Dealing with a mean teacher

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Handle a Mean Teacher | CloudMom
Video: How to Handle a Mean Teacher | CloudMom


No one - parent or student - wants to deal with a mean teacher. A mean teacher can not only make you hate school, but can also make you feel bad about yourself. If you're dealing with a mean teacher, you can try to adjust your attitude and find a way to make your teacher think more positively about you. However, if you feel like you've tried everything and your teacher is still mean, talk to your parents to take further steps.

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Part 1 of 3: Adjusting your posture

  1. Put yourself in your teacher's shoes. While you may think your teacher is the meanest person in the world, try to have some compassion to see if there's more to it. Think about why your teacher is acting "mean" and if this is because your teacher feels disrespected in class. Maybe all students are mean, maybe many students don't take the material seriously, or maybe some students are so disruptive that it is impossible to learn. Your teacher may be "mean" because he feels like there is no other way to get students to listen.
    • Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is a skill that can be useful for the rest of your life. Developing empathy and compassion can help you in social and work-related situations for the rest of your life. By stepping outside of yourself you can see a situation in a new light and solve problems. Tell us how you feel.
    • Sure, it can be tricky to think of your teacher as anyone other than a mean person who puts you down, but remember he's only human.
  2. Work with your teacher, rather than against him. When you're dealing with a mean teacher, your natural instinct may be to be right, to make your teacher feel bad about himself, or just to be a wise learner. But if you want to fight fire with fire, the situation will only get worse. Work on being positive with your teacher, helping them when needed, and being a good student, rather than trying to outsmart your teacher. If you make an effort to be kinder to your teacher, they will return the favor.
    • While it can be difficult to be nice to a person you don't like, it can cause them to be nicer to you, which can lead to better feelings overall. This is another skill you may need to use later in life, so it's best to practice some now.
    • Don't consider it to be fake. Think of it as making the situation as portable as possible for everyone.
  3. Be positive instead of complaining. Another way to deal with a mean teacher is to be positive in class, instead of arguing or complaining about every little thing. Don't complain too much that the last test was difficult; instead, ask yourself if you can do better next time when you learn better. Don't talk about how Charlotte’s Web was the most boring book you ever had to read; instead, focus on the parts you really liked. Being more positive with your teacher will help put a more positive tone in the classroom, and it should make your teacher less mean.
    • Try to focus on the things you love about the learning experience. If you are enthusiastic about new material, the lesson will be more fun for you and your teacher will be less likely to be mean. They are more likely to be friendly when they see that you really care.
    • Think about it: It can be pretty daunting for your teacher to teach about something they're really excited about, and then get groans and eyebrows in response. Of course that would encourage meanness.
  4. Don't argue with your teacher. Going against your teacher will get you nowhere. You will experience some brief satisfaction, and may make your friends giggle, but this will only cause your teacher to get meaner. If you have something to say, speak in a calm and reasonable manner after class instead of trying to show off during class.
    • You may see another student going against your teacher and think this is appropriate. However, it is your job to rise above this behavior and be an example to others.
    • If you disagree with your teacher, try to be as respectful as possible and ask them questions instead of making statements that make them feel unjust.
  5. Find out what drives your teacher. Finding out what motivates your teacher can really help you cope. If your teacher is mean because no one is participating, try to talk more in class. If your teacher is mean because he doesn't feel respected, try to stop laughing behind his back. If he's mean because no one is paying attention, go the extra mile to answer his questions and to get rid of distractions. Giving them what they want can make them less mean.
    • Believe it or not, everyone has a soft spot for something. Maybe your teacher really likes cats. Doing something simple when telling them about your cat or asking them to see photos of them can open you up a bit more.
    • Even giving your teacher a genuine compliment, such as saying you like a new poster on the wall, can help your teacher to be nice when they are proud of their classroom.
  6. If there really is a problem, start documenting what the teacher is doing and involve your parents. Sometimes your teacher is behaving really badly and his actions are not justified. If your teacher is really mean and hurts your feelings, makes fun of you, and makes you and the other students feel bad, then you may need to take further steps. First you need to take the time to document and write down all the things your teacher says; then you can share these comments and actions with your parents and discuss what to do next.
    • Don't show this too much. Just bring a notebook to class and write down the disturbing things your teacher says. You can also write them down mentally and write them down after class.
    • While it can have an impact to say in general that your teacher is mean, good arguments should be substantiated with specific examples, as you may have learned in school. The more specific examples you have about your teacher's meanness, the more convincing your case will be.

