Beat Riddle School 3

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
riddle school 3 walkthrough
Video: riddle school 3 walkthrough


Riddle School 3 is a "point and click" Flash game available online at You play the character named Phil Eggtree, whose goal is to escape the school. This wikiHow shows you the fastest way to get out and beat the game.

To step

Part 1 of 9: From Mr. Escape Soggy

  1. Click on the ruler. It's on the desk. The ruler will be added to your inventory.
  2. Click several times on the globe. Eventually you will see pink gum on the globe.
  3. Click on the gum. The gum will be added to your inventory.
  4. Drag the gum to the ruler. You are left with a sticky ruler.
  5. Drag the sticky ruler to the vent. The sticky gum on the ruler will be used to get the elastic into the vent hole.
  6. Drag the elastic to Mr. Soggy. His glasses are knocked off so that he can no longer see anything.
  7. Click on the glasses. It will be added to your inventory. You will need it soon.
  8. Click on the red arrow entitled "Hallway". This will take you out of the room.

Part 2 of 9: Getting items from the library

  1. Click on the coin on the ground. It is in front of the first locker that you encounter in the hall.
  2. Click the arrow at the bottom of the screen entitled "Library".
  3. Drag the glasses to Mr. Read. He will put on the glasses and give you a bookmark.
  4. Drag the bookmark onto the sticky ruler. They are connected together into a long stick.

Part 3 of 9: Getting the janitor out of his room

  1. Click on the arrow in front of the door. Then you leave the library.
  2. At the end of the hall, click on the arrow pointing to the left. You then go to the left corridor.
  3. Click on the coin. It is next to the lockers, to the right of the powder room. The coin is added to your inventory.
  4. Go to the pantry. Click on the arrow pointing down on the right to enter the pantry.
  5. Drag your ruler to the coin on the top shelf. This will push the coin off the shelf and add it to your inventory.
  6. Click on the arrow in front of the door. Once you are done in the pantry, click on the arrow in front of the door to exit.
  7. Click on the arrow for the men's room. You enter the men's room.
  8. Click on the toilet cubicle. The door will open, allowing you to do what is in there.
  9. Click on the toilet paper. The toilet paper will be added to your inventory.
  10. Drag the toilet paper to the toilet. This will put the entire roll in the toilet.
  11. Click on the flush button. This will clog the toilet, which will cause the janitor to get out of their room to fix the problem.

Part 4 of 9: Talk to Richy

  1. Click the arrow labeled "Hallway" at the bottom of the screen. When you're done in the toilet, click the arrow to exit.
  2. Click on the arrow on the left. You then go to the hallway on the left, where the stairs come out.
  3. Click on the coin. He's on the floor in front of the stairs.
  4. Click on the arrow that points up the stairs. Then you go upstairs.
  5. Click the arrow on the right to go to the right. You will see a speech bubble coming out of one of the lockers.
  6. Click on the locker where Richy's screams come out. He will tell you that the code for the locker in Mrs. Oddverb can be found.

Part 5 of 9: Get the combination for the safe that Richy is in

  1. Click on the arrow for the janitor's room. While the concierge is busy with the clogged toilet, you can freely enter the concierge's room.
  2. Click on the penny. This should be under the seat. You get another 25 cents.
  3. Click on the arrow entitled "Hallway".
  4. Go to the teachers' room. The teachers room is located opposite the men's room.To get to the teachers' room, click the left arrow to go left. Then click on the arrow pointing down the stairs to go down. Then click the right arrow to go to the right.
  5. Click the arrow at the bottom of the screen entitled "Teachers Lounge". The teacher will ask you where you came from. At this point you have to choose what to say.
  6. Choose Mrs. Oddverb, about Richy. She will ask, "What about Richy?"
  7. Choose He's stuck in his locker. His combination is in your class. She will ask if she should go to her classroom.
  8. Choose Yes. She and the other teacher will leave.
  9. Click on the middle drawer. There should be three drawers. Click on the middle one to look inside.
  10. Click on the coin. He's in the middle drawer. Then click on Back to close the drawer.
  11. Go to the hallway for Mrs. Oddverb. Click on the arrow in front of the door to exit the teachers' room. Then click the left arrow to go left, and then the arrow pointing up the stairs to go to the next floor. Then click the right arrow to go to the right, and also the next right arrow to go right again.
  12. Click on the coin to take it. He's in front of Mrs. Oddverb.
  13. Click on the first yellow locker. It is the one on the left that is slightly brighter than the others. Click on it to open it.
  14. Click on the coin. It's in the yellow locker.
  15. Click on the arrow in front of Mrs. Oddverb. You will visit Mrs. Go into Oddverb.
  16. Click on the sheet of paper on the desk. This is the combination of the locker Richy is in, but Mrs. Oddverb will say it says "BLOBBLES".

