To command respect from other people

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Psychological Tricks To Command Respect Immediately
Video: 4 Psychological Tricks To Command Respect Immediately


Being respected is one thing, but respect enforce is quite different. Some people seem to command respect from the moment they walk into a room. Research shows that sometimes we don't judge leaders by how they perform, but by how they look. This is even more significant when you consider that within 7 seconds of meeting you, other people have made a judgment of you, which is generally the impression they take home next.

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Part 1 of 3: Making a strong first impression

  1. Radiate confidence through your body language. Remember, it's not how you feel what matters, but how the person watching you thinks you feel. This is a common problem with body language: often your nonverbal cues don't convey what you would like. You may hang out because you are tired, but others may interpret it as disinterest. You may just like to stand with your arms crossed, but others may begin to see you as unruly and closed, and holding your hands in your pockets can give an impression of insecurity or as if you have something to hide - or this whether or not it is.
    • To display confident body language you will need to stand upright and not with slumped shoulders, look straight in front of you at the people you are talking to instead of at the floor and keep your hands relaxed and ready to gesture when you do. is needed.
    • Don't fiddle with your hair, clothes, or your hands, or you'll appear bored or insecure. Keep your body alert and active, making yourself more present.
  2. Control your facial expressions. Have you ever been asked a difficult question in the group? You probably wanted to come across as a knowledgeable, confident, and lovable person at the time, but what if your jaw clenched, eyebrows raised, or grimaced while looking for the right answer? Or did you sigh for a moment, with an affable smile and shake your head? And what do you think the people around you thought about that? So pay attention to how you react.
    • Keep your expression positive and confident by smiling slightly, not looking down, and avoiding frowning or biting your lip.
    • When you say something, look like you believe what you're saying instead of having an expression that says something like, "I can't believe what's coming out of my mouth right now."
  3. Don't underestimate the power of touch. We are programmed to feel closer to someone who has touched us. The person who touches also feels more connected. A firm touch is more effective than a light touch, something that can make the other person feel less at ease. It's an engaging force and even a brief touch can create a bond between people. A touch of the forearm lasting no more than a mere 1/40 of a second can not only make the receiver feel better, but will also make the giver appear friendlier and warmer.
    • Even with adults in a corporate setting, a study by the Income Center for Trade Shows showed that people will remember you twice as easily if you shake their hand.
  4. Make sure your body language matches your words. When your body language doesn't match your words, people believe what they see. It's crucial to communicate appropriately - that is, holding your body to support an intended message rather than sabotage it. Conflicting signals negatively affect what you convey and make it nearly impossible to form relationships built on trust. Any time your nonverbal cues contradict your words, the people you're talking to - employees, customers, voters - will get confused. And if she is forced to choose, they will put aside what you have said and believe what your body has told them.
    • For example, if someone is giving a speech and indicating how much audience comments are welcome, but meanwhile standing behind a lectern or leaning back away from the audience, or putting their hands in their pockets, the audience will verbal signals believe that the person is not interested in the audience, and doesn't care about it!
  5. Remember, you are never out of the picture. As a leader you are always communicating. People are relentless observers of their leaders, and your “off-the-record” behavior is also closely monitored. As a wise leader once said, "What I do in the hallway matters more than anything I say to the public." You can't give a strong, authoritative speech and then walk off the stage and bark at an employee or family member on the phone without losing respect.
    • If you say something to a few people but then get caught shortly after contradicting your own words, how can you expect them to respect you?
  6. Think less, slower and lower. Have you ever wondered why men are often considered leaders more than women? They tend to use less, slower, and lower movements. Research has shown that women made 27 large movements when entering a room for a meeting, compared to 12 for men. Women who do make it to leader therefore make use of fewer and slower movements, on par with men. So if you want to command respect, slow down and don't flutter your hands.

