Dating girls

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blind Dating 5 Girls Based On Their Outfits | Versus 1
Video: Blind Dating 5 Girls Based On Their Outfits | Versus 1


You've probably already figured out there isn't one way to date girls - after all, every girl is different. What impresses one girl will turn off the other, but that's the gamble you have to take if you want to get into the dating scene. Regardless of a girl's personal preferences, there are some universal rules that will help you pull off a second (and maybe even third) date. Read on to find out how to be successful on dates.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Put your best foot forward

  1. Radiate confidence. One of the most attractive qualities about a potential date is confidence. Girls will be interested in you if you seem like you have a lot of balls in the air: if you are involved in activities, if you have friends, if you speak up, if you have plans for the future, etc.
    • You can draw self-confidence from a lot of things. You don't have to be a world soccer player to attract a girl; just do something that you are good at. What activity enables you to excel?
    • There is a world of difference between confidence and arrogance. Confident people are admired by others for their talent, as well as their grace and humility. If you are confident you will not find it necessary to brag about it.
  2. Be authentic. Don't pretend to be someone you aren't - girls will see right through that. There's nothing wrong with reading about a particular band that a girl likes, so you can talk about it later; but don't pretend you can play guitar unless you're willing to let her be the same. Be real, and you won't have to lie.
  3. Present yourself well. Every girl has different preferences, or different "types". So don't worry too much about the latest trends and fashion. Dress according to the situation - no sleeveless shirts in a fancy restaurant, for example - and don't put on too much cologne. If you come to a party and look your best and feel confident, then you will behave like that too. Chances are, the girl whose attention you want to attract has long since forgotten she had any type at all.

Part 2 of 4: Getting to know her on a deeper level

  1. Do not dwell on her appearance and / or appearance for too long. Everyone likes to receive compliments, especially if they have really done their best to look good and dress nicely; but that shouldn't be the main topic of the conversation. Give the girl you're dating the chance to be more than that pretty dress and the high heels.
    • Do not make sexual comments about her appearance when you are on a date. Stick to tasteful comments about her clothes, hair, or smile.
  2. Be a sincere discussion partner. Avoid hackneyed opening lines because they don't sound genuine. When talking to a girl, say something that you really mean. When she says something, don't pretend you're listening - really listen! Try to give the conversation real character.
    • The conversation should of course be appropriate for the setting. If you're in a noisy bar, the girl probably won't feel like talking about life's questions. It should be possible to talk a little about the music, the people in the bar, or the feeling of the evening. This way you give her the feeling that you are enjoying the moment with her.
  3. Make her feel comfortable. If you've just met a girl and you want to ask her to go on a date with you, it's important that she can feel comfortable with you. Enjoy its quirks and unique features. Don't try to get your judgment ready in advance.
    • If you say something critical, even if you do it jokingly, it could be misunderstood — it could shut her off.
    • Ask lots of questions and respond with comments that show her that you are listening and that you care about what she has to say.
    • Joke to keep the mood light, but don't joke about her, her friends, her family, or anything she might find hurtful.

Part 3 of 4: Being a good date

  1. Being a good date
  2. Don't get too nervous. Don't focus too much on the structure of the date. Rather, try to genuinely enjoy yourself while getting to know someone you just met. Think about all the things you still have to learn about her, and all the things she has yet to learn about you. If you can enjoy her company right now, chances are she can enjoy your company too.
  3. Touch her. Whether you keep your hand on her back in line for the cinema, hold her hand during the movie, or go to your house after the date, physical touch will increase the intimacy between you and the girl. Just make sure that the touches are voluntary at all times.

Part 4 of 4: Being reliable

  1. Call her if you promised her. If you ended the first date with a promise to call her, call her in a few days.
    • If you look back on the date and realize you are no longer interested, be polite to let her know.
    • If you want to continue the relationship, don't be hard to get. Be consistent with your communication.
  2. Introduce her to your friends. After you've been on a few dates, you can get to know each other better by introducing her to your friends. If she and your friends can get along, it will be more attractive to take the relationship to the next level.
  3. Surprise her. While it's important to be consistent when dating, it certainly doesn't hurt to add some romantic surprises. The type of surprise will depend on her personality - maybe she likes it when you prepare a meal for her, when you send her flowers, or when you've booked a fun weekend. She will be impressed with your attention if you mix things up a bit every now and then.


  • Try not to be too picky about who you date. Give people the benefit of the doubt, just as you would like people to do to you.
  • If you're struggling to meet new people in those old, familiar places, try something new - join a club, volunteer, or start a mixed sport.
  • Online dating is also a great way to meet new people.