Dealing with exam stress

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Beat Test Anxiety and Take on Exams Without Stress
Video: How to Beat Test Anxiety and Take on Exams Without Stress


Exams are a critical part of any degree and are often a source of stress for many students. To avoid being paralyzed by these tedious evaluations, it is important to approach them with a clear mind as well as an understanding of how to handle stressful situations in general. In many cases, exam stress plays out entirely in the head, and mental discipline is an important part of what it takes to pass.

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Part 1 of 4: Preparing for an exam

  1. Know what is expected of you. Check your syllabus or ask your teacher what material you will need to know. If you have a concrete idea of ​​what will be asked, the exam will appear less vague and more like something you can handle.
    • If things are unclear to you, ask your teacher. Teachers would much rather have students ask questions than continue without knowing what is expected of them.
    • Make sure you have read the syllabus and the information your teacher has given you before asking any questions. Your teacher will not be happy to receive an email from you asking when the exam is, if it is on the first page of the syllabus.
  2. Study under conditions similar to those in the exam room. There is a phenomenon in psychology called context-dependent memory. This refers to the idea that we can remember things best in environments similar to those in which the information was imprinted. A similar phenomenon is called state-dependent memory, which means that our memory works better when we learn and retrieve information in similar physical states.
    • If you are in a quiet room during the exam, try to simulate those conditions while studying. That way you use context-dependent memory to your advantage.
    • An example of a state-dependent memory is if you are studying for your exam with a cup of coffee, your memory will work better during the exam if you also have a cup of coffee. Use this knowledge and know that you are taking proven steps to maximize your exam grade; keep that in mind if you find yourself tense before the exam.
  3. make notes during class. Don't rely solely on your memory or the textbook. Take your class time seriously by taking notes to summarize what your teacher is saying. Do you have exam stress, check your notes; this helps you to remember things that were covered in class that you didn't take notes on, so that you feel even more mastered.
    • While taking notes, make sure to write down key words and terms, rather than trying to keep track of everything. Copying the sentences exactly is less important than writing down the main concepts.
    • Review your notes weekly. This aids in learning the material and storing it in your long-term memory. When the time comes for the exam, you will find yourself feeling much more prepared.
  4. Use your time wisely. Don't block at the last minute; this will certainly lead to exam stress. Divide your study time into blocks over a few days or weeks. When you divide your study time into longer "blocks", such as a few days or weeks, you will remember the information much better.
    • Considering state-dependent memorization, it is wise to study around the same time of the day as the exam will take place. This way you will be just as tired / awake as on the day of the exam. You are then used to how you feel when you do the assignments on the day of the exam.
  5. Know where you study best. Think about the factors that will help you feel most comfortable and relaxed as you prepare for the exam. When setting up a study place, take the following into account:
    • Pay attention to the light in the room. Some people study better when there is a lot of light, others better when the light is more dim.
    • Analyze your workspace. Do you work better with some clutter around you or when your workspace is clean and tidy?
    • Pay attention to background noise. Does music help you concentrate better or do you need a quiet environment while studying?
    • Find an alternative place to study, such as the library or a cafe. A change of scenery can give you a fresh look at the material and may also help you with additional reference material.
  6. Take regular breaks. According to psychological research, an average human brain can effectively focus on a task for only 45 minutes. In addition, research in neuroscience indicates that focusing too long on the same thing decreases the brain's ability to process the substance properly.
  7. Make sure you get enough fluids. Drink lots of water. Think of at least eight glasses of water (each 240 ml) per day. Not drinking enough water can make you lethargic and tense.
    • Caffeine can make you nervous, which in turn contributes to stress and anxiety. Have a cup of coffee or tea if you wish, but don't overdo it. Experts recommend that adults drink no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day. Children and teens should limit this to about 100 mg per day (one cup of coffee or three glasses of cola).
    • A cup of herbal tea can help you feel more relaxed and maintain your hydration levels. Peppermint, chamomile, and passion flower are good choices.
  8. Give yourself a reward for your achievements, no matter how small. If you feel tense about an exam, make sure you reward yourself for your study effort. This will motivate you to continue studying and may even reduce your stress.
    • For example, if you've been studying hard for an hour, take a 20-minute break and play on the Internet or watch an episode of a TV show you enjoy. This will help you stop thinking about the exam for a while, while acting as a motivational root that can help you resume your studies after the break.
  9. Sport. Exercising regularly can reduce stress, so if you find yourself nervous before an exam, go for a run or a workout.
    • While exercising, listen to cheerful music that keeps you motivated during the workout.
    • If you are curious about other ways to get rid of stress, read articles on wikiHow about relaxing before a final exam.
    • Meditate or do some yoga after your energizing workout. This allows your thoughts to focus and calm down.
  10. Eat healthy. If you eat unhealthily, you can become negative about it, which in turn has an impact on your exam preparation. That's why it's important to eat right if you want to have the best chance of doing well on your exam and not feel super tense about it.
    • Eat lean meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
    • Avoid too much sugar or highly processed food.
    • Part of a healthy diet is a balanced diet. Try not to overeat any type of food. You can usually vary your diet by cooking in a different kitchen every few days.
    • Set aside some time for yoga or meditation after other exercises to calm your brain. Remember to breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.
  11. Get plenty of sleep. Insufficient sleep can contribute to fatigue, stress and anxiety.
    • If you have trouble sleeping, try darkening your bedroom. Make sure no sounds can be heard by changing environments and / or wearing earplugs.
    • Choose a regular sleep routine and stick to it. Take note of how many hours of sleep you need to feel refreshed the next morning; get that much sleep every night.
    • For example, if you usually lie in bed at 10:30 in the evening and read for 30 minutes before going to sleep, stick to that schedule as much as possible. That way you train your body to go to sleep.
    • Read articles on wikiHow about sleeping for a final exam for more advice.
  12. Ask yourself if you have learning difficulties. You may have something like ADHD or some other learning disability that is interfering with your ability to properly prepare for an exam. This is something that could make you nervous, but know that many schools have the facilities to help you excel at school.
    • If this applies to you, talk to a school mentor or teacher about how you can be helped with this.