Part 2 of 3: Developing a stronger personality

  1. Be a good role model. If you want to enforce self-esteem, then you have to be a good role model. They should look at your way of life and feel inspired. While this may sound a bit generalized, you will have to live your life in the way you envision an ideal life. Be nice to people in the service industry, achieve your goals, commit 100% to your job, and make time for kindness and generosity in your life.
    • If you are someone who lives their life with style, humility and elegance, you will be respected for your strong character.
  2. Don't take advantage of other people. Forcing respect does not mean taking advantage of others. If you want to command respect, you will have to be respectful and nice to people, instead of trying to make them slaves to you. Do not take advantage of people in the office in lower positions, or poor friends or submissive siblings. It won't make you look better because you have people who will do anything for you; instead, you will come across as someone who doesn't care about anyone, and there is nothing that will make you lose respect from others more quickly than that.
    • If people respect you, they will be happy to work with you to achieve mutual goals. But if you only use people for their money, a lift and favors, people will soon realize that.
  3. Treat everyone with equal respect. Even being the CEO of your company doesn't entitle you to be mean to the guy delivering the mail. You should be grateful for the position you hold and the people above or below you with kindness and care. This means that you should respect people who fulfill a leadership role and pay attention to the people who are under your leadership; if you lash out at a waitress or are mean to a new employee, people will see that you don't show the necessary courtesy in dealing with other people.
    • Naturally, it deserves the respect that you have managed to climb to a certain position within a company. But tipping the man who brings you the company lunch deserves even more respect.
  4. Don't brag about what you have achieved. Perhaps you are so desperate for recognition from others that you feel like you are flaunting every little thing you have ever accomplished, from winning your first tennis trophy in high school to winning the New Marathon. York.But if you work hard enough and can stay humble, people will find out and be impressed by your accomplishments. If you are the one who always has to come up with all your achievements, those achievements will automatically lose their luster.
    • It may take people a while to discover all the great things you've done, but once they've noticed, it's well worth the wait.
  5. Praise people instead of gossiping about them. If you want to command respect, people will have to see that you are too preoccupied with what is really important in life to worry about who did it with whom over the weekend. Rather, start a trend through something nice to say about people "behind their backs." People will be impressed that you show such goodwill and are not mean, jealous or sneaky. They will respect you for not giving in to useless gossip and spreading rumors.
    • And who knows, others may follow the trend you have started, and you will not only get respect for being nice, but because you have set something positive in motion.
    • In addition, it never hurts to give people a compliment right away. Resist the urge to lash out at people when you are in a bad mood and focus on being nice. People tend to like - and respect others who make them feel good about themselves.
  6. Have time for others. If you want to command respect then you cannot live selfishly. Make time in your busy schedule to volunteer, help a classmate or colleague with a difficult task, or help your parents around the house. Sacrificing your time, even if you don't have much of it, will not only make other people respect you but also make you feel better about yourself. If you are so focused on achieving your own goals and impressing everyone that you don't have time for others, you will definitely lose respect.
    • Obviously, don't volunteer or help others just to gain more respect. This should be a natural impulse.
  7. Try to excel at something. Another way to get people to respect you is to really excel at something. You can be great at your job, write beautiful poetry or become the best goalkeeper the school team has ever had. In fact, you can get really good at making everyone laugh no matter how awful they feel. Look for what you are good at and try to take it to the next level. If you are really way above average in something, then people will definitely notice.
    • Again, this doesn't mean boasting about how great you are at something. If you handle it correctly, people will notice it.
  8. Keep your word. Being a man or woman of your word is key to showing strong character and commanding respect. How can people respect you when they feel like you're breaking your word in minutes? If you say you are going to do something or you make a promise, you better keep it. And if you're not sure you can do it, don't make empty promises that will only make people feel better temporarily. Work on being someone people can build on and the rest will come naturally.
    • Know your limits. Don't say you are going to do 20 different things when you only have time for 5 of them.

Part 3 of 3: Having self-esteem

  1. Stop apologizing for everything. An important part of having self-esteem is being comfortable with what you do and who you are. And if you are not then someone else will not respect you either. So stop apologizing because you need more time, because you prefer not to go to your friends' party, because you can't live up to your boss's unrealistic expectations, or because you can't go to your family go because of your exams. Stand by your own actions and don't make excuses for it and other people will see that you are worthy of their respect.
    • This does not mean that you no longer have to apologize for anything. If you have done something wrong, you will get a lot more respect admitting those mistakes than if you sweep them under the rug.
  2. Learn to say no. Someone without self-esteem always says yes to people because it is easier than rejecting someone. You can say yes to babysitting someone's pet when you don't really have time, say yes to giving a friend a ride when you'd rather get some rest and say yes to taking on more work because you don't boss. If you want to have self-esteem, you will have to learn to say no when you mean it, without feeling bad about it.
    • Don't make excuses for not being able to do something, or overly apologize unless the situation clearly calls for it. Stay confident in your decision.
    • If you really feel terrible about a situation and still want to help in some way, you can offer to help that person in another way.
  3. Make sure you set clear boundaries. You will have to make it clear to people exactly where your limits are. If you always give in to people and do what they ask of you, they will eventually move on and on. For example, if you babysit your sister's children for 5 hours a week but indicate that you cannot do more than that, then she will not take advantage of you; but if you give in and babysit on weekends too, she'll see that you'll do anything for her. If your team thinks they can get away with saddling you with more work, they'll soon be asking you to do more than you want.
    • Make it clear from the start what your expectations are and stick to them no matter what, and people will see that you respect your self-worth and your own time.
  4. Only associate with people who respect you. If you really want to respect yourself, you're going to have to hang out with people who make you feel good, not people who put you down and make you feel inferior. If the people around you are always making fun of you or making you feel ugly, shabby, stupid, or just plain worthless, how can you expect someone close to you to respect you? If you allow your best friends to treat you with conspicuous disrespect, other people will think it's OK for them to treat you that way too.
    • It's time to reassess your relationships. Do the people you hang out with make you feel like a valuable person or are you completely worthless? If they are not for you, then they are against you and it is time to find people who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
  5. Don't beg. People who have no respect for themselves beg others for help, favors, attention, and many other things that lose their appeal after you beg for it. If you respect yourself, you can call on someone for help with a difficult task, but don't put yourself down by begging for help from people who don't want to give you this. If your girlfriend doesn't give you enough attention, don't make her respect you even less by begging for it; Rather show her how much you should mean to her by showing the best side of yourself, and if that isn't enough, then it's time to cut the ties.
    • Not only does begging for help clearly indicate that you have a lack of self-esteem towards that person, but other people will begin to view you as a desperate person because it seems that you can't do something yourself.
  6. Take care of yourself. If you want to command respect from people, you will have to take good care of yourself. This means that people should not see that you have had too much to drink and that you show up for school or work well-groomed and rested, instead of staggering out of bed after 3 hours of sleep with your hair still standing. Eat 3 meals a day and have time to do the things you love; this all has to do with taking care of yourself, both physically and emotionally.
    • If you are happy and proud of who you are, then you are someone who takes good care of yourself. And if you take good care of yourself and show that you deserve respect, then other people will give you that too.