Mining redstone in Minecraft

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Auto Mining Machine for Minecraft - Best way to find Ancient Debris! (Tunnel Bore)
Video: Auto Mining Machine for Minecraft - Best way to find Ancient Debris! (Tunnel Bore)


The most common method of collecting redstone dust is by mining redstone ore. Redstone ore can be found 10 blocks (or layers) above bedrock, or between bedrock. This means that you can usually find it between blocks 5-12, and only rarely down to layer 16, or as far down as layer 2. You need an iron pickaxe to mine redstone ore.

To step

Method 1 of 6: Mining

  1. If you prefer to mine, dig down gradually until you come across solid rock.
    • Dig two blocks forward and one block down. Jump down and repeat.
  2. Once you've reached bedrock, look around for redstone ore. If not, dig a larger room and hang torches on the walls to keep hostile mobs at bay.
    • 5 blocks wide, 5 blocks long, and 3 blocks high is usually a good start for a mine.
  3. Pick the middle block from each empty wall and dig a tunnel of 2 blocks up until you can't see anything.
  4. Place a torch at the far end of the tunnel.
  5. Enter your newly dug tunnel to see if you have ore (redstone or something else!) in the walls, ceiling or ground.
  6. From your large room, walk 3 blocks into the smaller tunnel and choose a wall
    • You should have skipped 2 wall blocks and are now facing a third.
  7. Press against this wall and dig all the way back through a 1 x 1 tunnel at head height.
  8. Examine the walls, ceiling and floor of this tunnel for ore. When you see it, dig it out and collect it.
  9. Turn around to the opposite wall and repeat.
  10. Keep making these smaller tunnels, skipping 2 blocks each time, until you get back to your torch.
  11. Place a torch on the floor, take it off the wall and dig back until you can't see anything.
  12. Repeat steps 7-13 until you find redstone ore.
  13. Remember, this is only one way to mine. Find a method that works best for you.

Method 2 of 6: Explore caves

  1. Look for a cave, preferably at sea level, that goes down.
    • If it goes straight down, you can dig a flight of stairs along the edge of the shaft so that you can descend.
  2. Follow the cave as far down as you can
  3. If the cave is very shallow try another one.
  4. If you find solidified lava or bedrock, you have found the right level for redstone ore.
  5. You can either dig back into the cave wall, or explore more branches that go to the side or further down to find redstone in the walls, ceiling or floor of the cave.

Method 3 of 6: Find redstone dust elsewhere

  1. Sometimes you can find redstone dust outside caves and mines. You can buy it, drop it dead witches, or it can be used for making traps in jungle temples.

Method 4 of 6: Jungle Temples

You can only find jungle temples in the jungle biotope when you have "Generate Structures" turned on.

  1. Find a jungle
    • A jungle is characterized by tall trees, lianas and bright green grass.
  2. Find a jungle temple
    • These are large, mossy, cobblestone buildings.
  3. Enter the temple through the door and go down the stairs.
  4. Walk down the hall away from the levers.
  5. Keep walking along the walls in the hall to avoid getting shot by the automatic trap.
    • Sometimes the trap can be hidden behind lianas, so be careful!
  6. After taking the first corner, you can dig up the redstone that leads from the tripwire to the trap.
  7. Continue down the hall to the chest and keep walking along the walls.
  8. Next to the chest you will find another trail of redstone that leads to the trap above the chest.
  9. Return the way you came, but now walk to the levers instead of the stairs.
  10. There is a certain correct order in which you will have to pull the levers to open a hole on the left side of the stairs on the top floor, which you can then drop yourself into.
    • Alternatively, you can knock the middle lever off the wall and dig a hole through the wall behind it.
  11. In this room you will find a few more pieces of redstone, in addition to a chest, redstone repeaters and sticky pistons.
  12. There are 15 pieces of redstone dust in each jungle temple.

Method 5 of 6: By trading

From time to time, a village priest will offer you to trade 2-4 pieces of redstone for an emerald. Emeralds can only be found by digging a mine in the Extreme Hills biotope.

  1. Find a village.
  2. There may be a large tower, the best location to find a priest.
    • Priest wear purple robes.
  3. Right-click on the priest to see what he has to trade.
  4. If he has redstone, place an emerald in the trade box and drag the redstone to your inventory.

Method 6 of 6: From witches

Witches are enemies that can attack you from a distance, and you will only find them in swamp huts, found in the swamp biotope. They can drop redstone dust.

  1. Find a swamp biotope
    • These are characterized by water lilies, creepers on the trees, dark water and grass.
  2. Find a swamp hut and the witch who lives there.
    • The witch.
  3. Kill the witch.
  4. There is a chance that a witch will drop 6 pieces of redstone dust.


  • While searching a cave, don't forget to leave torches or other markers so you can find your way out!
  • If you have scissors, you can cut the tripwire in a jungle temple without triggering it.
  • A temple cannot be found in every jungle.
  • A witch cannot attack when she is healing, so it's helpful to hit first.
  • Illuminating caves as you search them also increases the chance that you will find ore in the floor, ceiling or walls.
  • Make sure your mine is dug on top of rock. If this is not the case, you will have to dig around the solid rock.
  • The best way to kill a witch is with a bow and arrow. This gives you a greater range than the distance over which a witch can throw her poisonous potions.
  • Villages can only be found on flat biotopes (plains, savannas or deserts)