Part 2 of 4: De-stressing on the day of the exam

  1. Eat a good breakfast on the day of the exam. Without a good breakfast you will quickly run out of energy, which can lead to stress, anxiety and fatigue. Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast full of energy on the day of the exam. Make sure it is food that will provide you with long-lasting energy, such as eggs and oatmeal. Avoid foods with a lot of sugar (that will give you a lot of energy for a short time, but could cause you to collapse halfway through the exam).
  2. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration adversely affects the brain. Make sure you drink enough water before an exam; drink some water with your breakfast!
    • If possible, bring a bottle of water to the exam. Thinking is thirsty work! Don't be surprised if your teacher wants to examine the bottle, though, because sometimes students try to cheat by writing answers on the bottle label. (Don't do that - cheating is never worth it, and if you get caught you're in much bigger trouble than if you just didn't get the exam right.
  3. Don't drink too much caffeine. As tempting as it may be, don't drink too much coffee / caffeine prior to your exam. Caffeine can make you restless and tense. If you find yourself tense before an exam, caffeine will only amplify these feelings and make it more difficult to control.
    • That being said, it is better not to suddenly change your caffeine habit on the day of the exam. Otherwise, it can cause withdrawal symptoms that can exacerbate your stress and give you a negative.
    • Caffeine in limited amounts can have a positive effect on your memory, so if you usually have a cup of coffee for breakfast, go ahead.
  4. Arrive early. You may be nervous about the exam itself, so adding stress is not helpful because you fear being late. In addition, you can be sure that if you arrive early, you can find a place that you like.
  5. Read the instructions carefully. Before you answer exam questions, you must be sure what exactly is being asked of you. Go through the exercises to find out what it is about and give yourself a rough idea of ​​how much time you will need for each question. Uncertainty causes stress, so knowing how long the exam is will reduce your stress.

