How to make braces less visible

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Make Braces Less Noticeable (especially with staining)
Video: How to Make Braces Less Noticeable (especially with staining)


Braces can be needed at any age. While braces can help you achieve a beautiful smile with straight teeth and protect your teeth, wearing braces may not be all that pleasant and comfortable. Despite the fact that braces are widespread even among adults, not everyone likes their look and not everyone is ready to show them off.


Method 1 of 3: How to choose subtle braces

  1. 1 Learn how regular braces work. Conventional braces consist of several parts, mostly metal (not including rubber bands). These parts include:
    • Metal rings that wrap around the end of a row of teeth on each side. There are four rings in total.
    • Braces, which are small metal devices that are attached to the teeth after careful measurements.Deviation from measurements by even half a millimeter can affect how braces perform.
    • Thin and flexible metal wire (round and square) that attaches to braces and rings. By tensioning the wire, the teeth can be displaced.
    • Elastic bands (ligatures) that hold and hold wires, braces, and rings together. In some cases, orthodontists use metal ligatures.
    • Rings and braces are glued to the teeth and do not move the entire time the person is wearing the braces. The wires and rubber bands are usually replaced or straightened at each visit to the orthodontist.
  2. 2 Ask your doctor about ceramic braces. Ceramic braces work the same way as metal braces, except that the braces themselves are made of ceramic rather than metal. Ceramic braces are usually made white or translucent, so they blend in with the teeth and are less conspicuous. In this case, only the metal wire is usually visible. Usually braces do not change their color during the period of wearing. As with conventional braces, ceramic braces are also secured with elastic bands, however they can be white or transparent. Unfortunately, the wire color cannot be selected.
    • Practice shows that transparent and white elastic bands become stained over time and become more visible in comparison with braces. But remember that they are replaced with every adjustment by the orthodontist, that is, about once a month. Even if you smoke, they will not be very conspicuous.
    • Ceramic braces are more expensive than conventional braces and are usually not covered by insurance.
  3. 3 Ask your doctor about the Invisalign invisible dental straightening system. This system consists of transparent dental casts, similar to dental aligners, but thinner. This system is practically invisible on the teeth. In addition, it does not stick to the teeth and does not include wires and rubber bands. However, the system must be removed before eating or brushing your teeth and then put on again. (Orthodontists also work with a new type of system that needs to be changed once a month or even more often; it expands and creeps when the desired effect is achieved.) This system is only suitable for people with mild curvature of the teeth. Your doctor will tell you if the Invisalign System is right for you.
    • This system costs much more than regular braces and is usually not covered by insurance.
  4. 4 Learn more about lingual braces. Lingual braces consist of the same elements as conventional braces, only the braces themselves are attached to the inside of the teeth, not the outside. Thanks to this, the braces will not be visible when you smile or speak. But not all orthodontists work with lingual braces, so if you are interested in this option, you will need to look for a doctor who can install such a system.
    • As with the Invisalign system, lingual braces are only indicated for slight curvatures of the teeth. These braces usually need to be worn longer than usual.
  5. 5 Ask your doctor about self-ligating braces. Conventional braces use rubber bands to hold the wires and braces together. Self-ligating braces work without rubber bands. They are made so that they can hold the wire on their own. These braces are usually smaller than normal braces, so they are not as noticeable. In addition, there are self-ligating braces, which are partially made of ceramic elements, so they will be practically invisible. Ask your doctor if he works with self-ligating braces, and if so, which ones.
  6. 6 Learn about Viazis or FastBraces braces. These braces are slightly different from conventional braces and consist only of metal. These braces are in the shape of a triangle, not a square, and are connected with a round rather than a square wire. The concept of this system was developed by an orthodontist from the US state of Texas. It is designed to relieve the discomfort of wearing braces and speed up the process of teeth straightening. Triangular braces are less visible on the teeth than square braces.Not all orthodontists work with these systems, so check the offers in clinics in your city.
  7. 7 Make braces part of your corporate identity. You may not like the fact that you have to wear braces, but instead of hiding them, why not try showing them off. Look for a local orthodontist who can make star, flower, heart, and soccer ball braces. These braces work like normal braces, but look more interesting. You can combine braces with unusual shapes and multi-colored elastic bands to enhance the effect.

