Make powdered milk taste like fresh milk

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 16 June 2024
Make Dry Milk Taste Like Fresh Milk | make powdered milk taste like real milk
Video: Make Dry Milk Taste Like Fresh Milk | make powdered milk taste like real milk


Powdered milk never tastes quite the same as fresh milk, but there are ways to improve the taste. If you don't have a refrigerator, consider switching to UHT milk or mixing it with powdered milk. You can also try to reduce the fats that give milk a richer, smoother mouthfeel, but it is often easier to improve the taste with sugar or other additives instead.

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Method 1 of 3: Mix powdered milk with UHT milk

  1. Choose your powdered milk. "Instant" powdered milk is the most common type, and the easiest to mix. "Regular" (or "non-instant") powdered milk often tastes less good. "Whole Milk Powder" has a richer flavor (and may be satisfying enough on its own), but has a much shorter shelf life.
    • Powdered milk with the label "extra grade" has passed certain taste and quality tests.
    • Whole milk powder can be difficult to find in stores. Maybe you should order it online.
  2. Improve the powdered milk. Start by mixing the milk powder with cold water. You can follow the instructions on the package, or use this approach (for a liter of milk):
    • Mix 315 ml (1⅓ cup) of instant powdered milk with 500 ml (2 cups) of cold water until dissolved.
    • Add another 500 ml (2 cups) of water and stir until well blended.
    • Let this stand for a few minutes and stir again.
    • For regular powdered milk, use 175 ml of powder instead. Dissolve it in a small amount of hot water before adding it to the cold water.
  3. Mix with whole milk. Mixing non-fat powdered milk with an equal amount of whole milk will give you a result roughly equal to 2% milk. If you buy powdered milk for shelf life, use UHT ("ultra high temperature") milk, which can be kept for six months at room temperature unopened. If you buy powdered milk to save money, use regular milk and mix in as much as your budget allows.
    • UHT milk tastes slightly sweeter than regular milk, and not everyone likes the aftertaste.
  4. Cool the milk. Alone or mixed with real milk, powdered milk tastes best cold. If you don't have a refrigerator, wrap the package in a wet towel and put it in a basement or other cool place.
    • If your milk is lumpy, chill it overnight and stir again the next day. Lumpy milk can be the result of old or poorly stored powder. "Plain" (non-instant) powder tends to form lumps, even when fresh.
  5. Save the remaining powder. After opening a carton of powdered milk, pour the remaining powder into a glass or metal container (plastic can cause an unpleasant odor). Close it tightly and keep it in a dark, dry place.
    • If you live in a humid climate, add a desiccant bag.

Method 2 of 3: Restore the fat in the powdered milk

  1. Improve the milk as usual. If you are using instant fat-free milk powder (the most common type), mix 315 ml of powder with 1 liter of water. A mixer is recommended for this method, but you can also beat by hand.
  2. Mix in egg powder. Egg is an emulsifier: it allows you to combine ingredients that don't normally mix. In this case, you can mix in fat to make fat-free powdered milk richer again. Egg powder is recommended because it is shelf-stable and can be eaten safely without cooking. Mix the following amount with the reconstituted milk:
    • To make 1% (low fat) milk, mix in 1.25 ml (¼ tsp) egg powder.
    • To make 2% (reduced fat) milk, mix in 2.5 ml (½ teaspoon) of egg powder.
    • To make whole milk, mix in 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of egg powder.
    • Note: If you don't mind buying specialty ingredients, you can add 3-10 grams of soy lecithin instead to avoid the taste of eggs.
  3. Stir in a neutral vegetable oil. Choose an oil with little to no flavor, such as refined canola, safflower, or sunflower oil. Mix or whisk the oil thoroughly into the milk until you no longer see any oil droplets. The amount you add depends on the flavor you are going for:
    • For skimmed milk, use 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of oil.
    • For semi-skimmed milk, use 20 ml (4 teaspoons) of oil.
    • For whole milk, use 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of oil.
    • Note: You may get a more authentic milk flavor with "butter powder", which you can find online. This has not been tested, so try it at your own risk. Butter powder does not have the same density as oil, so you will have to use more than the amounts stated here.
  4. Shake well before use. The oil will float to the surface in a few hours. Shake the bottle well to mix it again.
    • If the milk doesn't taste quite right, add a little sugar or some other seasoning. See below for suggestions.

Method 3 of 3: Add other flavorings to powdered milk

  1. Add vanilla extract. A few drops of vanilla extract in a liter of reconstituted milk can significantly improve the taste.
  2. Mix in sugar. Reconstituted powdered milk contains as much sugar as regular milk, but extra sweetness can hide unpleasant flavors. Stir a small spoonful in your glass, or make a jug of "dessert milk" by adding 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of sugar to a liter of milk.
    • Chocolate syrup hides the bad taste even more.
  3. Add a pinch of salt. This may surprise you, but a small amount of salt can enhance other flavors without making your milk taste salty. Stir well and you will notice that your milk tastes sweeter.
  4. Dip a carrot in your milk. Peel a carrot, chop it roughly, and let it sit in a chilled jug of milk. Strain it out when you are ready to use the milk. This won't have a big effect, but it can improve the taste a bit.


  • "Low-heated" powdered milk is intended for drinking. "Medium or high-heated" powdered milk is difficult to dissolve, and is best used dry in dough and other recipes. Consumer products do not always include this information on the label.
  • You can use milk powder for baking without any change, with the same milk powder / water ratio as recommended in this article. Most people don't taste the difference in the end result.
  • Dairies add unsalted butter or milk fat to turn skimmed milk powder back into "recombined" milk. This is very difficult to do at home because you need a powerful "high shear" mixer. You also need to mix at about 50ºC.


  • Hard water (water with a high mineral content) can give off flavors. You can soften some types of hard water by boiling it and then letting it sit for a few hours so that the minerals settle to the bottom.