Part 6 of 9: Rescuing Richy

  1. Go back to the locker where Richy is in. To return to the locker Richy is in, click on the arrow that will direct you to Mrs. Oddverb out leads, then the arrow to go to the right.
  2. Click on the locker where Richy is in. You will be shown the combination lock.
  3. Click on the paper with the "BLOBBLES" combination on it. Upside down, instead of BLOBBLES, you read the number sequence 5-3-7-8-8-0-7-8.
  4. Enter the combination "5-3-7-8-8-0-7-8". Click the up and down arrows associated with each number to adjust the numbers.
  5. Click on the button to unlock the locker. It is the icon that resembles a lock. Richy will come out of the locker and give you a quarter as a thank you. He will also tell you that he collects buttons.

Part 7 of 9: Getting your hands on the button and key for the keyboard

  1. Go to Miss Count's room. To get from the safe that Richy was in to Miss Count's room, click the left arrow. Then click on the arrow to go down the stairs. Then click the arrow again to go left.
  2. Click on the arrow for Miss Count's classroom. You will enter Miss Count's classroom.
  3. Click the keyboard button. He's under the pile of monkey stuffed toys in front of Miss Count's desk. The key is small and a bit difficult to notice.
  4. Click on the arrow in front of Miss Count's door. Then you go back to the hallway.
  5. Go to Mrs. Flask. To go from Miss Count's classroom to Mrs. To get to Flask, you have to click the right arrow to go to the right, then the arrow to go up the stairs. Once you are at the top, you have to click on the left arrow to go left.
  6. Click on the coin. He's on the floor in front of the poster on the left, which has an alien on it.
  7. Click on the arrow for Mrs. Flask. There is a strange machine on her desk.
  8. Drag the keyboard key to the machine on the desk. The machine will make a knot.
  9. Click on the button in the machine to grab it.

Part 8 of 9: Getting pudding for Chubb

  1. Click the arrow to view Mrs. Flask. You will return to the hallway.
  2. Go to Mrs. Oddverb. Click the right arrow three times to go to the other end of the corridor upstairs.
  3. Click on the arrow in front of Mrs. Oddverb. Here you will find Richy.
  4. Drag the knot to Richy. He will thank you and give you a quarter. You should now have one whole dollar (100 cents).
  5. Click the arrow to view Mrs. Oddverb to leave.
  6. Go to the cafeteria. To get there from Mrs. Oddverb, you have to click the left arrow twice to return to the stairs, then click the arrow for the stairs to go down. Click on the left arrow to go left again and enter the canteen.
  7. Click on Mrs. Chubb, behind the counter.
  8. Select I'd like chocolate pudding. She will give you the pudding in exchange for your dollar.
  9. Click on the arrow in front of the door. Then you go back to the hallway.
  10. Go to Chubb. He's the guy standing in front of the office and wanting pudding. To get to him from the cafeteria, click the arrow to go to the right and then the arrow to go up the stairs to the next floor where you will find him.
  11. Drag the pudding to Chubb. He will eat the pudding and then start rolling down the stairs. You and Chubb will tumble into the auditorium on the first floor.

Part 9 of 9: Escape from the school

  1. Go to the office. With Chubb gone, you can click the arrow to exit the auditorium and then the arrow to go up the stairs.
  2. Click on the arrow to enter the office. Mrs. Moose will ask you what you come for.
  3. Select I was sent here to see Mr. Potato.. Mrs. Moose will ask you for a reason.
  4. Select Because I'm awesome. You will be admitted to Mr. Potato. You don't have to click on the key to get it. It will automatically appear in your inventory.
  5. Click on the arrow to leave the office. You will return to the hallway.
  6. Go to the exit. You will find the exit on the first floor, all the way to the left. To get there from the office, click the arrow to go down the stairs. Then click the left arrow to go left.
  7. Click on the arrow on the left, in front of the doors. Congratulations! You escaped and you won the game. After the ending scene and credits, the game will show you how long it took you to complete the game.