Remove blemishes with floss and mouthwash

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Removing Pimples with Floss and Mouthwash
Video: Removing Pimples with Floss and Mouthwash


Squeezing a pimple can scar and spread your acne, so it's not recommended by medical professionals. It is much more effective to treat acne with over the counter remedies and other natural solutions. However, if you have a pimple that you really want to get rid of, there is a common acne home remedy that uses oral hygiene products (specifically dental floss and mouthwash) to try and get rid of inflamed pimples. To keep pimples from coming back, however, make sure to keep your face clean and use a few more reliable acne treatments as well.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Remove blemishes with floss and mouthwash

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly. If you plan to pop a pimple in any way, it is important to wash your hands before touching your face. The bacteria on your hand, even if you've only opened or closed the bathroom door, can potentially infect the small wound you're about to make, or enter other pores on your face.
    • Remember that bacteria is one of the main causes of acne, along with excess sebum and dead skin cells.
    • Scrub your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to clean under your fingernails and between your fingers, and to rinse the soap away under clean, running water.
    • If you don't have soap or running water, you can clean your hands with a hand sanitizer. Simply squirt some hand sanitizer into one hand (enough for both hands), then rub your hands together. Make sure to cover every spot on your hands and fingers with the hand sanitizer, and keep rubbing your hands together until the hand sanitizer has completely dissipated.
  2. Clean your face. By not removing dirt and bacteria from your face, you can also contaminate the area of ​​the pimple, so it is important that you wash your face before and after squeezing any pimples. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective ingredients to look for in facial cleansers as it kills bacteria on your skin. However, other ingredients such as salicylic acid are also effective in exfoliating the skin and can help wash away bacteria.
    • Don't over wash or exfoliate your face. This can result in irritated skin and aggravated acne.
    • Wet your face with clean, lukewarm or cold water.
    • Use the non-aggressive daily facial cleanser of your choice. Avoid exfoliating. Simply rub it gently all over your face, paying special attention to the affected area and the skin around it.
    • Rinse your face thoroughly with clean lukewarm water. Pat your face dry with a clean paper towel or soft, clean towel. Do not rub your face with the towel as this can irritate the skin.
  3. Get clean teeth floss. Get enough floss to wrap it around your fingers as if you were going to floss your teeth. About 8 to 12 inches should be plenty of floss. Wrap both ends of the floss around your two index fingers so that you can aim and maneuver the floss properly.
  4. Remove the pimple. To actually remove the pimple, place the dental floss right against one side of the pimple. Then draw the taut line of teeth floss over the pimple, staying as close to the surface of your skin as possible.
    • Try a slightly fast one scratching movement, but don't go too fast or you could accidentally injure your face.
    • Some people can use the act Run the floss a second time to make sure any residue in the skin has been removed.
    • Discard the floss when you are done.
    • Do not reuse the floss for any other purpose, including squeezing other pimples. Floss that has already been used can spread bacteria and should therefore be thrown away immediately.
  5. Clean the wound. Some home remedies recommend using mouthwash to clean the wound after you squeeze the pimple. This is because mouthwash has antiseptic properties (due to the alcohol contained in most mouthwashes), but mouthwash will not burn as strongly as agents with higher levels of alcohol such as pure rubbing alcohol do.
    • Be aware that using mouthwash on your skin for blemish removal will most likely dry out the skin on your face. It can also cause the area to become inflamed and even scaly.
    • If you are determined to use mouthwash, pour some unused mouthwash from the bottle onto your face, or put some mouthwash on a clean cotton ball and wipe the affected area on your face with the cotton ball.
    • You should not reuse mouthwash that has come into contact with your face or cleaned a wound. Pour a little mouthwash to use on a cotton ball. If you contaminate the mouthwash, it can potentially spread blood-borne diseases and bacteria to your mouth or the mouths of others.

Part 2 of 2: Using proven acne-fighting methods

  1. Use over-the-counter topicals. There are many over-the-counter medicated rinses and ointments available at drug stores and pharmacies that are proven to help fight acne. The most common ingredients found in over-the-counter products are:
    • Benzoyl Peroxide - works by killing bacteria to keep pores from clogging and forming new blemishes. Benzoyl peroxide also helps remove excess sebum and dead skin cells, which can also clog pores if left untreated. You will usually find benzoyl peroxide in concentrations between 2.5 percent to 10 percent on over-the-counter products.
    • Salicylic Acid - helps prevent pores from clogging and can even help unclog pores that are already clogged. With most over the counter spreads, the concentration varies between 0.5 percent and 5 percent.
    • Hydroxycarboxylic Acid - Helps to remove dead skin cells and reduce inflammation, and may promote new, smoother skin growth. There are two types of hydroxycarboxylic acid: glycolic acid and lactic acid.
    • Sulfur - helps remove dead skin cells and excess sebum from the body, and is commonly used in combination with other ingredients in facial cleansers or over the counter medicated linens. However, be aware that some products containing sulfur have an unpleasant odor.
  2. Try prescription liniments with higher doses. If you have severe acne, or acne that does not respond to over the counter products, you may need to talk to your doctor or dermatologist about a prescription. Common prescription ingredients include:
    • Retinoids - prevent pores and hair follicles from clogging, reducing the appearance of acne.
    • Dapsone - Kills bacteria and prevents pores from clogging.
    • Antibiotics - topical antibiotics kill bacteria on the skin to help treat existing outbreaks and prevent future acne appearances. Well-known antibiotics are clindamycin with benzoyl peroxide (Benzaclin, Duac) and erythromycin with benzoyl peroxide (Benzamycin).
  3. Take prescription drugs. There are a number of medications that your doctor can prescribe to help treat severe acne outbreaks. These could be antibiotics to take (specifically tetracyclines) or combined contraceptives to take for women and young adult girls.
    • Talk to your doctor or dermatologist about whether a prescription medication to take is a good choice for your acne treatment plan.
  4. Avoid known irritants. Many products cause acne outbreaks because of their ability to penetrate and clog pores in your skin. If you are prone to acne, you should avoid potential irritants, especially oily or greasy products. This can include cosmetics, hair styling products, and acne concealers.
    • Instead of oil-based products, choose water-based products or products labeled non-comedogenic (meaning they are not likely to cause or worsen acne).
  5. Be careful what touches the skin. Another easy way to reduce acne breakouts is to limit your face's exposure to oil and sweat. This means keeping your hair out of your face, limiting contact between your face and a phone or cellphone, and avoiding touching your face with dirty hands. You may also need to limit the wearing of caps, hats and helmets, or at least wear a clean absorbent headband underneath.


  • Before and after removing a pimple, follow all hygiene steps that you normally follow.
  • This method will not work for acne.


  • Remember to wash your hands after removing the pimple.
  • You cannot reuse dental floss and mouthwash that you used to remove a pimple. Throw away any dental hygiene products that come into contact with your skin and blood or pus.
  • Squeezing pimples, including removal with dental floss, is known to cause scarring. It is not recommended as a method of treating blemishes.


  • Teeth floss
  • pH balanced facial cleanser
  • Clean running water