Being super sexy with your boyfriend

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Teasing My Boyfriend With Sexy "Pajamas" In The Middle Of The Night Prank!
Video: Teasing My Boyfriend With Sexy "Pajamas" In The Middle Of The Night Prank!


You love your boyfriend, but you're in a tough spot. The first few months were full of passion, but the flames of love have now turned into a tiny pilot light - you have trouble finding a way to stay sexy. To keep things interesting, you will have to embrace sexy as a way of life and learn to think sexy, act sexy, and look sexy. Read on to learn how to regain your sexy level.

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Method 1 of 4: Be yourself

  1. Know your limits. While being sexy can help add spice to the relationship, it's also important to know when you've had enough. Here are some signs that you might want to cut back a bit:
    • If you feel unhappy or depressed. There will be days when you ask your boyfriend to grab a tissue instead of you. If you're so upset that you're barely able to function, you should know it's okay to put sex in the fridge for a while. If your boyfriend knows and loves you, he will understand.
    • If you just don't feel like it. There will be days when you just don't feel like having sex, and that's absolutely okay too. Being forced to be sexy is a lot worse than just not being sexy.
    • If his actions make you uncomfortable. If you think he's pushing the romance too far, it's time to take a step back. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable on a regular basis, it may be time to end the relationship.
  2. Know your husband's limits. It may seem like your boyfriend is always in the mood, but you have to accept that he's human too and doesn't always feel sexy. Here are some signs he might not be in the mood to pull off his sexy moves:
    • When he is tired or sick. If he doesn't seem physically capable of being sexy, chances are he doesn't want to either. If he'd rather go into bed than roll around, don't force him to do things he doesn't want to. He could start to feel guilty for not responding to your advances, which will make everyone feel worse.
    • When he's stressed. While sex can relieve stress, it could be that the stress has become too much for him. For example, if he's so concerned about his new job that he can't focus on you, then you should give him some time for himself.

Method 2 of 4: Act sexy

  1. Be bold. Bold and sexy are closely linked. You can't be sexy if you're afraid to try wild things or things that are outside of your comfort zone. To be sexy with your boyfriend, try to be bold in the following ways:
    • When you call each other, surprise him with some dirty talk. He'll be amazed by your sudden sexy mood, and will get really turned on.
    • Take a risk. Try adventurous cuisine, go skydiving or go mountain climbing. This will make you as a person more open and sexier.
    • Be open about what you want. If you're really in the mood for something, tell him what you're craving. He will respect that you share your true feelings and will get really excited at the same time.
    • Be bold, but know when to take your chance. Surprising your boyfriend with something sexy is of course an absolute plus, but not if you try to seduce him when he doesn't feel like it or has a cold. Before making your move, ask yourself if your boyfriend really wants what you have to offer.
  2. Be spontaneous. The sexy moments you share with your boyfriend often come out of the blue.Always leave room for sexyness in life, even if you are just sitting at the dinner table or watching TV. Here are some ways you can be spontaneously sexy:
    • If you feel sexy, take the initiative. Even if you're not in the middle of lovemaking, you can let your man know what you're thinking by subtly kissing or touching him. If subtle isn't paying off, try some dirty talk to let him know what's on the menu. He will be more than pleasantly surprised.
    • When he comes home from work, turn off all the lights, draw the curtains, and lie naked on his desk. When he turns on the lights, he will find a delightful surprise. Just don't do this if you don't plan on engaging in further sexual activity. A man will not be surprised if there is a naked girl on his desk who then just walks away to read the newspaper.
    • Surprise him in public. While you don't have to make a number in the backseat of the car or in some other inappropriate place, a special caress or kiss at the right time can show him you're ready for more. And if you're in a remote place and no one can take offense at you, you can of course also make time for some romance.
    • Never go on the ice unearthed. Be prepared for sexy time at all times. Always shave your legs, keep your skin clean and try to keep your breath as fresh as possible so that you are always ready to dive into the suitcase.
  3. Remind him how sexy you are when he's not around. Even if your boyfriend is in Australia you can be sexy with him. If you guys are sexy when he's not around, he'll want to come back even more. Here are some ways to keep things sexy when he's far away:
    • If he's traveling, you can set up a video call with him. At some point you can use a striptease. Just don't take too much off too soon. Tease him a bit.
    • Send him sexy-yet-tasteful messages at night.
    • Give him a sexy photo to take with him so that it can remind him of what he's missing.
  4. Show your sexy body. Even when you're not in the bedroom, your boyfriend should be thinking about what your body has to offer. Here are a few ways to be sexy without having sex:
    • Walk in a sexy way that accentuates your buttocks or décolleté.
    • Take it for a brisk walk or any other physical activity that really shows what you have in store. He will find it incredibly sexy to look at you.
    • Dancing can be very erotic. You can even consider learning to belly dance or strip. These types of dance exercises will give you a sexy attitude and irresistible confidence in your own body.
  5. Opt for sexy food. The man's love goes through the stomach, it is sometimes said. The right meal can therefore help you on your way to being sexy with your boyfriend.
    • Bake for him. Bake something sweet for your boyfriend, such as a cake, muffin, or cookies, and feed him yours. Your nakedness will no doubt lead to further action.
    • Give him chocolate. Kiss him while you put the chocolate in his mouth. Just walk away afterwards without saying anything. He is guaranteed to follow you.
  6. Tell him how sexy he is. Don't get so busy with being sexy that you forget that your boyfriend is sexy too. Reinforce this by simply telling him how sexy or masculine he is.
  7. Make him crave more. Serving the starter, main course and dessert at the same time will guarantee your boyfriend will get a tummy ache. So don't put all your sexyness on the table right away, but proceed subtly. There is a world of difference between "being sexy" and "being easy". Here are some ways to make him want more:
    • Don't switch to sex right after kissing. Let him enjoy your body for a moment so that the passion can build up.
    • Don't always give him what he wants when he's in the mood for sex - unless you always want to, of course. Rather choose to be sexy if you feel like it.

