How to get rid of a pimple with toothpaste

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Dr Debunks: Does Toothpaste Get Rid Of Spots?
Video: Dr Debunks: Does Toothpaste Get Rid Of Spots?


Oh no! There's a major event coming up and a big, ugly pimple has decided to form right in your face. You have to get rid of it, and quickly. Squeezing pimples only seems to make things worse, but there's a small chance you can get the pimple to disappear completely the next day. Fortunately, there is an easy way to make the pimple less noticeable: toothpaste. However, keep in mind that with the toothpaste there may be a few downsides such as skin irritation. This article will show you how to get rid of a blemish (or at least hide it a bit) with toothpaste.

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Part 1 of 3: Getting started

  1. Wash your face with warm water and a mild facial cleanser. The warm water will help unblock the pores and the facial cleanser will help dissolve dirt and grease. This inhibits the development of pimples.
    • Consider using an acne facial cleanser. Avoid anything alcohol-based, as these can dry out your skin and cause breakouts.
    • Do not avoid anything with exfoliants or alcohol, as it can irritate or dry the skin. If your skin gets too dry, your body will produce extra oil, which will lead to even more acne.
  2. Dry your face. Use a soft towel and gently pat your skin dry. Be careful not to rub your skin too hard or you could irritate the pimple.
  3. Make sure your hands are clean. Dirty hands can transfer bacteria to your skin, which can lead to more blemishes and acne. Before applying the toothpaste, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  4. Choose the right toothpaste. Not every toothpaste will get rid of blemishes. A simple white toothpaste will be the most effective, but there are a few things to keep in mind as well. Keep the following in mind:
    • Choose a white toothpaste.
    • Make sure it is a paste and not a gel.
    • Consider using a toothpaste that contains baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or menthol.
    • Take a mint-flavored toothpaste. This can have a slight cooling effect on your skin.
  5. Know what kind of toothpaste to avoid. Some types of toothpaste can promote blemishes instead of getting rid of them, while others are simply not effective at all. Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for the right toothpaste:
    • Do not use gel toothpaste as the ingredients are not as effective and can actually make blemishes worse.
    • Avoid anything that is colored or streaked through it, or additives, such as anti-cavities, whiteners, or extra fluoride.
    • Consider a mint-flavored toothpaste. This can have a cooling effect.
  6. Keep in mind that toothpaste may not work for you. Toothpaste can help dry out the pimple, but it can also make your acne worse and irritate the skin. Before treating blemishes with toothpaste, apply toothpaste to just one blemish on an inconspicuous area on your face.

Part 2 of 3: Getting rid of the pimple

  1. Put a small amount of toothpaste on your finger. Don't use more than a little pea-sized.
  2. Apply toothpaste to the pimple. Make sure to cover the entire pimple in a thin layer of toothpaste. Avoid getting toothpaste on the skin around the pimple. Since toothpaste dries out blemishes, it will also dry out your skin, which can lead to further irritation and acne.
    • If you have a lot of acne, you may want to use an ointment prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist. Never apply toothpaste all over your face or use it as a face mask.
  3. Let the toothpaste dry on the pimple. How long you leave the toothpaste on the pimple depends on your skin type and the size of the pimple. The general rule is 30 minutes, but if you have sensitive skin, you can also leave the toothpaste on for less time. Here are some guidelines:
    • For sensitive skin and small pimples, leave the toothpaste on for 5-10 minutes.
    • For normal skin or large pimples, leave the toothpaste on for 30-60 minutes.
    • If necessary, leave the toothpaste on overnight. Keep in mind that this can irritate your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. It can also become a mess if you tend to move around a lot in your sleep.
  4. Wash the toothpaste off with cool water. Do not use soap or facial cleanser. All you need to do is use water or a damp washcloth, but be careful not to rub the pimple too hard or you can irritate the skin. The pimple should be smaller and less inflamed.
  5. Repeat the toothpaste treatment every few days. Do not use this every day or several times a day. If you suffer from severe acne, consider a cream specifically designed for acne treatment. Toothpaste is not a substitute for medical treatment.

