well done" scrambled eggs can vary. Some people prefer "soft-boiled" scrambled eggs while other people prefer "hard-boiled" scrambled eggs. In any case, you need to make sure the eggs don't "leak" - there is a difference between "soft-boiled" and simply not cooked long enough, and eggs that haven't been cooked long enough can make you sick.
  9. Remove the eggs from the pan. As soon as you are sure that the eggs are completely cooked, remove the eggs from the pan with the spatula and place them on a plate. If you use other ingredients, feel free to sprinkle some more over the eggs as a topping; you can also garnish the egg with spices if you want, maybe add some vegetables on the side, and serve it as a standalone dish or with anything else like bacon, toast or bagels.


  • Even if there is no milk in your scrambled eggs, it doesn't mean that there should be no other things in it. Experiment and make scrambled egg variations to find out what you like best.