Method 3 of 4: Looking sexy

  1. Make sure your face is sexy. Contrary to what you might think, your face is really the first thing your boyfriend notices. If you make sure your look is sexy, the rest will follow naturally.
    • When you're comfortable wearing makeup, apply just enough to give your eyes that "smoky look" and your lips a luscious hue.
    • Cast sexy looks at your boyfriend. The look in your eyes is enough to let him know how you really feel about him.
  2. Wear sexy underwear. Choose underwear that makes you feel sexy and that makes you look sexy. Knowing that you are wearing sexy underwear can make you feel really sexy. You can also lift a tip of the veil to show your husband what you have in store for him, which is guaranteed to keep him excited for the rest of the evening. Sexy articles include:
    • A thong, lace underwear, a push-up bra, pearls, a corset, sexy stockings or tights.
    • Avoid uncomfortable fabrics that can chafe - that's the opposite of sexy.
  3. Keep it simple. You don't always have to wear expensive thongs or seductive nightgowns. If you're just wearing something a little more special than usual and showing just a little bit more nudity, your man will already find it incredibly sexy for you to wear this for his pleasure.
    • Do not wear overly complicated things that cannot be burned out. This can lead to frustration and other incidents.
  4. Go for challenging; not for vulgar. If your clothes reveal more than cover up, your boyfriend will be ashamed to be seen with you; it certainly won't turn him on.
    • Make sure your dresses and skirts are just like a good story - short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover it all.
    • A little "look in" is of course good, but do not opt ​​for too deep necklines where your breasts almost hang out.
    • Showing off a piece of your bra strap can be sexy; it's not sexy when you can see all of your bra.
  5. Make sure your hands and feet are sexy. Also take good care of your other limbs so that you will turn your man on even more where possible.
    • Take good care of your hands and fingernails so that your man will get turned on when he holds them.
    • Keep your feet fresh and clean so that you smell good in bed.

Method 4 of 4: Sexy thinking

  1. Love your appearance. If you think you look sexy yourself, your boyfriend will too. Instead of asking him to confirm your beauty, show off your gorgeous face and body a little proudly.
    • Pick at least three characteristics that you love and show them off! If you like your legs, wear a shorter skirt. If you especially love your arms, show them off by wearing sleeveless shirts.
    • Have fun with your body. When you dance in front of the mirror to your favorite songs you will see how nice it is to live in your body.
    • Be healthy. Eating well and exercising regularly can have a positive impact on how you feel about yourself. Exercise can also give you the opportunity to do something sexy with your boyfriend. Take a salsa dance class, for example.
    • Pay attention to how you talk about your body. If you are wearing a new dress, don't ask your boyfriend, "Do I look okay in this dress?" But tell him, "Don't I look great in this dress?" The love for your own body is guaranteed to turn him on.
  2. Be self-assured. There is nothing sexier than showing your man how confident you are. Instead of telling you you're amazing, he's going to be way too busy now enjoying how naturally you feel comfortable with yourself - which will make you even sexier. Here are some ways to be confident:
    • Be aware of the things that make you a beautiful, unique and talented person. If you are ever in doubt, remind yourself of these qualities. It can also be useful to write them down.
    • Be confident — up to a point. Genuine confidence also includes accepting that you are not perfect. You are already fantastic, but there is always room for improvement. Not only will your boyfriend be impressed with your confidence, but also with the ease with which you admit you're not perfect.


  • Turn on some music to set the mood. Create a playlist and play it when you are together.
  • Food can also stimulate aphrodisiac: whipped cream, melted, chocolate, wine, strawberries, etc. Feed him in any way you think is appropriate.


  • Don't rush him or let him rush you.
  • Never do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If he gets the wrong idea, he might want to go a step further than you want.
  • Know that some of the above (such as waiting for him naked, etc.) are for people who are in a sexual relationship and are comfortable with it. Do not try it (yet) if you have only given each other a kiss on the lips.