Part 3 of 4: Dealing with stress during the exam

  1. Do not hurry. Take the time to take your exam. If you get stuck with a question, don't worry about it, but remember it's just one question on the exam. Skip the question if you can (if the structure of the test allows it), and return to it at the end if you have time left.
    • Keep watching the clock and give yourself 5-10 minutes to pass through your answers, looking for possible mistakes, or guessing questions you couldn't answer in principle.
  2. Chew gum. Reduce your stress by chewing on some gum. This keeps your mouth busy and can help with nervousness.
  3. If you are stuck, ask your teacher for an explanation. It doesn't hurt to ask for clarification. The teacher may or may not answer your question because it gives you an unfair advantage over the other students, but you only lose a few seconds when you raise your finger and ask a question.
  4. Know when you have exam anxiety. If you know you have exam anxiety, use any or all of the steps below to deal with it. Exam fear can be accompanied by a number of different symptoms, including:
    • Cramp
    • Dry mouth
    • Nausea
    • Headache
    • Increased heartrate
    • Troubled thoughts
    • A mental blackout
    • Concentration problems
  5. Don't forget to breathe. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, pause, exhale and repeat the entire process. Large, intentional breaths not only help to relax, but also send more oxygen to the brain. Use this technique both before the exam and on difficult subjects during the exam.
    • Inhale through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of two and then exhale again for a count of two.
  6. Stretch and stretch your muscles. For example, tighten your shoulders and then slowly release, repeating the process in other tense parts of your body. Tightening muscles before relaxing them increases the body's awareness of relaxation, allowing the body to relax even more.
  7. Take a break if you need to. If you can, get up and drink some water, use the bathroom, or stretch your legs for a moment if this helps you to focus and feel less nervous.
  8. Put the exam in perspective. Keep in mind that in the big picture of your future, failing an exam is unlikely to have that big of an impact. We often overestimate how bad things are and how awful they will make us feel. Keep this in mind if you find yourself having a bout of stress in the middle of the exam. It probably won't be the end of the world if you don't do it right. Life goes on and you can study harder for the next exam!
    • If you find yourself stuck in a negative circle of thoughts, try to break away from it. Ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen if I don't do well on this exam? Try to give a logical answer. Can you handle the worst that could happen? Chances are the answer is "yes".
    • You can also think of alternatives if you find yourself getting stuck in concerns about how important this exam is. There may be a resit. Maybe you can improve your grade in another way. You can hire a tutor or study with friends for the next exam. It's not the end of the world.

Part 4 of 4: Dealing with post-exam stress

  1. Don't think about it. This is easier said than done, of course, but know that once the exam is over, you cannot go back and change anything about it. So don't ask others what they answered to questions if you know it will only make you more nervous. To avoid rumination or getting stuck in negative thoughts, you can do the following things:
    • Let go of things you can't control. Ask yourself, "What can I change about my exam right now?" If you don't know anything, do your best to let it go.
    • See your mistakes as a learning moment. From this perspective, not having a question right for your exam is nothing to worry about.
    • Schedule a break to worry about. Set aside 30 minutes a day to worry about anything and everything. At that point, think carefully about all of your concerns. Think deeply about the things that make you tense. When the 30 minutes are up, let go of all your worries.
    • Sport can also help you stop thinking about the exam you just completed.
    • Read articles on wikiHow on Calming Your Nerves After an Exam for more tips.
  2. Take a break. Try not to think about the exam for a while by doing something that you enjoy; choose an activity that you usually immerse yourself in.
    • For example, if you can immerse yourself in a movie by book, do so. If you're going all out for the workout, get out there and get moving!
  3. Consider it a learning moment. You can learn from your mistakes. Remember that the ultimate goal of an exam is to achieve a certain level of knowledge on a subject. This will help point out your strengths and weaknesses regarding the content of the course.
    • Instead of getting tense about the content, try to see it as an opportunity for an accurate test of your knowledge, which you can use to improve yourself.
    • Remember, your performance on an exam is not an indication of your worth as a person. You can do poorly on an exam and still be a good student.
  4. Treat yourself. Eat pizza or sushi, or some candy, or buy yourself a new shirt - which will only make you happy for the moment. Exams are very stressful but you got through it. Now you can relax with something you enjoy, and you can prepare in time for the next exam!


  • Don't try to compare yourself to others. Some students are naturally good at studying. Rather than competing with others, there is no better person to compete with than yourself.
  • If you find it difficult to relax, look for commonly used relaxation and meditation techniques. These can help with exam stress, as well as the stress of everyday life.