Method 2 of 3: How to care for your oral cavity

  1. 1 Rinse your mouth at least three times a day. You don't have to do this with a mouthwash, just enough water. Rinsing helps soften food leftovers that may have gotten stuck in the braces. To remember to rinse your mouth, train yourself to do it every time you eat. This is important not only for the appearance of teeth and braces, but also for preventing gum bleeding, which can be difficult to deal with when wearing braces.
  2. 2 Brush your teeth at least twice a day. There are many places in braces where food can get clogged. If food leftovers remain there for too long, the risk of tooth decay will increase. It is best to carry your toothbrush and toothpaste with you to school, work and other places and try to brush your teeth after every meal.
    • If you wear braces, brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush, both regular and electric.
    • Replace the brush every three months or when the bristles of the brush begin to part.
  3. 3 Floss every day. Floss can help collect food particles and plaque that can form under the gum line in areas that are difficult to brush. Remove these residues daily to keep your gums healthy.
    • There are two types of dental floss that will work for you: regular floss and floss (for treating areas under dental bridges, which also works with braces). You can also use a thread attached to the holder.
    • You can also use an irrigator with dental floss. (You may have come across the WaterPik brand.) Irrigators are devices that use water to remove food debris from areas that are difficult to reach with a brush or dental floss.
    • Since flossing your teeth is easier without the wire, ask your doctor at your appointment if you or he can floss your teeth while the wire is removed.
  4. 4 Do ultrasonic cleaning every six months. Home care is certainly important, but you should also see your dentist every six months. The doctor will not only be able to thoroughly clean your teeth and gums, but will also explain to you which places should be given more attention.
  5. 5 Don't eat certain foods. If you wear braces, you should be selective about your food. One reason is that tough food can damage braces. Avoid caramel, licorice, hard candy, chewing gum, popcorn, toffee, nuts, and marmalade, as these leftovers will pick up bacteria and convert sugar into acids. Apples, carrots, and other hard foods can be eaten, but they must be cut first.
    • Ceramic braces should not stain, however transparent and white elastic bands may darken. If your braces use white or clear gum, avoid coffee, red wine, burgundy and red sodas, curries (especially turmeric and curry powder), mustard, and red pasta sauces.
    • Remember that elastic bands are only worn for a short time and then replaced. Do not deny yourself food that can stain your rubber bands if you have an appointment with an orthodontist soon.
  6. 6 Wear mouth guards if you play sports. If you like active sports (including skateboarding and snowboarding), use mouthguards. They will protect your teeth from damage.Mouthguards are especially useful if you are wearing braces, as they will prevent the braces from breaking and damaging the walls of your mouth, which can cause severe pain.
  7. 7 Do not smoke. Smoking can cause problems with or without braces. Smoking will not only cause bad breath - tobacco also darkens your teeth and tongue, dulls the sense of taste and smell, slows down the healing process after surgery in the oral cavity, provokes the development of gum disease and tooth loss, and also causes cancer oral cavity. If you smoked before getting braces, now is a good time to reevaluate your attitude towards the habit.
  8. 8 Do not use piercings that cut into the tissues of your mouth. Any punctures around or inside the mouth can cause long-term problems. Mouth piercings can cause infections and swelling. If a piece of piercing comes off, it can go down your throat and cause choking, or it can be caught on the tooth and cause it to split if you bite into it. The combination of braces and body piercings is very dangerous and can harm your teeth, especially when you sleep. If you already had a piercing before getting braces, ask your doctor about it. The orthodontist will most likely recommend that you remove the jewelry before wearing the braces.

Method 3 of 3: How to divert attention away from braces

  1. 1 Try bold or unusual eye makeup. To draw attention away from the mouth area and bring it to other parts of the face, select the eyes. This can be done with bright or unusual makeup.
  2. 2 Wear noticeable earrings. Draw attention away from your mouth with expressive earrings. Wear earrings that are large, colorful, or just plain eye-catching that go well with your hairstyle. People will be too keen on your jewelry to pay attention to braces.
  3. 3 Make a hairstyle that will distract attention from your mouth. Some hairstyles distract attention from certain parts of the face (for example, from the mouth) and drag it to something else. Ask your hairdresser which hairstyle will suit you. Try dyeing your hair a beautiful and trendy color. Bright colors are very popular and are worn by people of all ages. An unusual color will make people look at your hair instead of braces.
  4. 4 Try growing a beard. This option may not work for everyone, but it's worth a try. Beards are very popular these days, which is why many men grow them. Choosing the right beard can make you look older and more respectable. If you grow a thick and long beard, almost everything below the nose will be hidden under the hair, including braces.
  5. 5 Take care of your lips. Eating, drinking, talking, environmental influences and other factors can cause your lips to dry out and crack. Chapped lips are immediately evident. If you are wearing braces, keep your lips healthy and hydrated because this will not draw attention to your mouth. Carry a quality lip balm with you and use it regularly throughout the day. Buy a sunscreen balm if possible.
  6. 6 Learn to smile with braces. If you are shy with braces and are afraid to smile with them, practice in front of a mirror. This will be especially true if you will be photographed at a wedding, graduation, or anywhere else. There are special smiling exercises that can help you train and strengthen the muscles of your face to smile.
    • Read the article on how to smile with braces.
  7. 7 Try to worry less about braces. There is nothing in them that should be embarrassed. You may be uncomfortable in them, but you put them on to correct your bite and take care of your dental health. Braces are quite popular because a beautiful smile is appreciated in the modern world. In addition, many have also come to realize that, even at a high cost, braces are extremely beneficial as they promote dental health.Many teens even ask their parents to get braces because they want to be like their peers and are not afraid to be ridiculed.
    • Parents, if you think it’s time to put braces on your child, talk to him about it. Let the child also take part in the decision making. Take all of the child's questions seriously and let him ask the doctor questions. The better the child understands that he is making the right decision, the easier it will be for him to endure the whole process.
    • Remind yourself that people might not notice your braces. Because you worry too much about your braces, you are likely to see them on others more often.
    • If you are having a tough day because someone teased you with braces or because you were unable to eat your favorite food due to pain, talk to someone about it. Speak out to close friends, a brother or sister, or even your parents. Sometimes, in order to make it easier, it is enough just to say something out loud for someone to listen.