Dealing with a taste for diapers

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Kids’ First Time Changing Diapers | HiHo Kids
Video: Kids’ First Time Changing Diapers | HiHo Kids


Diaper enthusiasts are people who enjoy wearing diapers, either for medical or non-medical reasons. A diaper lover can wear a diaper for convenience, for sexual pleasure or simply because of a preference over traditional underwear. Realizing that you are a diaper lover can be difficult, sometimes even traumatic. However, you can learn to accept yourself and explore your fondness for diapers.

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Part 1 of 3: Accepting yourself as someone who wears diapers

  1. Know that you are not alone. You may feel alienated or weird to realize that you enjoy wearing diapers. It is important to realize that there are still many people with the same fondness for wearing diapers. You are not the only person with these feelings and behaviors. There is nothing "strange" or "abnormal" going on with you.
    • You may be surprised to learn that communities exist with the goal of bringing people with a taste for diapers together. It is possible to get to know other people who have the same feelings and behaviors as you.
  2. Learn about your feelings. You may feel strange or embarrassed about wearing diapers and you may not be sure where this feeling is coming from. Accept the positive feelings you experience about diaper wearing and your fondness for it, such as pleasure, excitement, and satisfaction. If you feel extremely embarrassed or anxious about wearing diapers, then you should also examine these feelings more closely. It may be easier to ignore or write off these emotions, but you need to examine them. Rather than worrying about what people would think if they found out, learn to feel comfortable with yourself and the feelings you are experiencing first.
    • Examine the feelings you experience about wearing diapers and acknowledge them all, both positive and negative. Ask yourself how wearing diapers contributes to the way you view yourself and your identity.
    • Certain negative feelings that can arise are the fear that other people would find out, feelings of guilt or shame. You may also experience a lot of self-criticism.
    • Especially when you want other people to understand you, it is very important that you first understand your own motivations and feelings.
    • For example, you can address these feelings by keeping a diary. Keeping a journal will help you distance yourself from your feelings and define them better. Take a few minutes each day to write down how you are feeling and to clarify your thoughts and feelings.
  3. Accept yourself for the person you are. Accepting yourself fully includes accepting those parts of yourself that are difficult to accept. Investigate all negative feelings associated with wearing diapers and try not to judge yourself. If you are having a hard time coping with your fondness for diapers, you should allow yourself to show some compassion for yourself.
    • When you deal with the feeling of shame, you can say "I feel ashamed because society looks down on adults who wear diapers, but I don't have to adapt to social expectations" and "I accept myself as I am".
    • Remind yourself that it is okay to find pleasure and satisfaction in wearing diapers.
    • Try to treat yourself as you would a very good friend. Allow yourself the same care and affection as you would for your boyfriend.
  4. Try to deal with the guilt and the shame. You may experience a lot of guilt and shame because of your lifestyle. Guilt is the feeling that you have violated a moral code, that something is "wrong". Shame is the feeling of embarrassment, powerlessness, and can arise from disapproval of yourself or others. There is no need to feel ashamed or guilty for having a taste for diapers. If you can accommodate these feelings, you will be better able to accept yourself.
    • Guilt is supposedly a signal to a person that they are doing something wrong or harmful - if you feel guilty after eating a cake, your brain is telling you that this behavior is unhealthy and harmful. Or, to put it another way, guilt is the feeling you experience when you have done something wrong, shame is the feeling that you are "bad". But experiencing guilt about your identity as a diaper lover is an "unhealthy" guilt, because what you do is neither harmful to others nor to yourself. If guilt exists for us to learn from our mistakes, then "you" must learn to change your attitude so that you can accept this part of yourself.
    • One way to overcome your shame is to accept that you have no control over the feelings and behaviors of others. People have the choice to be open and understanding or to be judgmental and closed - and these choices have nothing to do with you. Once you stop taking other people's behavior personally, you may feel your sense of shame begin to wane.
  5. Act based on your feelings. You may associate wearing diapers or deviating from the "norm" as embarrassing. It can be difficult to suppress the urge to wear a diaper, so stop doing this. Suppressing emotions can be very harmful. Allow yourself to experience the joy of wearing a diaper.
    • If you are concerned about the possibility that other people may discover that you enjoy wearing diapers, you may choose to wear diapers only when you are alone or in private.
  6. Make friendships with people who share your interests and feelings. There are communities of diaper and adult baby enthusiasts and you will find many on the internet. If you seek understanding and companionship with other diaper enthusiasts, you can join a community with the same values.
    • If you have felt misunderstood before or if carrying the secret that you love diapers is weighing on you, being part of a community can be a great relief to realize that you are not alone.
    • Not everyone who wears diapers wants to be part of a community. It is up to you to decide if you wish to build relationships with other people who enjoy wearing diapers.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding the behavior of wearing diapers