Part 3 of 3: Prevent and limit blemishes

  1. Drink lots of water. Drink about eight glasses of water a day. Water helps flush your system. A clean system leads to a clear complexion.
  2. Avoid acne-causing foods. Certain foods are more likely to cause pimples and acne, compared to other foods. Here are a few things to avoid:
    • Sweet and sugary foods, such as candy, cookies and soda.
    • Processed foods, such as chips and chips.
    • Starchy foods, such as bread, pasta and potatoes.
  3. Eat healthy foods. Fruits and vegetables are not only good for your health, but also good for your complexion. Vitamin A is especially good when it comes to clear skin, and can be found in fruits and vegetables such as cantaloupe, carrots and sweet potatoes. Here are some other healthy and vitamin-rich foods that help maintain healthy skin:
    • Salmon may be oily fish, but this is good fats, giving your skin a healthy glow and keeping the pores clean.
    • Avocado, artichoke and broccoli are full of vitamins and antioxidants that help take care of your complexion and give your skin a healthy glow.
    • Brown rice, nuts, and whole grains are a great substitute for starchy foods, such as white bread and white rice. They are full of nutrients and vitamins, and also help you feel full for longer.
    • Garlic may have a strong odor, but it is packed with antioxidants that fight not only acne-causing bacteria, but other viruses as well.
  4. Pay attention to your surroundings. If you are in a dusty environment for a long time due to work or other reasons (in a warehouse, for example) or around greasy fumes (such as in a restaurant kitchen), you should clean your face so that your pores do not become clogged. Clogged pores lead to acne and blemishes.
  5. Wash your face twice a day. Don't wash your face too often. Washing your face too often can dry out your skin, causing your body to produce extra skin oil to compensate. This will lead to more acne.
  6. Wear the right makeup. If you have to apply makeup over blemishes, avoid anything with oil and use light, oil-free products instead. However, try to avoid wearing too much makeup over your blemishes. The less clogged your pores, the cleaner your skin will look.
    • Use some concealer over your pimple. Make sure you blend it well with the surrounding skin and powder it tightly.
    • Use green-tinted concealer in moderation. The green can reduce the redness of your pimple, but can also make it more noticeable under certain lighting. If you want to use a green tinted concealer, apply it to the pimple and blend the edges. Then apply your regular foundation and concealer and finish it off with some powder (or "setting powder").
  7. Don't sleep with your makeup on, and keep your brushes clean. If you wear makeup, you should wash it off before going to bed. Going to sleep with your makeup on will clog your pores, which will lead to acne and more breakouts. Also make sure to clean the makeup brushes with soap and water once a week. This will prevent acne-causing bacteria from getting on the brushes.
  8. Do not touch or squeeze the pimples. Scratching and squeezing blemishes can remove the pus that makes them so visible, but it will not diminish the redness. Scratching pimples can also lead to further irritation, scabs and even scarring. If you have to touch your pimple, do this only with clean hands.
  9. Use over-the-counter remedies if necessary. Sometimes toothpaste alone will not be enough to get rid of a pimple or severe acne. In these cases, it is best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist and purchase over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur and resorcinol from the pharmacist.
  10. Consider other natural remedies. Natural remedies can help reduce redness and pimple swelling. Here are some ideas:
    • Hold an ice cube against your pimple for a few minutes to reduce redness and swelling. You can make ice cubes from water or green tea.
    • Soak a cotton ball with a drop of tea tree oil or lavender and sweep it over your pimple. The oil will reduce redness and swelling.
    • Disinfect the pimple by wiping it with a cotton ball dipped in apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. If you're using lemon juice on your pimple, stay out of the sun. Make sure to remove the lemon juice before going out in the sun.
    • Purchase a cleansing clay mask or mud mask from a drugstore or health store.


  • Lean over a bowl of warm water before washing your face or applying the toothpaste (or any other acne treatment). The hot steam will open the pores, making the products more effective.
  • Consider using other natural remedies.
  • If you leave the toothpaste on overnight, but tend to toss and turn in your sleep, you can put a band-aid over the pimple. This will prevent the toothpaste from smearing on your face, hair and pillow.


  • Be careful if you have sensitive skin. Toothpaste is very drying and can irritate the skin. Consider testing the toothpaste for a blemish in a less visible area first.


  • Toothpaste
  • Warm water
  • Facial cleanser
  • Soft towels
  • Mirror