Test RAM with MemTest86

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to TEST YOUR RAM with memtest86 / Step By Step Tutorial -  BSOD and Crashing
Video: How to TEST YOUR RAM with memtest86 / Step By Step Tutorial - BSOD and Crashing


Unreliable random-access memory (RAM) can lead to a variety of problems with your computer, including corrupted data, freezes, and strange, inexplicable behavior. Speaking or corrupted RAM can be one of the most frustrating computer problems as the symptoms are often random and difficult to identify. MemTest86 + is a useful tool that can be downloaded on a CD / DVD or a flash drive and helps diagnose faulty RAM. It is often used by system builders, PC repair shops and PC manufacturers.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Using MemTest86 + with a CD / DVD

  1. Download Memtest86 +. Memtest86 + is an open source program and can therefore be obtained legally. The official download site is http://memtest.org here. However, make sure not to confuse it with the original MemTest, which is now outdated.
  2. Double-click on the zipped file. Inside you will find a folder with the title mt420.iso. Drag this file to your desktop.
  3. Right-click on the file and select Open. Don't forget to put a blank CD in your computer to download the program.
  4. Select a program from a list of installed programs. Then choose Windows Disk Burner. Windows Disk Image Burner will now open. Select "Burn".
  5. Restart your computer. MemTest86 + will run automatically when the computer is restarted if the CD option is shown first to boot. You can set this by pressing F8 on most computers.
  6. Run the program. You have to run MemTest86 + seven to eight times to ensure accuracy. After it's put in slot # 1, switch to slot # 2 and repeat. Do this until you have had every memory slot.
  7. Recognize mistakes. Errors are indicated in red. If there are no problems, your computer's RAM may be fine. If the test detects errors in your RAM, your PC may need to be repaired.

Method 2 of 2: Run MemTest86 + from a flash drive

  1. Download MemTest86 + Auto-Installer for usb. Make sure the flash drive you are using is empty or the other files will be deleted.
  2. Click on "Create" (Create). This may take a few seconds and a command window will appear briefly. This is part of the process, so ignore it until you are prompted to click Next.
  3. Click Next and then Finish. After doing this, restart your computer. Make sure to leave the flash drive in your computer. MemTest86 will run automatically as soon as your computer restarts if the usb option has the first boot priority. You can set this by pressing F8 on most computers.
  4. Run the program. You have to run MemTest86 + seven to eight times to ensure accuracy. After slot # 1 is done, switch to slot # 2 and repeat. Do this until you have had every memory slot.
  5. Recognize mistakes. Errors are indicated in red. If there are no problems, your computer's RAM may be fine. If the test detects errors in your RAM, your PC may need to be repaired.


  • If the computer will not start, try using another computer if one is available and compatible with the RAM type. However, if the computer won't boot due to a PSU error, have a computer shop test the RAM because trying to do it on another computer can cause the RAM to damage the computer.


  • Never remove RAM while the test is running. You could be electrocuted or damage the RAM.
  • If you are removing the RAM to replace it (and are knowledgeable about computers), be careful about removing and replacing the RAM. RAM is fragile!


  • A computer with RAM that may be damaged
  • Memtest86 +
  • An empty CD or flash drive