  1. Know the common factors that diaper enthusiasts share. Many adults who enjoy wearing diapers or engaging in childlike behavior report that the need for this way of life began at puberty, around the age of 11 or 12. Diaper wearing is more common in men than in women. This behavior includes wearing diapers and urinating or having a bowel movement in the diaper.
    • Most diaper enthusiasts are men in their thirties.
    • Some adult diaper enthusiasts express a different sex from the one they were born with or they express the behavior of both sexes.
  2. Differentiate between wearing a diaper as an adult and acting like a baby. Wearing a diaper does not automatically imply that you will also act like a baby or toddler. Adult babies love to act and be treated like a baby: drink a bottle, play with baby toys or sleep in a crib. Some diaper enthusiasts just enjoy wearing diapers and can do so discreetly, leading a "normal" life for the rest. Maybe you want to act like a baby and maybe you don't; it is up to you to find out and decide.
    • Some people use diapers to feel comfortable or as foreplay to sex. The behavior is not necessarily associated with the lifestyle of a baby or child.
  3. Accept that diaper wear may be associated with incontinence. You may be the first to come into contact with diapers when you have to deal with incontinence more and more. You may then begin to enjoy wearing diapers and begin to explore their role in sexuality and pleasure.
    • It's okay to wear diapers whether you experience incontinence or not.

Part 3 of 3: Respecting your privacy

  1. Decide if you want to discuss diaper wearing with others. Maybe you want to tell people you wear diapers, maybe you don't. It is up to you to decide this. If you are in a romantic relationship, you may want to make this information clear before the relationship evolves to a point where this conversation will be overwhelming. You can tell your close relatives or best friends or keep it all to yourself.
    • Try not to fear relationships or to educate your partner about your fondness for diapers. While some people may not understand, you will be surprised how many people are willing to accept specific behaviors and lifestyles.
  2. Talk to your love partner. If wearing diapers is an intrinsic part of your identity or normal activities, it is important to share this with your partner. This is especially true if you wish to wear diapers during sexual activities. It can be nerve-racking to tell your partner this, but go for it and leave nothing out if this is important to you.
    • Make it clear to your partner that you want to talk about something intimate that is close to your heart. Say "It is important that I am honest with you and don't hide anything about myself. Part of me is that I have a fondness for diapers. "Be open and answer any questions your partner may have.
    • Try to involve your partner in this. If your partner is sexually of the adventurous type, you can say, "I know you sexually love an adventure and this is a new adventure that we can experience together."
    • Set boundaries that both you and your partner are comfortable with. For example, you can start small and carry on, such as wearing diapers at home at first and then bringing them to more intimate situations later. Provide clear communication so that you both feel comfortable and are satisfied with the boundaries set.
  3. Be discreet. Diaper lovers and adult babies are a huge group that is still on the sidelines and not quite "public" yet. Many people misunderstand the feelings and motivations of diaper lovers. It is up to you whether you want to wear a diaper at home or in public. This mainly depends on your motivation to do this, i.e. whether you wear a diaper for comfort or for sexual reasons.
    • If you wish to keep nappy wearing in public discreet, wear loose clothing so that the nappy is invisible and the nappy crackling noise is minimized
    • Wearing diapers to bed is a popular option.
  4. Provide a place where you can hide your diapers when you have visitors. If you prefer to keep diaper wearing private, you should schedule this for when you have visitors at home. Keep the diapers in a safe place where they will not be found. This can be the washing machine / dryer, your bedroom or a secret place in your house that only you know about.
    • If this makes you feel more comfortable, you can choose to create a story for those rare scenarios where you might need it.


  • Regardless of your discretion, there is a chance that your behavior will be discovered. If so, know that there are worse things in the world and life moves on. Try not to take it too seriously.