Part 2 of 3: Behave well

  1. Come to class on time. One way to make sure your teacher isn't mean to you is to respect their rules. One of the rudest and most disrespectful things you can do is come to class late, especially if you make it a habit. This tells your teacher that you don't care about his lesson at all and immediately puts him on your bad side. If you are late, you should apologize and make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Don't be one of those kids who packs up all his stuff five minutes before class ends. Wanting to leave early is even more annoying for your teacher than being late.
  2. Listen to your teacher. If you want to deal with a mean teacher, you really have to make an effort to listen to what the teacher is telling you. One of the reasons teachers seem mean is because they feel that their students are not listening to them and that they are not getting any respect. When your teacher is talking, listen carefully and avoid being distracted by your phone, the people in the hallway, or your classmates.
    • While it is important to ask questions, teachers can also become mean by having students ask very obvious questions, which have been asked over and over again. Make sure you listen carefully so you don't make this mistake.
  3. Take notes. By taking notes, your teacher shows that you really care about his lesson and that you're not just there to pass the time. It also gives you insight into the subject matter and shows your teacher that you really care about the lesson. Teachers also like to see their students take notes when they talk, as it is a sign that they are paying attention. Make it a habit to take notes as often as possible so that your teacher becomes kinder to you.
    • Taking notes also helps you do better in school, and this can make your teacher more fun as well.
  4. Participate in the class. It's possible that your teacher is mean to you because they think you don't care about the lesson at all. This may be because you made no effort to participate. The next time you get the chance, raise your hand to answer your teacher's questions, volunteer to help your teacher, or be active in a group discussion. This ensures that your teacher sees that you really care and that they are kinder to you.
    • While you shouldn't try to answer every question, try to engage with the material so your teacher is more likely to be nice.
    • Participating in the class will not only make your teacher more fun, but it will also make your own learning experience more enjoyable. If you are more involved with the material, you will be less likely to get bored or distracted in class.
  5. Don't talk to your friends during class. If you want to get on the good side of your teacher, don't talk to your friends unless you're doing a group activity. This distracts teachers and makes them feel like you don't care about them at all. The next time your friends try to laugh with you or give you a note, show them that you want to focus on the class and talk to them later.
    • If you have a chance to choose your seat, try to sit further away from your friends or distracting students so that your teacher has less reason to be mean to you.
  6. Make sure to always bring all necessary materials for their class.
  7. Don't make fun of your teacher. If you're dealing with a mean teacher, chances are the other students often make fun of them. While it may be tempting to join in their antics or even lead the pack, be restrained and not ridicule your teacher as this will only make your teacher feel more angry and mean more. You may think you are outsmarting him, but it is very likely that your teacher will catch on to you if you openly fool them in class.
    • Teachers are people too and they can be sensitive. If your teacher catches you laughing at him, it will be difficult to win your teacher back to you.
    • If your friends are teasing your teacher, try to separate yourself from them. You don't want to be associated with that kind of behavior.
  8. Ask for extra help after class. One way to make your teacher less mean to you is to ask for extra help with the material after class. You may be terrified of being alone with your teacher, but you will be surprised to learn that most teachers really love to share their wisdom on the topics they teach, and that your teacher is really happy to help you. If you have a test in a week or two, or there is a concept that you don't fully understand, ask your teacher if they can help you one day after school; you will be surprised how much nicer your teacher will act after you ask.
    • This should work most of the time. If your teacher is really really mean they might turn you down, but it's worth a try.
    • If you choose to ask for help, it is important to ask for help with any tests well in advance. If you ask for help a day or two before the test, your teacher may get angry and wonder why you didn't ask sooner.
  9. Don't slime too much. While being a good student and respecting your teacher's rules can certainly make your teacher less mean to you, you don't want to go too far. If your teacher thinks you are slipping and not being sincere, and if you try a little too hard to answer your teacher's questions, compliment your teacher or hang around your teacher's desk asking how you can help, then your teacher may start acting even nastier because he will be suspicious of your true intentions.
    • If your teacher is mean by nature, he will be suspicious of a student trying too hard to get into good graces. Make it feel natural.

