Say no in Spanish

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you can speak English, you already know how to say "no" in Spanish, because the two words are exactly the same. Spanish is a bit simpler than English because there is only one negative word. Whenever you want to decline something in Spanish, just add the word no for the word you want to decline.

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Method 1 of 3: Say "No" to someone

  1. Say "no, gracias" (noh grah-SEE-ahs) to decline an offer. When you talk to someone in Spanish you want to be polite. Instead of just saying "no", add "gracias" (thank you) at the end.
    • Some Spanish speakers will only say "gracias" when they mean no. Pay attention to their tone and body language if you find this confusing. They may hold up a hand or shake their heads as they say it.
  2. Use "¡No!"only as a cry. There may be situations where you don't want or need to be polite, and want to refuse something clearer. You can also use this phrase when talking to friends.
    • For example, suppose a Spanish friend tells a funny story about an incident at a party the night before. You could exclaim "No!" To indicate that you think their story is great or shocking.
  3. Say "no sé" (noh say) if you want to say "I don't know".No sé is a common statement that everyone will understand. If you are just starting to learn Spanish, it can be helpful if you don't understand what someone is saying.
  4. Recognize situations when si is meant as No. In some Spanish speaking countries, especially Mexico, you can get someone si (yes) hears them when they actually do no (no) mean. This is often out of courtesy.
    • For example, you could go to a bakery and ask if you can buy two cupcakes. The owner responds with "si" without moving. You expect her to get the cupcakes for you, but she doesn't actually have any cupcakes at the moment. By asking further you can find out what she means.
    • Note that some Spanish speakers will do this, but don't try to do it yourself. If you No means, say this clearly with the correct words.
  5. Say "estamos en contacto" (ess-TAH-mohs ahn cohn-TAHK-toh) in Mexico. If you are offered something by a salesperson or business partner, they may insist if you just say "no" or "no, gracias". This phrase will prevent that and clearly indicates that you want them to leave you alone.
    • Estamos and contacto means "we'll keep in touch." This is a statement that generally comes across as the exact opposite - that you will not contact them and that you are not interested in what they offer you.

Method 2 of 3: Learn other negative words

  1. Use nadie (NAH-dee) for "nobody."' The word nadie is only used when talking about people. You can combine it with the word no. Use it by itself directly before the verb to start a sentence./ref>
    • For example, you can say "No hay nadie aquí" or "Nadie hay aquí." This means "There is no one here."
  2. Try nada (NAH-dah) if you want to say "nothing". You may already know these common, basic words in Spanish. You often use this as a response when someone thanks you.
    • When someone says "gracias," the most common response is "de nada," which means "it's no trouble." In this context, it translates to "you're welcome."
    • Nada is also used in any situation where you mean "nothing". For example, you can say "No como nada" for "I don't eat anything".
  3. Use nunca (NOON-cah) for "never.""If you want to say that you never do something, or that something never happens, is the word." nunca your best choice. You can do it along with the word no use, or by itself directly before the verb.
    • For example, you can say "nunca como espinacas" for "I never eat spinach."
    • You can also word jamás use, which also means "never". Although the two words can be used arbitrarily jamás a little more intense.
  4. Say ni (no) if you mean "neither" or "nor". If you want to say "neither ... nor", repeat the word ni simply twice. If you have the floor ni only used once it is a reinforcing word, like the statement "not even."
    • For example, you could say "No compré ni camisetas ni pantalones," which means "I didn't buy a T-shirt or pants."
    • You can also say, "" Nadie hablaba, ni los niños! "Or" No one was talking, not even the children! "

Method 3 of 3: Create negative sentences

  1. Add the word no for a verb. If you want to say something something not is done in Spanish, you just need the word no to continue. Generally, there will be no words between the word no and the verb stand.
    • For example, say someone asks you if you liked a certain TV series, but you don't watch TV. You could respond with "No veo la televisión" (noh VAY-oh lah tay-lay-cattle-sea-OHN) or "I don't watch television."
    • In contrast to Dutch, there is no separate word that means "not".
  2. Tell someone you don't speak Spanish by saying "Lo siento, no hablo español" (loh see-EHN-toh, noh AH-bloh ess-PAHN-yohl). According to the basic rule of making a negative sentence, you put the word no before the verb hablo. This sentence means "Sorry, I don't speak Spanish."
    • You can also say "Perdón, pero no hablo español" (pehr-DOHN, PEHRR-oh noh AH-bloh ess-PAHN-yohl), which means, "Sorry, but I don't speak Spanish."
  3. Say "no" twice if you respond negatively to a question. In Spanish, it is customary to say "no" once in response to a yes / no question, and then again in the sentence itself. The second "no" comes before the verb.
    • For example, if someone asks you "Habla usted español?" And you don't speak Spanish, respond with "No. No hablo español '(Noh. Noh AH-bloh ess-PAHN-yohl).
  4. Combine negative words with no. In contrast to Dutch, Spanish uses double negatives. It is grammatically correct to the word no to be used with another negative word such as "nadie" (nobody) or "nada" (nothing).
    • For example, you can say "no quiero ni pizza ni pasta," or "I don't want neither pizza nor pasta."
    • You can also say "no quiero nada" when you mean "I don't know anything".
    • Sometimes you can even use a triple negative. For example, you can say "No compro nada nunca," or "I never buy anything."
  5. Let no away if you start a sentence with a negative word. You can speak in Spanish no replace with another word like nadie (nobody) or nada (nothing). Although the double negative is often used, the word is incorrect no in this situation.
    • If you do this, the other negative words should come directly before the verb. For example, you can say "nadie habla español" (NAH-dee AH-blah ess-PAHN-yohl) or "Nobody speaks Spanish."
  6. Turn indefinite words into negative words. Spanish has indefinite words such as "alguien" (someone) or "siempre" (always).
    • Combine indefinite words with their corresponding negative words. For example, the negative version of "alguien" (someone) would be "nadie" (nobody).
    • For example, if someone asks you "Corres siempre por la mañana?" (Do you always run in the morning), you can respond with "No, no corro nunca por la mañana" (No, I never run in the morning).