Check if chicken is rotten

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Here’s How To Tell If Chicken Has Gone Bad
Video: Here’s How To Tell If Chicken Has Gone Bad


It's hard enough to prepare dinner when you're hungry and in a hurry, but then you also need to check that the chicken is still good enough to eat. We all know that eating rotten chicken can make you very sick. This is not only the case with spoiled chicken; You can also get just as sick from prepared chicken. But what if you have a frozen chicken? There are many different ways to find out if a chicken is safe to eat by looking at, touching, and tasting the chicken.

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Method 1 of 4: Checking raw chicken

  1. Smell the chicken. Raw chicken that is no longer good has a very strong odor. Some people describe it as a "sour" odor, while others think it smells like ammonia. If the chicken has gotten an unpleasant or strong odor, it is best to throw the meat away.
    • Chicken can smell bad during cooking. It's best to throw the chicken away when it starts to smell less pleasant.
  2. Look at freezer burn. This looks like a white deposit or stain on the meat, which is not fat. It is rougher than the skin around it and slightly thickened.
    • It will not harm you, but it will make the chicken less tasty.
  3. Smell the chicken. With prepared chicken you can also determine by smelling whether you can still eat the meat. Sometimes it can be more difficult to smell the smell of rotten meat when it is masked by herbs and spices.
    • If the chicken smells like rotten eggs or sulfur, the meat is rotten.
  4. Check the expiration date. The best-before date alone is not always a good indication of whether a raw chicken is still good. This date only indicates when the chicken can no longer be sold. Do not rely solely on the expiration date. Instead, it's best to use this date to confirm that a chicken that you suspect has gone bad is actually gone.
    • If you buy fresh, refrigerated chicken from the store and freeze it, you can keep it for up to nine months from the expiration date. It must be fresh when you buy it.
  5. Check how well the chicken has been preserved. Cooked chicken spoils more quickly when exposed to the air, and chicken that has not been properly stored is more likely to be spoiled.
    • Chicken should be stored in shallow, airtight containers or freezer bags made of sturdy plastic.
    • You can also wrap the meat tightly in aluminum foil or cling film.
    • For example, to keep the chicken edible, a whole chicken should be cut into smaller portions. The filling should be removed before putting the chicken in the fridge or freezer.
  6. Find out where and how long the chicken has been stored. It also depends on how you stored the chicken. After a certain amount of time has passed, the chicken is more likely to be out of order.
    • Raw chicken that is kept in the refrigerator should be used within one or two days. Cooked chicken will keep in the refrigerator for about three to four days.
    • Freezer cooked chicken can keep good and edible for up to four months. Raw chicken from the freezer can keep for a year.


  • If you don't know if the chicken is "too gray" or "too slimy," then it probably is and you should throw the meat away.
  • If your chicken has thawed on the counter, throw it away.