Part 3 of 3: Dealing with a mean teacher as a parent

  1. Ask your child to describe what the teacher did. When it comes to dealing with a mean teacher, that's the first thing to do to get the facts straight. Talk to your child about what the teacher did and why the teacher is really mean. Make sure your child has specific examples instead of just saying that the teacher is generally mean; if your child doesn't have many examples, ask him to go to school and write something down to show you the mean things the teacher did. This will give you a better idea of ​​the situation.
    • Sit down with your child and have a candid conversation about the teacher. Make sure the child takes the time to tell you as much as possible instead of just making casual comments.
    • If your child is crying or very upset when talking about the teacher, help calm him down so you can get more concrete information.
  2. Find out if the teacher is really wrong. Of course, it can be challenging to see if your child is really experiencing dishonesty because you love him so much and can't stand anyone being mean to him. However, you have to make sure that what your child is telling you is an indication that the teacher is really wrong and that this behavior should be stopped. If your child is sensitive and has made a similar complaint to many teachers before, you should think carefully before taking any action.
    • Of course, your first instinct should be to trust and protect your child, but you should think about how your child's behavior will affect your teacher. Consider the possibility that both your child and the teacher have made mistakes.
  3. Talk to other parents to see if they have heard the same from their children. Another thing you can do is talk to the other parents of the kids at your school to see if they've heard similar complaints from their kids. If they've heard similar comments, this will help you see that the situation should be stopped. If they haven't heard anything, it doesn't necessarily mean the teacher isn't acting inappropriately, but it's good to cover your basics.
    • You don't need to pry too much, but it doesn't hurt to casually mention that your child has had issues with their teacher and see if their kids have made similar comments.
    • Strength in numbers is important. If there are more parents who are angry with the teacher, the more likely action can be taken.
  4. Meet the teacher in person to see for yourself. If your child is really getting hurt by your teacher or just telling you they are mean, then it might be time to meet the teacher to see for yourself. Either the teacher will prove your child right and will be mean and dismissive in person, or the teacher may hide their disdain and pretend everything is okay; in addition, the teacher may not be as mean as you expected and you may have to decide what to do next.
    • Take the time to really get a sense of who the teacher is and what they might be frustrated with. If your teacher is mean or demeaning when talking about your child, or just generally hates his students.
    • Trust your gut. If the teacher seems nice, do you think they are pretending it, or does it feel real?
  5. If there is a problem, tell the director or other employees. If you are convinced that after talking to the teacher or your child, you really need to take further action, then it is time to take the matter to the school principal or other staff. You don't want your child to be in a learning environment that is very discouraging and prevents him or her from getting excited about learning and going to school. Make an appointment with the employee as soon as possible and think about exactly what you are going to say.
    • Use the concrete details your child has provided to show that the behavior is inappropriate. Not only can you say that the teacher is mean, but you can point out several things the teacher said that were not in agreement.
    • If other parents support you, it can have an even greater impact if they also make appointments with the employees, or even set up a group meeting.
  6. If nothing can be done, you decide if you want to take further action. Unfortunately, your complaints with employees may not be enough to initiate something. At that point, you can decide what, if any, needs to be done. You can see if you can put your child in a different class or even if it is worth switching schools. Or else, if you don't think these drastic steps are worth it, then maybe you should have a conversation with your child about getting through the year, and not letting the mean teacher have any effect on his confidence.
    • If you decide not to take any further action, you can talk to your child about how this is a life lesson. Unfortunately in life we ​​sometimes have to deal with people we really don't like. Learning how to work with them and not let them get to you is an important skill that can help us get through life. This may not feel like the most reassuring answer, but it may be the best thing to do.


  • Show that you're making an effort. Teachers want to know that you are at least trying to learn. Get help if you don't know how to do something.
  • If you have a mean teacher, keep your mouth shut as much as possible.
  • If you have been diagnosed with medical and / or learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), provide information to the teacher so that they will understand you better.
  • If you tell your parents and they don't believe you, try to keep them updated on what the teacher is doing on a daily basis.
  • If you're in the back of the class where the teacher can't see you, don't "take advantage" of it. What that means is that some bad learners will pass notes, read everything in class, and simply not participate in class. Be good and do the job and listen everywhere you sit.
  • Be prepared for "surprise questions". They are made to make you listen. If you always say "Umm, 42?" you come to be known as the one who doesn't pay attention in class.
  • If your teacher hurts you physically, report it to the principal immediately.
  • Talk to a mentor about what's going on. They will help you.
  • If you feel embarrassed that your parent or guardian is talking to the teacher, know that you are not a coward if you tell your parents that you are annoyed by your teacher. Look at it on the bright side. This can help you to be prepared in the future if an annoying peer becomes a coworker, or if you have a terrible boss.
  • If you are concerned that the teacher you want to report will be angry with you, consider keeping the complaint anonymous so that he / she does not suspect that you have reported it.


  • Tell your parents and the principal immediately if the teacher is so cruel and unkind that they hurt you physically or verbally abuse you.
  • Teachers can be very mean, but they may not know. You may not realize this, but it does happen!