Dealing with your crush when he knows you like him

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: How to Make Someone Like You WHEN THEY ALREADY KNOW YOU LIKE THEM 😩


What's worse than being plagued by a crush that just won't go away? When the one you are in love with know how you feel about him because one of your friend has talked past his or her mouth! First you will have to decide whether or not you want to discuss the situation between the two of you with him. If so, act quickly to avoid unnecessary awkward moments between the two of you.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Keep calm when he's around

  1. Just talk to him about "everyday" things. If your crush turns out to know that you like him, don't allow it to turn your regular interactions into something uncomfortable and unpleasant. Just try to talk to him about the things you normally talk about. For example, if you take the same classes at school, just talk to him about your assignments. A casual attitude will make your contact much less difficult.
    • Keep in mind that he probably doesn't know that you know he knows about your feelings. If you keep your cool, you can gain a little more time for yourself to get to grips with the situation.
  2. Don't try to fixate on the situation all the time. If you're worried about how your crush found out that you like him, constantly thinking about it will only make the situation worse. Try not to think about him by keeping yourself busy with your daily activities. You can even avoid him for a few days if that calms you down, although you shouldn't stick around for too long if you want to do something about it.
    • It can help if you don't view the situation as a "problem". It's not necessarily a terrible thing that he knows about your feelings. After all, would you be angry or upset if you knew someone likes you? Probably not.
  3. Don't worry about who is talking to whom. Being in love with someone can make even the most rational, straightforward types jealous. Try not to worry about the people your crush is talking to. Chances are, he's not trying to be distant or doing this to hurt your feelings - he's just talking to the people around him in the same kind way he's used to.
    • He's also unlikely to be talking about you, so don't be led by paranoid thoughts like `` He's telling everyone I like him! '' Unless he's really immature, he probably won't consider once.
  4. Remember, he's probably nervous too. Your crush is an ordinary, normal person, just like you. A lot of the things that make you nervous probably make him nervous too. Since he now knows that you like him, he will likely get butterflies in his stomach when he talks to you. Keep this in mind and it will be much easier for you to interact with him - how scary can it be talking to someone when you know they are just as nervous as you are?

Method 2 of 2: Take action

  1. Decide if you will admit it to him. Sooner or later, you will have to decide to talk to him or say nothing about your feelings. Not knowing what to do with your crush is terrible. Making a decision about this can be scary, but it does provide clarity. Either you take your relationship to the next level, or you leave it behind, but in both cases you don't have to worry about it anymore.
    • Often times honesty is best. Being open about your crush can take a huge burden off your shoulders - no matter what happens, you've followed your heart. This also prevents the nagging feelings of regret. In other words, you don't keep wondering, "What would have happened if I had talked to him?" Explain to him that you don't want your friendship to suffer and that it shouldn't get uncomfortable. Usually he will accept that and try to keep everything as normal as it was before taking the next step.
    • On the other hand, if you really don't want to open your heart about your crush, or have a good reason to think this could be a bad idea, never feel like you are. must to do. An example of a situation where it would be a bad idea to talk to him about it is if the guy you're in love with is already in a relationship.
  2. If you want to talk openly and honestly with your crush about it, don't put it off. If you decide to talk to him about your feelings, don't waste time looking for the "perfect moment." This will probably never come. In the meantime, your crush may start to lose interest in you, or even think that you are no longer in love with him. Pick a time and place where you can be alone for a while and go for it. Your best chance for a romantic moment will come when you take the opportunities that are given to you.
    • For example, if you are in love with a boy you know from your school, you can meet him after school in a quiet place. It doesn't have to be a completely deserted place - just fairly private is good. A park bench, for example, is usually fine.
  3. Keep things light. Opening up to your great love does not have to be a big drama. In fact, it will probably even be the case that if you turn it into something big, it may even startle him. Avoid putting too much pressure on the conversation and keep it casual. This will make it much easier for him to give you an honest answer.
    • You don't even have to say plainly that you have a crush on him. Instead, you can just invite him to do something together. For example, you could start the conversation by saying something like, "Hey, Spanish was fun again. Shall we have lunch somewhere, and would you like to go to the fair with me this weekend? I understand the enchiladas they have there are great. "
  4. Don't be put off by his shyness. Even if you keep it very lighthearted, your crush may be a little shy. Don't worry about this. Don't assume he doesn't like you because of his clumsiness or lack of words. These things just indicate that he is having a hard time getting out of his words. Give him plenty of time to process what you've said to him and encourage him to come to a conclusion when he's ready.
    • He shouldn't even feel like he has to answer you right away. Asking to go out together or get him to admit he likes you can take a day or two to fully process. Consider saying something like, "Take your time - you don't have to answer right away."
  5. Accept his decision (even if it is "no"). Respect your sweetheart's ability to make his own decision, even if you don't like it. If he says no, just say casually, "Oh, OK," and leave. Don't bother him with repeated questions or try to change his mind. On the other hand, if he accepts your offer, congratulations!
    • After a "no", you can limit the time you spend with this person for the first few days.You don't have to ignore him outright, but if your feelings are hurt or it is difficult to stop thinking about them, distance yourself from him until the edges are off your emotions.


  • If you are a girl, don't be afraid to ask your crush. This is no longer something that only guys should do, so feel free to take action!
  • Don't bring up other girls he's talked to. This can make him feel like you're jealous, which can be intimidating.
  • Don't make your crush feel bad for not falling on you; it is partly genetically determined who we are attracted to, and you do not know what personal experiences keep your crush from being interested in you.
  • Keep it classy and don't tell the friend who told it.